Exam 3 Eating disorders Flashcards
Anorexia criteria? (4)
A) Refusal to maintain normal body weight
B) Intense fear of being fat
C) Disturbed by weight/shape, undue influence on self-eval, or denial of low body weight
D) Amenorrhea (3+ cycles)
Anorexia types? (2)
Bulimia criteria? (5)
A) Binge eating including both:
- Eating amount larger than most people
- Feel lack of control over what or how much eating
B) Inappropriate behavior to prevent weight gain:
- Vomiting
- Laxatives, diuretics, enemas
- Fasting
- Excessive exercise
C) Binge/Purge 2+ times/wk for 3 months
D) Self eval overly influenced by body
E) Not exclusively during episodes of anorexia
Bulimia types? (2)
Binge Eating Criteria? (5)
A) Binge eating including both:
- Eating amount larger than most people
- Feel lack of control over what or how much eating
B) Episodes a/w 3+: 1-Eat more rapidly 2-Eat until uncomfortably full 3-Eat large amounts when not hungry 4-Eat alone from embarrassment 5-Disgusted w/ self, depressed or guilty post binge
C) Distress over eating
D) Binging once/wk x 3 mo
E) NOT a/w inappropriate compensatory behaviors, and NOT exclusively during Bulimia or Anorexia
Rumination disorder is?
Avoidant/Restrictive Intake disorder is?
Regurge food -> reswallow or spit out
Refusing to eat but not a/w body image dis
Signs of eating disorder? (8)
Swollen parotid glands Scarred fingers Cold hands/feet Persistent cough/sore throat Enamel erosion/discolor Esophageal inflamm/damage Dry/brittle hair, nails, skin Lanugo on face/arms
Eating disorder tx?
Meds + psychtherapy
SSRI (Prozac, Lexapro) SNRI (Effexor, Pristiq) Atypical antipsych (Abilify, Risperdal, Seroquel) BZs (Xanax) ADHD meds Anticonvul (Topomax, Lamictal)
Hospitalize when?
Medically unstab;e
Refuse/unable to follow outpt tx
Needs/wants break from stressors
Outpt tx team should include at a minimum?
Clinical therapist
Registered dietitian