Exam 3: Minerals Flashcards
magnesium is the ____ most abundant mineral in the body
Magnesium found in the body
60% in skeleton
26% in muscle
14% in tissues and body fluids (with ATP)
Major junction of magnesium
Stabilize structure of ATP
- cofactors for >300 enzymes (kinases using ATP/ADP)
Magnesium in protein synthesis
- cofactors for synthesis of new proteins
- required for cellular replication
Low Mg causes
GI dysfunction (decreased replication of enterocytes)
Mg stabilizes ATP because otherwise negative phosphates would
Repel each other
Phosphorylate things
-require ATP/ ADP and Mg is a cofactor
Increased risk for migraine or chronic headaches is seen with
Low magnesium
Calcium causes muscle ______ and Magnesium causes muscle _____
Contraction; relaxation
Magnesium is a Ca channel _______
Used to stop pre-term labor
-not specific for uterine, slows down contraction of every single tissue of body
MgATP is required for secretion of ________ and maintains normal _____
Thyroxine (T4); BMR
Mg is required for _____ secretion to maintain calcium homeostasis
AA precursor for thyroxine
Calcium pumps moving Ca back to SR require
Good sources of Magnesium
- seeds
- nuts
- grains
- legumes
- dark green leafy veggies
Plant > animal
Moderate sources of Mg
tofu prepared by Mg precipitation
Mg RDA _______ with age
Most Americans get Mg in their diet from
White potatoes (French fries)
-provide 10% of all vitamins and minerals in the SAD
Mg Deficiency
Muscle weakness, tremor, tetany (not enough Mg for PTH release)
Tetany is preceded by _____ and ______ when deficient in Mg
Hypocalcemia and hyperkalemia
Moderate Mg depletion
Acute depletion of Mg
Renal disease, malabs, hyperthyroidism, pancreatitis, protein insufficiency, diabetics, PTH disorders
Alcoholics experiencing hypomagnesemia
Magnesium Insufficiency is seen in patients with
Migraines HTN Severe asthma Dysmenorrhea Leg cramps Diabetes Osteoporosis Heart disease
Mg depletion is associated with
Chronic inflammatory status
Who is at risk of Mg toxicity?
Patients with kidney disease
-kidney is main regulator of Mg levels
Mg toxicity symptoms
Diarrhea, nausea, flushing slurred speech, migraine
TUL for Mg is only for
- no risk of toxicity through dietary intake
Sodium is a major ______ in ECF
Sodium functions in
- fluid balance
- muscle action
- nutrient absorption
Na function in fluid balance
Maintains osmotic pressure with K+ and Cl-
Na function in muscle action
Na/K ATPase pump required for nerve transmission and muscle contraction