Exam#2 (United Kingdom) (TTBE) Flashcards
Principal Characters (United Kingdom- Order)
Samuel (Hannah), Saul, David, Goliath, Jonathan, Joab, Abner, Absolom, Bathsheba, Solomon
Principal Events (United Kingdom- Order)
Reign Of Saul, Reign Of David, Davidic Covenant, Reign Solomon, Construction of the Temple
Principal Place (United Kingdom
Construction Of First Temple (Date) (Principal Date)
966 BC
Samuel (Hannah) (Principal Characters)
Hannah dedicated Samuel at birth, a man chosen by God, a Hebrew, not to emphasize military power, not to take many wives- takes his heart away from God, not to seek great wealth, to possess his personal copy of the law, study it carefully and obey it, to be a humble man
Saul (Principal Characters)
first chosen king, many conquests disobedience, lack of spiritual sensitivity, lack of understanding the basic tenets of orthodox, Israelite theology, loss of the Spirit of the Lord
David (Principal Characters)
anointed by Saul, Saul’s madness cured by David’s music, kills Goliath, Saul turns against David
Goliath (Principal Characters)
uncircumsized Philistine
Jonathan (Principal Characters)
loves David and makes a covenant with him, turning over his symbols of royalty to the new king-elect (1 Samuel 18)
Joab (Principal Characters)
general of Joshua
Abner (Principal Characters)
killed by Joab (revenge for Joab’s brother Asahel)
Bathsheba (Principal Characters)
David’s sin with her led to the fall of Israel, murder of Uriah
Solomon (Principal Characters)
son of David, builds the temple, brought unprecedented peace, wealth and prosperity, glory and splendor to Israel,
Reign Of Saul (Principal Events)
established the united kingdom, conquered many kingdoms, unfaithful with the Law, and the annointting of the Spirit left him
Reign Of David (Principal Events)
spiritual sensibility, theological sophistication, and heart for Yahweh, impulsively driven by the need of the moment without reflecting on the consequences, but loyal to Yahweh and recognized he had committed sin and reaffirmed his commitment to walk in accordance with the Law
Davidic Covenant (Principal Events)
if a king was obedient to the Law as evidenced by monotheism, social justice, and perpetuation of the covenant…Then there was divine blessing evidenced by peace, security, prosperity and deliverance from foes. BUT if a king was disobedient to the Law as evidenced by idolatry, social justice, and rebellion to the covenant…Then there was divine retribution evidenced by oppression from surrounding powers, disaster, overthrow of royal dynasties, and ultimately exile into foreign lands.
Reign Solomon (Principal Events)
built the temple, house of forest of Lebanon, Judgement Hall, Porch of Pillars, Palace for Pharaoh’s daughter, Solomon’s own opulent palace -> political decline and religious and moral decay due to…seduction of foreign women, political alliance, religious syncretism, international trade brought political and religious ideology
Construction of the Temple (Principal Events)
dedication from Solomon: longest recorded prayer, Solomon built the temple, David made plans for it