Exam #3 Qualitative Research Flashcards
What is content analysis?
data collection and analytical technique as a research design.
What is content analysis used for?
to measure the occurrence of some identifiable element in a complete text or set of messages.
What is manifest content?
provides a description of the characteristics of the content itself
What is latent content?
interpretations about the content that imply something about the communicators
What are characteristics of strong coding scheme?
identifying content and interpreting content
How do you develop content categories?
determine what the message is, how the message was said
What is interaction analysis?
codes communication into categories.
What are the strengths of content analysis?
Data close to the communicator. Unobtrusive. Applicable to a variety of text or message structures.
What are weaknesses of content analysis?
If message cannot be captured it cannot be coded. Coding scheme may not reveal nuances of messages. Selection process may not be representative.
What are the strengths of interaction analysis?
elements before and after a coded element are considered. Places emphasis on relative position. Several coding schemes have been developed and validated over time.
What are the weaknesses of interaction analysis?
Limited by validity and representatives of coding scheme. Ongoing streams of conversation are not neat and tidy- can be difficult to code. Time consuming.
Content analysis and interaction analysis are similar in that each?
is a quantitative method and is a method for analyzing content of interaction.
In content analysis, manifest content and latent content refer to:
the content itself and interpretations about the content that imply something about the communicators.
The quantitative aspect of content analysis is the?
the frequency counts for each coded element.
Content analysis is conducted on texts or messages that are?
captured in writing, captured on audiotape, captured on videotape.
In content analysis, it is common to see coding schemes with one category identified as “other.” This category indicates that?
coding scheme was not successfully developed; the coding scheme is not as developed as it could be.
In content coding, a unit of analysis may be?
words or phrases, complete thoughts or sentences, themes, and communication acts, behaviors or processes
Using interaction analysis, a researcher codes?
messages or texts into theoretically-based categories, ongoing conversation, verbal and/or nonverbal features or functions of conversation.
One of the primary strengths of interaction analysis is that?
elements preceding and subsequent to the element being coded are considered in placing conversational elements into categories.
What is qualitative research?
develop an in-depth understanding of communication phenomena,unearth the reasons, motivations, or underlying processes of communication phenomena,Deals with the “why” and the “how” of communication
Characteristics of qualitative research…
preserves the form and content of interaction, contextually bound, discourse is the data
In qualitative research, discourse is?
the set of naturally occurring messages used as data
Inductive analysis is what?
is the discovery and development of theory as they emerge from qualitative data.
The model for qualitative research demonstrates that?
the research process is not linear, cannot be planned in its entirety before entering the scene, research questions guide the investigation, interpretation and analysis can begin as soon as data are collected or shortly after.
Credibility is essential to qualitative research because?
multiple interpretations are likely in qualitative research and researchers using qualitative methods want to demonstrate the quality of their interpretations.
triangulation is used by qualitative researchers to?
enhance credibility of their findings.
In qualitative research, research questions…
provide the researcher with a focus, give the researcher considerable latitude, usually ask “how” or “what.”
In qualitative research, data…
have few restrictions. Anything that can be observed or captured could count as data
Threats to credibility in qualitative research exist when?
when data that fail to fit the explanation or interpretation are not addressed
What is member validation?
taking research findings back to individuals who provided data
In qualitative research, the researcher?
is the primary data collector
The researcher who does not engage interactants in any fashion is a?
complete observer.
Due to the nature of the researcher’s role in qualitative research, he or she needs to?
be able to fit in with events, people & interaction with which he or she is unfamiliar, develop trust & rapport with participants,develop additional questions or modify the initial research question based on the interaction that is observed.
Sampling observations during qualitative research should take into consideration?
what is considered routine,what is considered a special event,what is considered an untoward event or emergency,different time periods.
Maximum variation sampling is?
based on informational redundancy; a researcher seeks participants until the data received are the same as previously collected data