ESSENTIALS for OT Survey (People) Flashcards
Adam and Eve (Early Period)
The first human beings God created
Abraham (Patriarchs)
The father of the Israelites; given a covenant by God, promising him a name and a family and that through him all nations would be blessed
Sarah (Patriarchs)
Wife of Abraham who had been barren but gave birth to Isaac when she was 90
Jacob (Patriarchs)
Son of Isaac, younger twin of Esau, and father of twelve sons from whom came the twelve tribes of Israel
Joseph (Patriarchs)
Jacob’s favorite son, sold into slavery by his brothers, from where he rose to a position of power in Egypt
Aaron (Slavery, Exodus, and Wilderness)
Brother of Moses and first high priest of Israel
Moses (Slavery, Exodus, and Wilderness)
God’s chosen leader to bring the Israelites out of Egypt to the border of the Promised Land; received the Ten Commandments from God on Mount Sinai
Joshua (Conquest and Judges)
Successor to Moses, commissioned by God to secure and apportion the land of Canaan to the Israelites
Deborah (Conquest and Judges)
Prophetess & judge who accompanied the army in the defeat of the Canaanites
Gideon (Conquest and Judges)
Judge of Israel who delivered Israel from the hands of the Midianites; known for lack of confidence that led him to use a fleece oracle to get God to affirm his plan
Ruth (Conquest and Judges)
Moabitess during the judges period, who through her faithfulness to Naomi eventually became the wife of Boaz and ancestor of David
Samuel (Conquest and Judges)
Hannah’s son, who became the last judge of Israel as well as the prophet and priest who anointed both Saul and David as king
Saul (United Monarchy)
First king of Israel’s monarchy, whose direct acts of disobedience led God to later reject his kingship
David (United Monarchy)
Israel’s greatest king, with whom God made a covenant to secure his throne and from whose lines Jesus eventually came
Solomon (United Monarchy)
Son and successor of David as king of Israel, known for his wisdom, wealth, and many wives
Ahab (Divided Monarchy)
Son of Omri, king of the Northern Kingdom; influenced to worship Baal by his
Phoenician wife, Jezebel; opposed by Elijah
Elijah (Divided Monarchy)
Prophet to Israel during the reigns of Ahab and Ahaziah, whose mission was to
demonstrate that Baal was impotent and Yahweh is king
Elisha (Divided Monarchy)
Elijah’s successor; prophet to Israel; advisor to kings; led Sons of the Prophets
Hezekiah (Divided Monarchy)
Son of Ahaz; one of the greatest kings of the Southern Kingdom
Josiah (Divided Monarchy)
Son of Amon; king of Judah known for extensive religious reforms
Daniel (Exile and Post-Exilic Period)
Israelite exile trained as a royal adviser, serving Babylonian and Persian kings in
Babylon; noted for his ability to interpret dreams
Zerubbabel (Exile and Post-Exilic Period)
Leader of a remnant of Israelites returning to Jerusalem from Exile in Babylon; helped rebuild the temple
Esther (Exile and Post-Exilic Period)
Jewish queen of Persia who with her uncle, Mordecai, protected her people from
Haman’s annihilation plot
Ezra (Exile and Post-Exilic Period)
Priest and scribe after the return from the exile who played a vital role in reestablishing the law among the Jews
Nehemiah (Exile and Post-Exilic Period)
Governor over the returned exiles who led in rebuilding Jerusalem’s walls
Sennacherib (704-681 BC) (Significant Foreign Kings)
Assyrian king who invaded Judah during Hezekiah’s reign
Nebuchadnezzar (605-562 BC) (Significant Foreign Kings)
King of Babylon who invaded Judah and destroyed
Jerusalem and the temple and took the people of Judah into exile
Belshazzar (550?-539) (Significant Foreign Kings)
Babylonian king who called for Daniel to interpret the cryptic
handwriting on the wall
Cyrus (559/539-530) (Significant Foreign Kings)
King of Persia who conquered Babylon twenty years later and
allowed the Jews to return to their land and rebuild the temple in Jerusalem
Ahasueras/Xerxes (486-464) (Significant Foreign Kings)
Son of Darius the Great and the Persian king in the book
of Esther; known for his wars with the Greeks