Exam 1 Vocab Flashcards
The process of taking in and retaining a substance-the way a dry sponge takes in water. Liquid vitamins added to marine flake act in this manner.
A lightweight form of plastic used in the manufacture of molded aquaria.
Activated carbon
Material used to remove chemical pollutants from aquarium water by drawing it into its structure. Can inactivate medications, so it is not recommended for treatment tanks
The process by which organic molecules are bonded to a medium, such as activated carbon.
Requiring oxygen.
The piece of equipment that breaks up the air drawn into the aquarium via the air pump, releasing it as a constant stream of small bubbles. Can become blocked by debris, affecting its efficiency, and will therefore need to be cleaned or even replaced regularly
Primitive organisms, which may be microscopic or large (E.G.kelp). They have plant characteristics, are almost exclusively aquatic, but do not flower.
Water conditions that exceed a reading of 7.0 on the pH scale.
(NH3) A gas that is the first byproduct of decaying organic material; common aquarium sources include fish’s waste and uneaten food. Highly toxic to fish and invertebrates
Not requiring oxygen.
Anal fin
A single fin positioned vertically below the fish, near the vent.
Asexual reproduction
Reproduction without the fertilization of eggs with sperm, as in corals that “bud off”, with new pieces forming a new colony.
A whiskerlike growth around the mouth, which helps detect food. Often seen in fish living in dark surroundings, in which it acts as a feeler.
Berlin system
A filtration technique using living rock and a powerful protein skimmer only.
Biological filtration
A means of filtration using bacteria, Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter, to change otherwise toxic ammonia into a safer substance such as nitrate
A mollusk or shell-dwelling animals with two respiratory valves.
Black worm
A type of livefood, known scientifically as Lumbriculus variegated
The process by which corals or anemones lose or expel their Zooxanthellae to shock or pollution. They turn a pale color or white.
Brackish water
Water that has about 10% seawater; found where freshwater rivers enter the sea
Brine shrimp
A saltwater crustacean, Artemia salina, who is dry stored eggs can be hatched to provide livefood for fish or invertebrates
A chemical that helps maintain the water at a relatively constant pH
Buffering action
The ability of a liquid to maintain its desired pH value
Byssus gland
A gland found in Bivalve mollusks. It produces sticky attachment threads, helping the animal stay in place and not be swept around by the current.
Formed of, or containing, Calcium carbonate, a substance that can help aquarium water maintain a high pH
And important element found in seawater, the metallic basis of lime.
Caudal fin
The fin at the rear of the fishes body, also called the tail or tail fin.
Caudal peduncle
The part of a fish joining the caudal fin to the body.
A group of predatory marine mollusks without shells, which often attain a large size. Includes octopuses, squid, cuttlefish, and nautiluses.
The bristlelike jointed appendage seen in some fish, such as hawkfish, present on the dorsal fin in this case. The plural is Cirri
Communal tank
And aquarium housing either a number of different, unrelated species of fish, or fish and invertebrates.
A crustacean belonging into the sub class Copepoda. Can be an important source of food for fish and even other invertebrates.
A metal used in copper sulfate form as the basis for Marine aquarium remedies. It is poisonous to fish in excess, and to invertebrates at trace levels.
Coral sand
Coral exoskeletons that have been crushed to the consistency of sand.
A fish that feeds exclusively on live corals. These fish, including various butterflyfish, are difficult to maintain in the aquarium as a result.
Counter-current skimmer
And efficient protein skimmer in which the water flows against a current of air, thereby giving a longer exposure time for collection of waste, or sterilization if Ozone is used.