Exam 3- Knee/Ankle Patho Flashcards
what conditions do we need 2 of to be at risk of DVT
venous stasis
damage to venous wall
what is a DVT
partial or complete occlusion of a vein by a clot
what are situations that lead to a DVT
prior DVT
hx of cancer, CHF, or lupus
major infection, sx, or trauma
present chemo
oral contraceptive or hormone therapy
clotting disorder
> 60 yrs
where is DVT most common
LE deep veins
what is most preventable hospital related death
what is the most common cause of death/readmission after TKA/THA
what is the pathology of a DVT
greater exposure to platelets and clotting factors to damage venous walls
what can help prevent DVT
early and regular exercise
compression stocking
avoid SAD
eliminate persistent smoking and drinking
what are S&S of DVT
gradual onset of dull ache, tightness, and pain in the calf with RF
worse with walking and dependent positions
less relief with rest and elevation
what are the review components of DVT
increased calf girth
calf pain and tenderness
redness and warmth
what could a DVT lead to
pulmonary embolism
what is the referral for DVT
emergency >3
urgent <2
what is a pulmonary embolism
DVT that moves and lodges into a smaller arteries the lungs
what are S&S of pulmonary embolism
SOB, wheezing, rapid breath
sudden sharp stabbing chest pain
mechanical motion
what is the referral for pulmonary embolism
urgent <2/6
emergency >2/6
what is PAD
ischemia leading to symptoms in the most distal area from blocked a
what are RF/etiology of PAD
> 45 yrs of age
family hx of MI or sudden death before 55
metabolic syndrome
what is the pathology of PAD
narrowing of blood vessels limiting circulation
what are S&S of PAD
LE pain, calf, activity and elevated
unilateral or bilateral
relieved with rest and dependent position
what are the differences between DVT and PAD
DVT- pain with dependent, relief with elevation
PAD- pain with elevation, relief with dependent
what are the review components of PAD
loss of pulse
muscle atrophy and weakness- MMT
loss of hair- ob
cool and bluish skin- ob
bruit on auscultation
ankle brachial index
when is the ankle brachial index invalid
hx of HTN
how do you perform ankle brachial index
assess post tib and brachial systolic BP in all extremities
divide ankle/brachial
what does >.9 and >1.4 ABI mean
> .9= PAD
1.4= poorly compressed vv
how could you differentiate calf pain due to PAD and stenosis
bicycle test
what is the referral for PAD
what is osteochondritis dissecans
damage to subchondral bone
where is osteochondritis dissecans most common at
younger boys
medial femoral condyle and talus
what can cause osteochondritis dissecans
jt RT or shear trauma
what is the pathology of osteochondritis dissecans
ischemia then separation of subchondral from convex and WB bones