Exam 2 chapters 5-9 Flashcards
Know what two dimensions of mind are:
conscoius and unconscious
The four basic properties of consciousness are:
intentionality, unity, selectivity, trasience
The rebound effect of thought suppression is:
tendency of a though to return to consciousness with greater frequency following suppression, white polar bear
In 1957, James Vicary claimed that he flashed the phrases “Eat Popcorn” and “Drink Coke” briefly on-screen during movies. What were the results of this study?
Not true, form of priming, subliminal persuasion
Know what a night terror is.
Pre-teen boys, inexplicable terror
Know the difference between the manifest and latent content of dreams are.
Manifest=what actually happens, latent=how you interpret
Know what psychological dependence is
=strong desire to return to drug even when phsycial withdramwal is gone they still want
Know how Amphetamines affect the levels of dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain.
Increase levels of dop. And norepinephrine.
Know how hypnosis affects patients perception of pain.
Reduce perception of pain if person is receptive
Know/recognize which types of people are most susceptible to hypnosis.
If you think you might be succeptible you might well be
Which type of judgment has research shown to result in better memory for words?
Brittany is daydreaming in class when her instructor asks her a question. Brittany finds herself replaying in her “mind’s ear” the instructor’s last words, taking advantage of a process called:
echoic memory
The brain structure that is believed to act as an index linking information together is the:
Emily said that she vividly remembers the day she turned 21. This is an example of a(n):
Know what the term perceptual priming means:
reflects implicit memory for sensory features, more able to think of a stimulus as result of recent exposure to stimulus
Know the “seven sins” associated with memory:
Transience, absentmindedness, blocking, memory misattribution, suggestibility, bias, persistence
The tendency to reconstruct the past according to what is believed or known today is called?
Change bias
A reflexive reaction that is reliably elicited by an unconditioned stimulus is called a(n):
unconditioned response
Accustomed to the sound of the old can opener, your cat still rushes to her food dish even when she hears the sound of the new can opener for the first time. Your cat is definitely smart; more than that, she is exhibiting:
The radio DJ says “Sometime this hour, I’ll be giving away a pair of tickets to the Jonas Brothers concert to one lucky caller.” This is an example of what kind schedule?
Variable intereval schedule
Which reinforcement schedule has the highest rate of response?
Fixed ratio schedule
Know what latent learning is:
something is learned but is not manifest until sometime in future
The neurons in the pleasure centers of the brain, especially those in the nucleus accumbens, secrete _____, a neurotransmitter usually associated with positive emotions.
When the Brelands tried to teach pigs and raccoons to drop a coin in a box, the animals did what?
each species including humans is biologically disposed to learn something more reasiliy than other ans to respond to stimuli in way that are consistent with its evolutionary history
Learning to drive a car is an example of _______ that becomes _______ over time.
explicit_, implicit_
Know the difference between a morpheme and phoneme:
phonemes are shorter
By the age of 5 years, the average child has a vocabulary of about ________ words.
Know what fast mapping is:
children can map a word onto an underlying structure after only one exposure, learn fast!
According to Chomsky and others, the behaviorist theory of language cannot account for which aspect of language development?
Biological preparedness
Damage to Wernicke’s area results in:
Know what the family resemble theory of categorization is – also know what the prototype theory of categorization is.
Members of a category have characteristics possesed by most but not all, people make category judgements based on category prototype
Know what the representative heuristic is – as well as the sunk cost fallacy.
Probability judgement by comparing an object or event to a prototype of the object, don’t give up something you’re invested in
When presented with a problem, the first step in means-ends analysis is to:
analyze the goal state
When we solve a problem by finding a similar problem with a known solution (and then apply it), we are engaged in:
analogical problem solving