Exam 3 Chapters 10-13? Flashcards
The first intelligence test was developed in order to:
identify children who needed remedial education
The ratio IQ is calculated by the formula:
(Mental age/Physical age) x 100
A _________ approach to describing middle-level abilities starts with peoples’ responses on intelligence tests and then looks to see what kinds of independent clusters these responses form.
Robert Sternberg suggested that there are three kinds of intelligence, which include
analytical, creative, and practical intelligence
The heritability coefficient of intelligence is roughly:
50%, 50% of the intelligence’s differences are because of genes, 50% is environment
Know the difference between “absolute” and “relative” intelligence.
Relative Intelligence: your intelligence relative to your peers, ex. if you are in the top 10% of school, you’ll generally stay in top 10% of peers
Absolute Intelligence: this intelligence changes drastically over time, increasing through adolescents, and declining after middle age.
The Flynn Effect refers to the fact that:
average intelligence test scores have been increasing .3% every year.
Know, generally, how people of different ethnicities compare in terms of IQ scores.
Whites outscore Latinos, and Latinos outscore Blacks
The biggest reason why African Americans have lower intelligence scores than European Americans is probably that:
environment has the biggest influence; poorer diets, poorer medical care, attend worse schools, higher chance of living in single parent home, etc.
About what percentage of zygotes do not complete the journey down the fallopian tube?
Two-year-old Peter has short eye openings, a flat midface, an indistinct ridge under his nose, and a thin upper lip. An alert pediatrician is likely to diagnose:
Fetal Alcohol syndrome
Know the difference between accommodation and assimilation according to Piaget. Also know what is meant by the term Conservation according to Piaget
–assimilation,which occurs when infants apply their schemas in novel situations
–accommodation, which occurs when infants revise their schemas in light of new information.
–conservation, which is the notion that the quantitative properties of an object are invariant despite changes in the object’s appearance.
The strange situation test measures a child’s:
attachment style
A large study of North American children who spent time in day care found that the quality of attachment between children and their mothers was influenced most strongly by:
The mother’s sensitivity and responsiveness to the child.
The term temperament is defined in the text as:
characteristic patterns of emotional reactivity
According to Erik Erikson’s stages of human development, the major task confronting 15-year-old Tony is to develop:
a sense of self in relation to other people and to his inner thoughts.
People’s overall happiness generally ________ with age.
The technique most widely used by psychologists to collect information about someone’s personality structure is:
Know some of the strengths and weaknesses of the Rorschach Inkblot Test?
a projective personality test in which individual interpretations of the meaning of a set of unstructured inkblots are analyzed to identify a respondent’s inner feelings and interpret his or her personality structure
Cattell (1950) proposed a theory of personality consisting of ________ factors.
Know the big-5 personality factors.
Sigmund Freud held that the ego operates on ________, the regulating mechanism that enables the individual to delay the gratification of immediate needs and operate effectively in the world.
reality principle
Teresa really liked and admired her sister Valerie. Valerie was a very good volleyball player, and Teresa felt that she herself was not very good at volleyball. However, when Teresa played volleyball, she started to act and talk like Valerie. Which defense mechanism did Teresa use when she played volleyball?
The human motive toward meeting our inner potential is termed:
self-actualizing tendency
Social cognitive psychologists disagree on the question of whether our behavior is caused more by our personalities or by situations we encounter, a quandary known as the:
person-situation controversy
According to the social cognitive approach, dimensions people use in making sense of their experiences are called:
personal constructs
Know what is meant by the term social influence?
The ability to control another person’s behavior.
In the prisoner’s dilemma, what strategy results in the largest penalty?
If both confess they each get 10 years. If only one confesses he gets 30 years while the other gets 0
Know the difference between passionate love and companionate love
passionate love, which is an experience involving feelings of euphoria, intimacy, and intense sexual
What is the reason why most American females marry:
The ability to control another person’s behavior is termed:
Social influence
People are more likely to leave bigger tips if the waitress gives customers a piece of candy with their bill due to:
norm of reciprocity
What did the experimenter in the Milgram obedience studies do to get the participants to continue shocking the learner?
Used their status to convince the person that the researchers would take all responsibility for the actions caused by the shockers
Print ads for cars are more likely to present a lot of facts than are print ads for clothing. Thus, the car manufacturers are relying on ________ persuasion.
When a vacuum cleaner salesman persuades you to let him vacuum your living room for free, he is likely to increase his chances that he will make a sale. The salesman is using:
Foot-in-the-door technique
Who is known for contributions to Stanford-Binet:
Lewis Truman
Know the difference between crystallized and fluid intelligence
Crystallized - doesn’t change as much
Fluid - abstract/logical reasoning
Know the difference between a prodigy and a savant
Prodigy - higher intelligence, great skill
Savant - below average intelligence, great skill
Know the heritability coefficient of intelligence -
0.5 (50%)
What age do kids start walking -
12 mo (seems late to me anecdotally, but that’s what Ross said in class)
Pencils in M&M’s box -
3yo said they knew pencils were in there, 5yo said they thought it would be M&M’s
Teens at risk for being pregnant -
dunno the other answers, but the correct one is Marci
The longest living people are
The most productive point between anxiety and boredom is known as:
The best predictor of aggression is
gender (men)
Most aggressive would be the young man with:
unusually high self esteem
Know what deindividuation is:
- losing individual identity, take on identity of group
In that experiment (the would you go to bed with me one) -
all women said no
Roommate won’t lend you $50 but will lend you $10 -
Door in the face
Nuns in a snowball fight - they’re not typical -