Exam 3 Study Flashcards
Group Communication
3 or more interdependent people working to achieve a common goal.
When the outcome of the project affects both the group and yourself
Group Development Stages: Forming
The forming stage is a brief stage where the first time the group comes together as a single functioning unit.
What do do in the forming stage
- Keeping it a good shallow conversation
- Discussing your name and background
Group Development Stages: Storming
Where the group fights for formal or informal roles based on self goals
What to do in the Storming Stage
- Go for a 2 for 1 deal
- Becoming more assertive
Group Development Stages: Norming Stage
Were we learn our norms and the rules of the group and start to operate as a group
Group Development Stages: Preforming Stage
Where the members of the group focus on the task
Group Development Stages: Adjourning
Closure of the task and to reorganization your relationship with your group mates
We all have a need to feel like to belong
High needs of Inclusion
People who have high needs of Inclusion will want to belong.
Low needs of Inclusion
People who have low needs of Inclusion don’t need to belong everywhere.
We all have a need to control power and submit power to others
We all have a need to be liked
High need of control
They are more determined to be a leader
Low need of control
They are more willing to submit power
High need for affection
High needs of affection will want to become more respected
Lower need for affection
Lower needs of affection will not care about the difference between if people like them or not
Emergent Leaders
Gradually achieve leadership role through there interaction of there groupmates
Strategies to become an Emergent Leaders
- Talk Early, Talk Often (Outgoing)
- Know more and Share it (Credibility)
- Offer your Opinion (Show Leadership and Debate)
Leadership Styles
The correlation of the Relationship with people and the tasks using the Blake Mouton Managerial Grid
Country Club Manager
High Concern for people, Low Concern for Task
Country Club Manager Descriptions
- Friendly
- Facilitating a Comfortable Work Environment
Country Club Manager Decisions
- Inefficient
Country Club Manager Communication
- Light and Superficial
Country Club Manager Locations
Mostly found in Non-Profit Organizations
Authority Obedience Managers
High Concern for Productivity, Low Concern for People
Authority Obedience Descriptions
- Strive to maintain an efficient productive environment
- Insensitive
- Cruel
- Demanding
Authority Obedience Decisions
- Very Task Focused
Authority Obedience Communication
- Very On task
Authority Obedience Locations
Most For-Profit Organizations
Team Leader
High Concern for People, High Concern for tasks
Team Leader Decriptions
They work hard at integrating your goals with the group goals
- Workaholics
Team Leaders Communication
There open to all types of communication and highly responsive in there listening, and use the communication to build and environment of trust.