Exam 3 Questions Flashcards
Dehydration is likely to cause what?
Blood pressure will decrease
If heart rate and stroke volume increase what happens to cardiac outputs
Which of the following statements regarding the vascular system of a resting normal healthy individual is true
The sympathetic nerve output is active
Activation of Baroceptors will have what overall effect?
Decrease heart rate
Inactivation of the baroceptors will cause what?
Constriction of precappillary sphincters
Increase heart rate
What signal activates the chemorecptors in the aortic arch and arteries of the neck
Low blood oxygen, high blood carbon dioxide, Low pH
What chemical can play a role in controlling blood pressure?
Noepinepherine, alcohol, atrial natruetic peptide
What is the MAIN regulator of long term blood pressure control
The kidneys
If blood volume increase and vascular resistance decreased what will likely happen to the blood pressure
Remain the same
What has an effect on blood pressure?
Laminar flow, blood viscosity, blood vessel length
What is vasomotor tone?
A steady state of sympathetic nerve activity
what is required to calculate the MAP
Diastolic pressure
If the concentration of Renin in the blood increases which of the following will happen
Blood vessels vasoconstrict
When measuring blood pressure what is the first tapping sound recorded as
Systolic blood pressure
What happens if cardiac oputput decreases and resistance stays the same?
There is a decreased pressure in the cardiac walls
What happens when cardiac output increases and resitances stays the same?
Blood pressure will increase
If cardiac output increases and resistance increased, what happens to blood pressure?
It increases
If the diameter of blood vessels increases and nothin else changes, what will happen to blood pressure
It will decrease
Resistance to blood flow is controlled by
Blood vessel diameter, age, and hematocrit
the indirect renal mechanism is activated by
low blood volume
Renin is released from the
Juxtaglomerular cells
What will lead to a release of ADH
low blood volume
What is the location of angiotesnin converting enzyme (ACE)?
The lungs
What is the main cause of orthostatic hypotension
What is the systolic pressure in stage 4, very severe hypertension
> 210 mm Hg
What is the main cause of vascular shock
The silent killer can cause what problem?
Stroke, renal failure and heart failure
What statment about the lymphatic system is true?
Lymph cappilaries are blind ended
What is a function of the lymphatic System
to filter intersistial fluid
What statment applies to the lymph vessels
have 3 tunics
supplied with blood from the vasa vasorum
have luminal valves
Which lymph vessel services the right side of the head
Right lymphatic duct
Is the statment true?
Lymph is returned to the venous circulation
What is found in the outer cortex of the lymph nodes
dividing B cells
What is found on the reticular fibers within the lypmh sinuses
What is the function of reticular connective tissue
to protect the body from infection
What are functions of the spleen
House machrophages
stores platelets
removal of aged and defective blood cells
What lymphoid organ shrinks with age
the thymus
what lymphoid organ does not contain any b cells
the thymus
the outer surface of what lymphoid organ has crypts to trap bacteria
what is the innate immune system
it is a non specific system of protection
What is considered the first line of defense
Mucus, saliva and stomach mucosa
monocytes give rise ti which cells
Which cells release cytolytic chemicals
Natural killer cells
What is the function of perforins?
Thye perforate the membrane of cells
What is the function of inflammatory response
to prevent the spread of damage
to rid the body of debris and pathogens
to enhance the repair of injured tissue
IN what inflammatory repsonse do prostaglandings and kinins play a role
What is leukocytosis
Chemical release fomr injured cells that act on red bone marrow
White blood cells can be stored in the …
red bone marrow, spleen, lymph nodes
Pneumonoccus is a type of bacteria that must be ______________ before ____________ can attack and destroy them
opsonized ; macrophages
What blood vessel experiences the steepest drop in blood pressure?
What are the functions of the Venous Valves
they prevent blood from flowing backwards in the veins
Which term refers to the lowest arterial blood pressure reached during the cardiac cycle
diastolic pressure
which hormone decreases blood pressure
atrial nautrietic peptide (ANP)
Where is blood flow the slowest
correct statement regarding the bulk flow across capillary walls
more fluid enters the intersistial fluid than returns to the blood
The endothelial lining of blood vessels
- simple squamous epithelium that is continuous with the endocardial lining of the heart
Tunica Interna
Smooth Muscle cells - Sheets of elastin (arteries)
- regulates circulatory dynamics
Tunica media