exam 3 ch 26 Flashcards
aging is involuntarily inherited process that operates over time to alter cellular or tissue structures; suggests life span and longevity changes are predetermined
Genetic Theory of Aging
body wears out on a scheduled basis. Free radical accumulate and cause damage to important biological structures
Wear and Tear Theory of Aging
factors in the environment bring about changes in the aging process. The impact of the environment is a sECONDARY rather than a primary factor in aging
environmental theory of aging
age related decline in the immune system and increase in autoimmune diseases (RA and allergies)
Immunity theory
aging occurs bc of a slowing of secretion of certain hormones that have an impact on reactions regulated by the nervous system
neuroendocrine theory of aging
well balanced and maintain close personal relationships, accept both the strenghts and weakness of age
mature men
passive-dependent individuals who are content to lean on others for support, to disengage and to let most of life’s activities pass them by
rocking chair personality
well-integrated defense mechanisms, rigid and stable, they present a strong silent front and often rely on an activity as an expression of their continuing independence
armored men
healthy, adjusted psychosocial approaches to aging
mature men, rocking chair, armored men
bitter about life, themselves, and other people. aggressiveness is common as is suspicion of others. With little tolerance for ambiguity or frustration, they have always shown some instability in work and their personal lives, and now feel extremely threatened by old age.
Angry men
similar to angry men, except that most of their animosity is turned inward on themselves. Seeing themselves as dismal figures, being old only depresses them all the more
self haters
psychosocial approaches that are not successful at aging
angry men and self haters
increases ages 21-60, with biggst increase in 20’s
increases most in 30’s
declines with age for women but does not decline in men
neuroticism, extroversion
primary task of aging is to be able to see one’s life as having been lived with integrity
developmental task theory-erikson
process of wd by older adults from societal roles and responsibilities. wd process is predictable, systemic inevitable, and necessary for proper functioning of a growing society; older adults are happy to let younger generation take over
disengagement theory
direct opposition to disengagement theory; the way to age successfully is to stay active
activity theory
a followup of disengagement and activity theories; emphasizes the individual’s previously established coping abilities and personal character traits as a basis for predicting how the person will adjust to the changes of aging
continuity theory aka development theory
typical nursing home resident
widowed white 80 yo female with multiple health problems
which therapy is esp helpful in elderly patients
Reminiscence therapy