Exam 3 - Chapter 9 - 13 Flashcards
A preconceived negative judgment of a group and its individual members.
A belief about the personal attributes of a group of people. Stereotypes are sometimes overgeneralized, inaccurate, and resistant to new information (and sometimes accurate).
(1) An individual’s prejudicial attitudes and discriminatory behavior toward people of a given race
(2) institutional practices (even if not motivated by prejudice) that subordinate people of a given race.
(1) An individual’s prejudicial attitudes and discriminatory behavior toward people of a given sex
(2) institutional practices (even if not motivated by prejudice) that subordinate people of a given sex.
Unjustified negative behavior toward a group or its members.
ABCs of attitudes:
- A - Affect (feelings)
- B - Behavior tendency (inclination to act)
- C - Cognition (beliefs)
Problem with stereotypes come when
overgeneralized or plain wrong
Difference between prejudice and discrimination
Prejudice is a negative attitude
discrimination is negative behavior
Racism and sexism are
institutional practices that discriminate even when no prejudicial intent
Prejudiced attitudes don’t have to breed
hostile acts
Prejudice illustrates
our dual attitude system
Implicit biases modestly predict behaviors
from the act of friendlessness to work evaluations
Prejudiced and stereotypic evaluations can occur
outside of one’s awareness
Molecular biologists see skin color as
trivial human characteristic controlled by minuscule genetic difference
Is Racial Prejudice Disappearing?
Explicit prejudicial attitudes can
change quickly
Progress toward racial equality in blacks and whites
- Blacks - Compare world to fair world = no progress
- Whites - Compare world to past world = progress
Since 1975, Canadian opposition to immigration has fluctuated with the country’s unemployment rate. This opposition exemplifies
realistic group conflict theory
What is infrahumanization?
the process of attributing non-human qualities to outgroups
Carl is always yelling at his children. When his wife asks him about this behavior, he tells her the most important thing children can learn is respect for authority. He loves their kids and wants them to learn this lesson early. How can we best characterize Carl’s personality?
Indeed, people high in ______ often avoid jobs such as social work, that, by virtue of their aid to disadvantaged groups, undermine hierarchies.
Beliefs are to _______ as attitudes are to ______
Beliefs are to stereotypes as attitudes are to prejudices
Subtle prejudice is also called
“modern racism” or “cultural racism”
Prejudiced attitudes and discriminatory behavior surface when
people can hide behind the screen of others motives
Unconscious associations may only indicate cultural assumptions
perhaps without prejudice
Those who display implicit prejudice on the IAT
more likely to favor treatment of whites
Implicit prejudice and behavior
can leak into behavior
Joshua and Anthony Greenwald on implicit attitudes and behaviors
More people shoot black people mistakenly more than whites
When primed with a black rather than white face people think
When people are fatigued or feel threatened
more likely to mistakenly shoot a minority person
- Amygdala facilities automatic responding
Findings on stereotype studies
- Strong gender stereotypes exist
- Members of the stereotypes group accept stereotypes
Stereotypes vs. prejudices
Stereotypes are not prejudices
- Stereotypes may support prejudice
Attitudes toward women changed
rapidly as racial attitudes
Women vs. other groups on behavior.
- People don’t respond to women with gut-level negative emotions as they do minorities
- People like women more than men
- Women are more understanding, kind, and helpful
Downsides of being men
- More likely to commit suicide
- More likely to be murdered
- Majority of battlefield and death row casualties
- Die 5 years sooner
- More intellectual disability
The upside of being men
Women saw greater value In men work
Gender discrimination less subtle in
non-western world
People prefer having babies of which gender
More orphanages have girl children
Female shortage in children contribute to
- Increase
- violence
- Crime
- Prostitution
- Trafficking of women
Parents gender type of children
- Want boys to be smart
- Want girls to be beautiful and spend
Heterosexual men who value masculinity
express most prejudice against transgender individuals
In the west gay people face
- Job discrimination
- Gay marriage support is mixed but increasing
- Harassment
- Rejection
What predicts LGBT health
- State policies
- Community attitudes
- Gay stigma
Social dominance orientation
A motivation to have one’s group dominate other social groups.
Believing in the superiority of one’s own ethnic and cultural group, and having a corresponding disdain for all other groups.
Authoritarian personality
A personality that is disposed to favor obedience to authority and intolerance of outgroups and those lower in status.
Unequal status breeds
Powerful men who stereotyped female subordinate gave
praise but fewer resources
- which undermined performance and allowed men to maintain their power
Peter Glick and Susan Fiske ways we see others
- Competent
- Likable
Those high in social dominance orientation
the people in terms of hierarchies and support policies that maintain hierarchies
Prejudice springs from
equal status and acquired values and attitudes
Tendencies of ethnocentric people
- Intolerance for weakness
- Punitive attitude
- Submissive respect for their group’s authorities
If a person is sexist it is safe to assume they may also be
Authoritarian people as children
faced harsh discipline
The insecurity of authoritarian individuals predisposes them to
excessive concern with
- Power
- Status
- Inflexible right-wrong way of thinking
In most countries, leaders invoke religion to
justify present order
Use of religion to support injustice explained
- White church members have expressed more racial prejudice than nonmembers
- Those professing fundamentalist beliefs have expressed more prejudice than non-professing progressive police
Correlation between religion and prejudice
- May no causal connection
- Prejudice causes religion
- Religion causes prejudice
The argument for why religion doesn’t cause prejudice
- Faithful attenders are less prejudiced
- Intrinsically religious are less prejudiced
- Clergy are less prejudiced
Once established prejudice is maintained by
inertia - tendency to do nothing
Those who conformed most to other social norms
were most prejudiced
Hate speech can be
socially toxic
- frequent hate speech leads to desensitization
Presidents have the power to
influence norms
If prejudice isn’t deeply ingrained in the personality then
then change and new norms evolve and prejudice can diminish
Social institutions can bolster prejudice by
- overt policies
- passively reinforcing the status quo
Institutional support for prejudice is often
unintended and unnoticed
Frustration feeds
- when the cause of frustration is unknown we redirect hostility
Displaced aggression contributed to
lynching of black in south after civil war
When living standards high
societies more open to diversity
What fuels prejudice
- Passion
- Competition - group conflict theory
Group conflict theory
The theory that prejudice arises from competition between groups for scarce resources.
Social identity
The “we” aspect of our self-concept; the part of our answer to “Who am I?” that comes from our group memberships.
In-group Bias
The tendency to favor one’s own group.
Self-concept made up of
personal identity and social identity
Tajfel and Turner soil identify theory
- We put people into categories
- We associate ourselves with certain groups - build self-esteem
- We contrast our groups with other groups
When one’s personal and social identity become fused
more willing to fight or die for their group
The simple experience of being formed into groups promote
in group bias
Pros of in-group bias
- Improves a positive self-concept
- Feeds favoritism
More prominent to in-group bias when the group is
small and differs in status relative to out-group
Out-group stereotypes prosper when
people feel their in-group identity most keenly
In-group Bias and discrimination result less from
outgroup hostility than from in-group favoritism
To perceive ourselves as having status
need people below us
If the status is secure
we have less need to feel superior and express less prejudice
Thinking about death can
- Provoke insecurity to intensify in-group favoritism and outgroup prejudice
- Heighten communal feeling
- Affect support for important public policies
The connection between self-image and prejudice
- Affirm people and they will evaluate an outgroup more positively
- Threaten self-esteem and they will restore it by denigrating an out-group
When the need to belong is met
people more accepting of out-group
Motivation to lead people to
be prejudice and avoid prejudice
People low and high in prejudice
have similar automatic prejudicial responses
- unwanted thoughts and feelings often persist
Motivation to avoid prejudice can
lead people to modify thoughts and actions
Out-group homogeneity effect
Perception of outgroup members as more similar to one another than are ingroup members. Thus “they are alike; we are diverse.”
The way we simplify our environment
to categorize its
Judging people in outer and inner groups
judge people in outer groups quickly take longer to form impression for those in inner groups
Own-age bias
the tendency for both children and adults to more accurately identify faces from their own age group
We often rely on stereotypes when
- Pressed for time
- Preoccupied
- Tired
- Emotionally aroused
Two powerful ways of categorizing people
ethnicity and sex
Categorizing someone by race
not prejudice but a foundation for prejudice
When we assign people to groups we are likely to
exaggerate similarities within the groups and differences between two groups
Greater familiarity with a social group
more we see its diversity
When looking at a face from another racial group
attend to group (black) rather than individuals features first
When someone in a group is made conspicuous
we see that person is causing whatever happens
Distinctiveness can feed
Fundamental attribution error
we attribute others behavior so much to their inner dispositions that we discount important situational forces
Group-serving bias
Explaining away outgroup members’ positive behaviors; also attributing negative behaviors to their dispositions (while excusing such behavior by one’s own group).
Just-world Phenomenon
The tendency of people to believe that the world is just and that people, therefore, get what they deserve and deserve what they get.
Accommodating individuals who deviate from one’s stereotype by thinking of them as “exceptions to the rule.”
Stereotype threat
A disruptive concern, when facing a negative stereotype, that one will be evaluated based on a negative stereotype. Unlike self-fulfilling prophecies that hammer one’s reputation into one’s self-concept, stereotype threat situations have immediate effects.
Given a limited experience with a particular social group
we recall examples of it and generalize from those
Cons of generalizing from a single experience about the whole group
Seldom represents larger group
Those more distinctive may
overestimated by majority
Vivid cases distort
judgments and create stereotypes
Stereotypes assume a correlation between
group members and individuals presumed characteristics
Features that most distinguish a minority from a majority
are those that become associated with minority
Fundamental attribution error and in and outer groups
- Outer group =
- Negative behavior - it’s a person not situation
- Positive behavior - often dismissed
- In-group =
- Negative behavior - it’s the situation
- In-group =
Disadvantage groups and groups that stress modesty
exhibit less group serving bias
Blaming occurs when people
attribute an outgroup’s failure to its members’ flawed disposition
Merely observing another innocent person being victimized is
enough to make the victim seem less worthy
- stems from the need to believe we like in just world
Just-world phenomenon colors
our impression of rape victims
Those who assume a just world believe
- Rape victims must have behaved seductively
- Battered spouses must have provided their beatings
- Poor people don’t deserve better
- Sick people are responsible for their illnesses
- Teens who are bullied online deserve it
- Successful people deserve what they have
Just-world assumption leads to
- Discounting uncontrollable factors that can derail good effort of talented people
- Justify their culture’s familiar social systems
Prejudgments guide
our attention and memories
After we judge an item as belonging to a category
our memory for it later shifts toward the features we associate with that category
Prejudgments are
When information doesn’t fit a stereotype
- We often say it was special to the situation
- If strikingly inconsistent - we notice but less impact
High-prejudice people tend to subtype
positive outgroup members
Low-prejudice people tend to
subtype negative outgroup members
Different way to accommodate inconsistent information is
form new stereotypes for those who don’t fit
If victimization takes a toll
people can use the results to justify discrimination
Prejudice effects who
its targets
Stereotype threat
A disruptive concern, when facing a negative stereotype, that one will be evaluated based on a negative stereotype. Unlike self-fulfilling prophecies that hammer one’s reputation into one’s self-concept, stereotype threat situations have immediate effects.
Being sensitive to prejudice
makes us self-conscious when living as numerical minors
Stereotype threat can hamper
the persons performance
Students who are allowed to think they have benefited from gender or race-based preferences on getting to college
tend to under perform those who are led to feel content
What helps combat stereotype threat
values affirmation
- getting people to affirm who they are
How does stereotype treatment undermine performance?
- Builds stress
- Self-monitoring
- Suppressing unwanted thoughts and emotions
Negative and positive stereotypes and performance
negative stereotypes disrupt performance
positive stereotypes facilitate performance
Do Stereotypes Bias Judgments of Individuals?
stereotypes mostly reflect
People often evaluate individuals more
positively than the individual groups
When do most believe stereotypes and ignore them
people often believe stereotypes yet ignore them when giving personalize anecdotal information
Wrong stereotypes color
our judgment of individuals
Stereotypes can bias our
interpretations and memories of people
When stereotypes are strong and information about someone ambiguous
stereotypes can subtly bias our judgement of individuals
We evaluate people more extremely when
behavior violates our stereotype
Physical or verbal behavior intended to hurt someone. In laboratory experiments, this might mean delivering electric shocks or saying something likely to hurt another’s feelings.
Physical Aggression
Hurting someone else’s body.
Social Aggression
Hurting someone else’s feelings or threatening their relationships. Sometimes called relational aggression, it includes cyberbullying and some forms of in-person bullying.
Hostile Aggression
Aggression that springs from anger; its goal is to injure.
An innate, unlearned behavior pattern is exhibited by all members of a species.
Instrumental Aggression
Aggression that aims to injure, but only as a means to some other end.
“Selfish gene” theory
evolutionary psychologist theory of the relationship between genetic relatedness and aggression. This explains why men are more likely to harm stepchildren than genetic children
Frustration-aggression theory
The theory is that frustration triggers a readiness to aggress.
The blocking of goal-directed behavior.
The redirection of aggression to a target other than the source of the frustration. Generally, the new target is a safer or more socially acceptable target.
Relative deprivation
The perception that one is less well off than others with whom one compares oneself.
Social Learning Theory
The theory is that we learn social behavior by observing and imitating and by being rewarded and punished.
Rape myth
some women would welcome sexual assault and that “no doesn’t mean no”
Prosocial behavior
Positive, constructive, helpful social behavior; the opposite of antisocial behavior.
Social Scripts
Culturally provided mental instructions for how to act in various situations.
Hydraulic model
implies accumulated aggressive energy needs a release. Emotional and physical
Scapegoat theory
If we are prevented from reaching a goal, oftentimes we become hostile, and if we cannot pinpoint the source, we often display displaced aggression.
Two categories of Aggression
- Physical aggression
- Social aggression
Dan Owlets and Kyrre Breivik consequences of bullying
“the opposite of well-being”
What isn’t included in social psychology definition of aggression
micro aggressions
What is mostly instrumental aggression
- Terrorism
- War
What is mostly hostile aggression
Sigmund Freud on aggression formation
from a self-destructive impulse redirected towards others
Konrad Lorenz on aggression formation
adaptive rather than self-destructive
Critiques of the idea that aggression is instinctive
- Fails to account for variations in aggression
- Not all human behaviors are instinctive
The reasoning for the idea that aggression is instinctive
aggression sometimes rooted in basic evolutionary impulses
- especially in men
Male related aggression occurs when
males competing with other males
When social status is challenged - especially in face-to-to confrontations
Brain biology of more aggressive people
- Smaller amygdala’s
- Prefrontal cortex less active in murderers and antisocial men
People with mental illnesses more likely to be
victims of violence than perpetrators
Heredity influences
the neural system’s sensitivity to aggressive cues
Gene linked to aggression
MAOA-L “warrior gene”
- nature and nurture still interact
Alcohol unlocks aggression when
people are provoked
- by reducing people’s self-awareness
Human aggressiveness and testosterone
correlates with each other
To lower aggression eat a diet high in
- Omega-3 fatty acid
- Low in trans fat
- Without sweetened drinks
Relationship between biology and behavior
Fans of ____ team commit more postgame assaults
winning rather than losing
What influences predispose people to react aggressively to conflict and provocation
- Neural
- Genetic
- Biochemical
Frustration grows once
- Motivation to achieve very strong
- We expected gratification
- The blocking is complete
Cyberbullying often rooted in
When others might disapprove or punish we
redirect hostilities to say for target
-Explains why someone already angry will lash out more readily later
Who especially vulnerable to displaced anger
our group target
Results of lab test of frustration-aggression theory
Sometimes frustration increased aggressiveness
- sometimes lead to irritation
A revised version of Frustration-aggression theory
frustration produces aggression only when people become upset
Frustrated people are likely to lash out when
aggression cues pull the cork releasing bottled up anger
Frustration arises from the gap between
expectations and attainments
Relative deprivation explains
why happiness is lower and crime rates higher in countries with more income inequality
One source of frustration today
affluence depicted in TV
Rewards of aggression
- Can feel satisfying
- Instrument in achieving certain rewards
Albert Bandura aggression formation
social learning theory
- watching people’s behavior and learning from their consequences
Observing aggressive behavior
lowered inhibitions and taught ways to agrees
institutions that decreased US aggressive acts
- Economic trade
- Education
- Government policing and justice
The US has seen declines in aggression and violent acts such as
- Lynchings
- rape
- corporal punishment
- anti-gay attitudes and intimidations
People sensitive to disgust
less aggressive
Aggressive behavior spreads in social groups through
Physically aggressive children tend to have had
physically punitive parents
In communities were “macho” images admired
aggression readily transmitted to new generations
Men from where more likely to bagel aggressively
- Non-democratic areas
- High in income inequality
- Focus on teaching meant to be warriors
- Gone to war
American cities populated by southerners have higher
average White homicide rates
People learn aggressive responses by
experience and observing aggression models
Pain heightens
Temporary climate variations can affect
Offensive odor’s linked with
aggressive behavior
Heat and aggression
heat may frustrate people but not lead to aggressive tendencies directly
Intentional attacks breed
retaliatory attacks
- Being intact or insulted breeds aggression
A state of arousal can be interpreted in
different ways depending on the contacts
What intensifies any emotion
being physically stirred up
- arousal fuels emotions
Arousal can amplify
another form of arousal
Violence is more likely when
aggressive cues release pent up anger
- The sight of weapon is a qua
Risk of guns at home
a gun in the house is 12 times more likely to kill household member than an intruder
Gun serves as
- aggressive cues
- psychological distance between aggressor and victim
Viewing fictional scenes of men overpowering and arousing women can
- Distort men’s perceptions of how women actually respond to sexual coercion
- Increase men’s aggression against women
Those who view sexual violence
more likely to believe the rape myth
- expose to porn
Exposure to erotic films
- Decrease attraction to one’s partner
- Increase acceptance of extramarital sex
- Increase men’s perceiving women in sexual terms
- Increase physical force, verbal coercion ,and harassment
Who reports using porn at unusually high rates
- Rapists
- Serial killers
- Child molesters
Exposure to violent porn increases
punitive behavior towards women
average US house TV usage
7 hours a day
Heavy viewing of aggressive TV
more aggressive
Those who watch more violence in childhood
more likely to have been convicted of a crime
8-year-olds violence viewing predicted
spouse abuse as adult
Adolescent’s violence viewing predicted
engaging in assault and robbery
Elementary school children’s violent media exposure predicted
how often do they get into fights 2 - 6 months later
Media viewing Experiments confirm
viewing violence amplifies aggression
Viewing violence increase violence for those
- with aggressive tendencies
- when an attractive person commits justified realistic violence that goes unpunished
Why does media viewing affect behavior
- Arousal it produces
- Disinhibits
- Evokes imitation
Media violence exposure decreased feeling of
empathy for other
We rely on social scripts when
we are new situations and don’t know how to act
The more sexual content adolescents view
more likely they are
- to perceive peers as sexually active
- Develop sexually permissive attitudes
- Experience early intercourse
Those who watch much TV see the world as
scary place
Watching violent TV primes
aggression-related ideas
Who plays violent video games
Older and younger children