Exam 3 (Judith Butler) Flashcards
Definition of “Performativity?
How we see one another, repeating the norms. Not you choose of what we wear. (Ex - as a man, you can wear pink IF you have enough of the other citations that say to others that you are a certain gender)
How is performativity different than performing?
Performance, is when you are a radical fabrication of gendered self, performativity is not that.
What is Citationality? how is it connected to gender norms?
Put on a gender performance that references certain gender norms. (Ex - Im a man so Im going to wear a manly suit.) This is directly connected to the gender norms.(already understood in social context)
What is Iterability? How is it connected to gender norms?
happening over and over in multiple contexts
- need more than one citation to create intelligibility - can't do these once, its repetition - citations are never actually replicated, we dont look look the same but become ledigble - ppl can see and understand your gender
How does Butler problemize notions of individual agency?
Gendered norms, as an individual you don’t completely control how the world sees you.
What did butler mean when she said that the subject must first be recognized through discourse?
There is no authentic you, or “I”, Until you are recognized, there is not a you.
How does butler use the term Queer?
QUEER - Something away from the normative (Ex - Joeseph Hansen identified as queer)
Noun: Prejorative e.g., you are such a queer
Adjective: Reclaiming identity label, e.g., “I am queer man”
Verb: Various usages to point out and /or move away from normatively, e.g., “We are queering the text by highlighting the heteronormative assumptions.”