Exam #3 (Exile & Return) Flashcards
Daniel (1) (Principle Characters)
Stories and visions from Babylonian captivity about God’s sovereignty over his people, kings, and nations, lion’s den, favor, young…
Shadrach (Hannah) (2) (Principle Characters)
Daniel’s friend, remained faithful, God blesses them escaping a fiery death, ate vegetables
Meshach (Mishael) (3) (Principle Characters)
Daniel’s friend, remained faithful, God blesses them escaping a fiery death, ate vegetables
Abednego (Azariah) (4) (Principle Characters)
Daniel’s friend, remained faithful, God blesses them escaping a fiery death, ate vegetables
Ezekiel (5) (Principle Characters)
Judgment on Judah and the nations and the future restoration of God’s presence, “they will know that I am YHWH” SEVEN VISIONS- 1) God, 2) Abomination in the Temple 3) People Slain in Jerusalem 4) Temple and Cherubim, 5) 25 wicked rulers, 6) Valley of Dry Bones 7) Temple
Belshazzar (6) (Principle Characters)
Cyrus (7) (Principle Characters)
Releases the Jews, fulfillment of Jeremiah’s prophecy about the 70 years
Zerubbabel (8) (Principle Characters)
first return in 536 BC under Zerubbabel-> foundation of the temple laid, adversaries hinder the work, Haggai/Zechariah the glory of the temple, rebuilt the alter, offered burnt offerings, temple restoration begins, temple restoration resumes, observed the Passover
Esther (Mordecai) (9) (Principle Characters)
God’s providence over his people during the Babylonian captivity, GOD is never mentioned, Esther presents a God who is behind the everyday events of life. What we might call “coincidence”, this book sees as “God at work”
Ahasuerus/Xerxes (10) (Principle Characters)
Ezra (11) (Principle Characters)
First two returns from Babylonian captivity; restoration of Israel’s temple and community
Nehemiah (12) (Principle Characters)
the third return from Babylonian captivity; restoration of Jerusalem’s wall and covenant, rebuilds the walls, and revival and reforms
Babylonian Captivity (1) (Principle Places)
Not slavery, a stranger and alien, limited freedom or worship, subject to foreign rulers, open to foreign persecution, promises and foretastes of hope…for 70 years!
Ministry of Daniel, Ezekiel (2) (Principle Places)
Daniel- Stories and visions from Babylonian captivity about God’s sovereignty over his people, kings, and nations;
Ezekiel- Judgment on Judah and the nations and the future restoration of God’s presence
Return of Exiles w/ Zerubbabel (3) (Principle Places)
first return in 536 BC under Zerubbabel-> foundation of the temple laid, adversaries hinder the work, Haggai/Zechariah the glory of the temple, rebuilt the alter, offered burnt offerings, temple restoration begins, temple restoration resumes, observed the Passover
Ministry of Haggai and Zechariah (4) (Principle Places)
Rebuilding of the temple and the renewal of the people,
Haggai: call to Israel’s returned exiles to complete the rebuilding of the temple,
Zechariah: call to repentance among the returned exiles and the comfort of Messiah’s future restoration
Ministry of Obediah and Joel (5) (Principle Places)
Joel: call for Judah’s repentance following a locust plague and future judgment and blessing in the Day of the Lord
Deliverance through Esther (6) (Principle Places)
Becomes the new queen, Prays and fasts for the deliverance of her people, Haman is promoted and wants to kill and the Jews, Banquets, -> HAMAN;’S DEATH and Mordecai’s promotion
Rebuilding of Jerusalem under Nehemiah (7) (Principle Places)
the third return from Babylonian captivity; restoration of Jerusalem’s wall and covenant, rebuilds the walls, and revival and reforms
Ministry of Malachi (8) (Principle Places)
call to repentance in light of God’s covenant love for Israel
Fall of Babylon (1) (Principle Dates)
539 BC
Decree of Cyrus; First Return- Zerubbabel (2) (Principle Dates)
536 BC
Second Temple Completed (3) (Principle Dates)
516 BC
Second Return- Ezra (4) (Principle Dates)
458 BC
Third Return- Nehemiah (5) (Principle Dates)
445 BC
Close of OT History (6) (Principle Dates)
400 BC