Exam 3 - terms and ranchos levels Flashcards
expression and awareness of an aroused mind with limitless shades of intensity and content
alert (wakefulness)
patient responds immediately, fully, and appropriately to visual, auditory and tactile stim.
-state of drowsiness, inaction and indifference, responses to stim may be delayed or incomplete and increased stim may be required to evoke a response.
Clouding of consciousness
state of consciousness that is characterized by quiet behavior confusion, poor attention and delayed responses
state of even duller indifference that maintains wakefulness, but little more
state from which the subject can only be aroused by vigorous and continuous external stim
-state of unarousable, unresponsiveness in which the eyes remain continuously closed and there is no understandable response to the environment or intrinsic stim
minimally conscious state
condition of severely altered consciousness in which minimal but definite behavioral evidence of self or environmental awareness is demonstrated
vegetative state
-no signs of conscious behavior, and show spontaneous eye opening with evidence of sleep wake cycles. Demonstrates no purposeful or voluntary behavioral responses to visual, auditory, or tactical or noxious stim. No evidence of language comprehension or expression. intermittent wakefulness. bowel and bladder incontinence, variable preservation of CN and spinal reflexes.
Ranchos: Level 1
No response: - deep sleep, completely unresponsive
Ranchos: Level 2
Generalized response: inconsistently and non purposefully reacting to stim in a nonspecific manner
Ranchos: Level 3
Localized response: react specifically but inconsistently to stim. Responses are directly related to the type of stim presented.
-may follow simple commands in an inconsistent, played manner (ie. closing eyes, squeeze hands)
Ranchos: Level 4
confused-agitated: heightened state of activity with severely decreased ability to process info.
Ranchos: Level 5
confused-inappropriate: appears alert and is able to respond to simple commands failure consistently
Ranchos: Level 6
confused-appropriate: shows goal directed behavior, but is dependent on external input for direction. Response to discomfort is appropriate and is able to tolerate unpleasant stimulation