Exam 3 Flashcards
refers to inequalities between groups
socially constructed
intended or unintended
upper class = more opp. and resources
Stratification con.- Not characteristic
is based on position, not characteristic or individualized
traits of society rub off based on status
born into- ascribed status
persists through generations
universal throughout cultures
*involves beliefs and justification
outlines diff. btw classes
through socialization
Stratification and money
affects goals, activities, and relationships
lower SES= work harder to have same opportunities as o/
Stratification and physical separation
way expected to walk, talk and dress
where allowed to sit and who allowed to talk to
View on inequality- Rosseau
private prop.=social inequality
inequalities inc. natural or social
no differences in wealth, power or prestige
Natural inequality
things born w/ that can’t change (race and ethnicity)
Social Inequality
authorized by the consent of man
things that are a product of ppl (wealth)
Ex. rich can control ppl below them
View on inequality- Ferguson and Miller Rebuttal
inequality has value
pushes ppl to work harder and drive society
collectively there is more for everyone
View on inequality- Malthus
inequality is also good
*BUT only for population growth
if spread resources too thin, guarantee own destruction
View on inequality- Hegel’s Master-Slave Dialectic
dialectic- mutual dependance
slave needs master to survive
master needs slave for income
belief that overtime master- idea would die out
more free ppl + not enough masters
Ex. teacher -student relationship
teacher needs students in order to make money
students need teacher to get degree
Forms of Stratification
systm which human grps ranked in hierarchy based on social dimension
Forms of Stratification- Estate system
limited social mobility or mvmnt btw strata
law separates individuals and distributes power unevenly
ppl UNABLE change social position
Forms of Stratification- Caste System
NO mobility
based on hereditary notions of rel. and theological purity
Ex. priests at top of hierarchy
bottom= untouchable or delete
can contaminate anyone higher
person has to be purified if contamina.
*when caste removed stigma w/ lower grps not go away
Forms of Stratification- Class System
economically based
characterized by loose mvmnt
pos. that occupy not supposed reflect indivi. characteristics
but economic contribution
ranked by class
ppl can occupy pos. that are btw classes
Forms of Stratification- Class system- Vaber
class= posit. w/ common life opportunities
not dependant on position of others
SES (socioeconomic status)
boundaries btw classes not defined
SES used to make distinction
overall rank of ppl based on income, education and job
*artificial measurer for class pos.
SES (socioeconomic status)- Understanding class
ask ppl what they think of themselves
but looking at diff. ends of ses spectrum
seems like ppl living in diff societies
differing actions and expect.
SES- Top tier
capitalist class (1% of pop) lrg economic + pol. pwr generally attended prestigious school money comes from returns from investments no daily paycheck OR money can be passed down more wealth than bttm 90% combined own 40% US' money CEO salary 290x greater than avg. person
SES- WASP Lessons (video of high class)
high cul. + old money prefer specific wrds over others Ex. drape v curtain have rules + expectations to follow everything replaceable bc have means
SES- Middle Class
no clear def. of middle
everyone likes to think they are midd
white collar v blue collar
depends on home ownership + college ed. of kids
SES- Middle Class- Upper section
have post-grad degree through respected schools
income about $125,000/ household
money earned through managerial jobs
*often feel need to justify place in class
have items symbolic of high mid. class
SES- Middle Class- Lower section
34% semi-professional jobs families have rely on income b/ parents to maintain basic needs and some luxury items about $60,000
SES- Working Class
30% live paycheck to paycheck skilled laborers $36,000 "down-turn vulnerable" when economy crashes they are first to lose job
SES- Working poor
15% live in poverty work at least 27 wks/yr can rely on social services DO WORK but still can't make ends meet Ex. (sami's mom) $19,000 politically alienated bc don't have money= no power to make changes
SES- Tammy’s Story
son ashamed of where live and mom
Tammy comes from low SES (had 22 siblings)
no car, lives in trailer house, walks 10 miles to work at Burger King
son didn’t think he was “harvard material”
no something he decided himself
something others communicated to him by way of social classes
SES- Tammy’s Story Revisisted
live in new house
younger brother got into drugs and is unemployed
has kid
older brother didn’t finish high school and has kid
Tammy still walks to Burger King
didn’t get raise after 14 yrs
didn’t look for new job bc has no room to take risks- status limits her (systemic barrier)
SES- Working Underclass
5% less than $12,000 segregated residentially lack education- no skills + credentials therefore chronically unemployed
Measure of Poverty
absolute pov. v relative pov.
Absolute Poverty
lack basic necessities
food, shelter, + income
used to define pov. line or extreme pov
live off $1.25 per day
Relative Poverty
afford basic necessities
but cannot maintain standard of living
40% in US not have at least $400 in case of emergency
Federal Poverty Level (FPL)
based on data from 1955 include families that spend 1/3 of income on food $12,490 for indivi. $25,750 for family of 4 12.3% of US @ or below line
Poverty Level- Food insecurity
13% of families
not enough food for all members
not know where next meal is coming from
more at risk- female lead families + black families
Poverty Level- Housing
not many available options
Poverty Level- Healthcare
kids tend be not healthy and not immunized
have lower rates of activity
Viewpoints on Class
conflict, functionalist, and symbolic interactionalism
Viewpoint- Conflict
ruling class benefit from unequal distri. of wealth
tend keep or create conditions that secure power
encourage labels of poor
Viewpoint- Functionalism
inequality exists bc built into roles and needs of society
if everyone was rich society could not function
Viewpoint- Sym. Interactionalism
where o/ communicate to us why we are in a certain class how we display actions and symbols Ex. middle class uses example of kids in college to display their class
wealth v income
wealth- cumulative, can be passed down
income- money earned individually
income inequality margin increasing
is respect, recognition or regard
based on wealth, fam. background or occupation
Ex. doctor gets more respect than fast food worker
bc prestigious occp. require: education, pay more, and require higher level of critical thinking
* most wealthy have most power and prestige
ability of indiv. achieve goals, control events, and maintain influence over o/
usually sm grps in society
pwr elite- control how soci. functions
Standards of equality- Ontological
Ontological equality- everyone created equal before GOD
if inequal, exists it’s bc of hard work
Standards of equality- Opp.
Equality of Opp.- inequal is accepted if
all have same opp for advancement and follow same rules
Ex. monopoly
if differences, due to luck and skill
Standards of equality- Condition
attempt to lvl playing field
change rules to help ppl w/ lower starting place
Ex. financial aid or food stamps
Standards of equality- Outcome
everyone should have same rewards
reguardless of opp. skill, or starting point
correlates w/ free-riding problem
if guarantee an outcome ppl will be less motivated to work hard
Social mobility
mvmnt btw strata
types- horizontal or vertical
Horizontal mobility
changing jobs within same class
Vertical mobility
changing classes (can occur w/ marriage)
Structural mobility
inevitable changes due to economy
group focused
shifts in demand of certain occupations
Ex. China and inland infrastructure failure
Exchange mobility
ppl trade places in economy # jobs fairly stable balanced as ppl go up or down Ex. retiring or graduating from college based on talent or experience
social construct that consists of a set of social arrangements
built around sex
general belief that gender corresponds to sex born w/
*can affect access to resources largely!
biological difference
distinguishes males from females
refers to desire, sexual identity, and beh.
Gender- Fluidity
examines relationship btw nature and nurture
clear line btw both
how cultural beh. impacts way act out sex
ppl are socialized into expectations
Ex. treat boys differently than girls
not based on biology but what they e/ assoc. w/
Gender roles
way examine man or woman
beh. norms communicate one’s status
Ex. “sit like a lady”
can be enforced by punishment
boys are punished harder than girls
norms= way dress, expectations, walk talk and way think1
Gender roles- US traditionally
construct natural diff. w/ cul. assumptions about gender
allows ppl to give “biological” reasons vs social
Ex. “boys will be boys”
Gender Continuum
where fall on scale- based on how far society pushes you
not definite categories of male v female
can overlap
like to categorize ppl bc allows predictability
Why do we care about Gender?
bc it est. expectations provides predictability (ex. way ppl dress) a fundamental aspect of institutions (Ex. male v female rules at home) affects how we identify ourselves gender comm. to us by o/
Gender Socialization
happens through teaching and learning
Ex. toys- barbies v trucks
Fluidity overtime
Look at how definitions of gender roles change over time
Ex. women transition from housewife to real job
try to avoid explanations that address bio
“essentialistic agruments”
prevents knowledge of social implications and therefore makes ppl feel need not to change anything
fun. of biological sex
indiv. that has ambigious genitalia
doctors force parents to pick sex
ensures stability of binary sex system
ppl believe now that kids should be able to make own decision
Gender Diversity- based on time
seen throughout all of history
gender corresponds to birth sex
common belief that all ppl should be like this
gender does not match birth sex
Ex. Indian men (persecuted to poverty)
Cross Dresser
wears clothing commonly asso. w/ opposite sex
*could be due to cul. vs identity
Ex. women wear men’s clothing to avoid restrictions
Age Separation
ideas about gender not developed upon birth
taught at young age the diff. btw boys and girls
Age Separation- 2-3 yr olds
cross-sex play common
Age Separation- 7-8 yr olds
same-sex play
begin to learn charact. and expec. of each
Space Control
boys take up more area
change action/ conversation based on who interacting w/
Ex. girls talking to girls v girls talking to boys
Gender Boundaries
girls cross easier
Ex. tomboy v pussy
Theoretical Perspectives
Ex. functionalism
explain why ineq. exist
Theoretical Perspectives- Functionalism
gender roles are important for society to function
some ppl are better at certain roles than others
inequal. is favored
heterosexuality needed to fill all roles
Theoretical Perspectives- Functionalism- Sex Role Theory
nuclear family (common) arrangement is good displays common expectations of society
Theoretical Perspectives- Conflict Perspective
need inequal OR
men would lose prestige
have to do unpaid work if wmn equal
women have to struggle for power
male-dominated society
role of wmn- help men secure their pos. of pwr
Theoretical Perspectives- Symbolic Interactionalism
explains how inequal. is social construct
inequal. still remains today bc of soc. barriers
*focus on everyday processes that produce/ reinforce gender roles
roles learned not born w/
Theoretical Perspectives- Feminist Perspective- Liberal, Radical, and multiracial
offshoot of conflict theory (men dominated)
inequal. of sex and gender worse based on money
liberal- are rules the same for all?
radical- focuses on male advan. + how creates inequal. for wmn
multiracial- no single category of being wmn
black and white are diff.
common perspe. is from middle class white woman
Theoretical Perspectives- Feminist Perspective- Double Jeopardy
when apart of 2 marginalized groups
Ex. poor black wmn (key- poor and black)
emphasizes disadvan. and unequal treatment
Hegemonic Masculinity
condition when men have more privilege and power
discrimination based on sex
Forms of Discrimination- Heterosexism
neg. attitude towards non-heterosex. ppl
considers hetero. only “normal” way
hetero. ppl have an advantage
Forms of Discrimination- Heterosexual Privilege
discount o/ bc not normal or hetero.
only notice ppl if different
Forms of Discrimination- Gender Stratification
based on gender you have unequal access
Ex. wealth, power and prestige
Ex. of Gender Equality- Education
boys get 2/3 of attention
textbooks descr. boys in leadership positions and girls in background spots
expectation of degree earned
boys assoc. w/ stem and girls asso. w/ teaching
Ex. of Gender Equality- Workplace- “Glass ceiling”
glass ceiling- invisible barrier
if wmn break- representative of whole female pop.
and if mess up- judged on bio. status, rather than personal characteristics that got them there
if take control- called bitch
no way of winning
Ex. of Gender Equality- Workplace- Motherhood Penality
if leave to take care of children less likely to be promoted earn less on avg *situation more detrimental for wmn of low SES need money to pay bills
Ex. of Gender Equality- Workplace- Sexual Harassment
wmn more likely to be exposed to
and less likely to be believed
Ex. of Gender Equality- Workplace- “glass escalator”
glass escalator- accelerated promotion of men
Ex. men in health care field
get unfair treatment bc they are an anomaly
women dominated field
Statistics of Pay- Age
under 35 pay gap less apparent 88-91% 35 and older pay gap more apparent 77-81% when wmn leave to take care of children get behind on seniority and promotions
Statistics of Pay- Jobs where wmn v. men get paid more
women- travel agents
food preps
men- engineers
jobs w/ the potential to earn more have a bigger pay gap btw men and wmn
Ex. CEO, doctors, and lawyers
Pay gap w/ age
25-34- 68% inc. in 1979 to 88%
35-44- inc 58% to 81%
45-54 inc from 57% to 78%
* gap has dec. but not equal yet
Percent of men v women in education
enrolled in college right after hs
1994- 63% fem. and 61%male
2015- 72.5% fem. and 68.5% male
2019- 50.2% of college educated workforce are women
Trends in education and the workforce w/ men v women
men have stayed consistant w/ time
women have inc. in earning degrees
80% ppl in graduate programs are women
have higher rate than men
but lower % in the workforce
varies w/ cul. and environ.
controls beh., attraction, and identity
common idea- beh. should align w/ identity
Ex. straight ppl should like o/ sex
line distinguishing not as clear anymore
Compulsory Heterosexuality
automatically assume ppl are hetero
- social norm
Considered a problem in soc. if homo.
marginalized and discriminated against
have to put forth more effort to get same results as o/
Master Status and Sexuality
master status often comes from type of sexuality
sexuality affects how ppl view you
judged based off of feelings
Modern Day Discrimination
common in LGBT
harrassed and prejudice in employment
Ex. hiring, promotion, firing, and wages
Transgender specifically- 2x higher rate of unempl.
inc. risk of abuse
44% are unemployed
Modern Day Discrimination- Supreme Court Case
questioning if gender protection laws should be instated
**gender id. is an example of sex discrimination
Teen Sexuality
transition from dating to hooking up
affects cul.
delays in marriage timing
hooking up- less formal
Teen Sexuality- Virginity Pledge
pledge to not have sex until marriage response to hooking-up even though pledged, no lasting effect assoc. w/ lower condom use not prepared boys have inc probability of having sex in 16-18 yrs
grp ppl share common PHYSICAL charac.
“common blood line”
Differences in Race
innate (born w/) and biological
physical diff.
allow us to create categories
belief that diff. exists makes actual diff. through treatment
Identifying Race
“on the spot” labeling
changes w/ time and context
Race a Myth?
yes- bc diff. in races have been socially constructed
no- race not a marker of soc. diff.
race is rather an adaptation to the environment
ex. skin tone
depends on exposure to sun
Race- Irish
treatment changed overtime
originally- ppl avoided and shamed them
now- national holiday and are celebrated
Ex. of how soc. marginalized groups in the past
Race v Ethnicity
race- imposed, exclusive and unequal
like to declare that there’s a hierarchy where some races are better than o/
ethnicity- voluntary, self-defined and cultural
don’t have to embrace all parts
way we see ourselves in relation to o/
** a privilege
Melting Pot Idea
American cul. creation
supposedly positive and supp. diff. in o/
actually force ppl to assim. to get rid of variation
controlled w/ lang., customs, values and education
Language- expect assim. (speak english lan)
Customs- Ex. religion or food
control w/ social sanctions
Values- if don’t agree w/ US values- go back to where you came from
Education- learn expec. and values of US cul. perspective
One drop rule + pure race
way to determine race
formed to prevent interracial marriage and kids
“one drop of black blood makes ppl black”
limits rights and oppor.
clear line of separation from white population
favors pure race
causes unequal treatment
includes customs, lang., ancestry and rel.
cul. traits v physical traits
inc. ppl w/ shared beliefs
have shared history
Ex. like certain type of food dish
Ethnicity- Categories
change overtime w/ interaction
Ex. what it means to be Irish
Ethnicity- Symbolic
easier for some ppl to chose ethnicity
individualistic in nature
not forced to embrace all prts
can’t see ethnicity physically
does not have a social cost
can decide if want to identify by it or not
Ethnicity- Functionalism Persp.
newcomers must assim. to dominate group
pressured to do so
if assim. no threat to power structure
have control over jobs and resources
newcomers occupy jobs ppl don’t want
Ex. mexicans
Ethnicity- Conflict Persp.
grps compete for resources
pwr groups work keep/ protect pwr
use money and resources
Ex. literacy tests for voting
excludes whole races
economic fear that o/ take job and money
turns lower class against e/o + diverts attention
Ethnicity- Symbolic Interaction.- definer
labels we learn and assign to races impact way view world
process of how we justify unequal access to resources
think that ppl are more alike than they actually are
Ex. Catholics
difference between- definer and defined
give own explan. for ppl of o/ grps and their place
Key Beliefs w/ Race- Racism
belief that ppl of diff. races have UNEQUAL human traits
logic- humans divided into bloodlines
bloodlines are related to social charac.
therefore, some grps are better
Key Beliefs w/ Race- Racism- Colorblind Racism
cul. characteristics that associate w/ race that limit resources
assume characteristics tied to race
discount social diff.
think diff. are due to personal attributes
ignoring historic discrimm.
Key Beliefs w/ Race- Racialization
formation of new racial identities bc of event
boundaries are drawn around prev. unnoticed grps
Ex. after 911
recognized arabs by skin tone and dress
creates differential pwr btw grps
way limit grps resources
Key Beliefs w/ Race- Segregation
distance btw grps
physically and socially
still present today
Ex. reservations
distance created by limitation of social services
chances of life success are decreased
“second class citizen”
don’t change bc follow narrative that those positions were earned
gradual adoption of dom. cul. by social grp pressure
forced or voluntary
belief that outside cul. wrong
Ex. educational systm
students learn history of white Europ. only
Multiculturalism / Pluralsim
acknowledging and having respect for diff. in cul.
groups in soc. have parity
in US
flexibility of acceptance varies
education- no
food- yes
negative thoughts + feelings about ethnic or racial grp
not illegal
no way to restrict what ppl thinking
if prejudice results in action= discrimmination
neg. actions against inferior ppl
ethnicity or race
Institutional- deny access of ppl
Ex. healthcare, housing and jobs
European Americans
have consistently been in power and had wealth
pop. is shrinking
~2056 will not be maj. anymore
fastest-growing and largest most residentially segregated mostly in SW US but also in FL sociologists monitor how assimilate Ex. speaking english negative narr. asso. w/ race Ex. steal jobs and sell drugs
African Americans
legacy of slavery
beliefs that diff. cause socioeconomic diff.
residential seg.
tendency to label all ppl as identical
there are cul. diff. with in race
higher rates of pov.
median income 62.6% of whites
Asian Americans
“model minority”
assim. well to US cul.
have wealth and are smart
consider whole group well=off bc maj. is
ignoring extremely impoverished in race
American Indians
blanket term
assume all ppl in race are the same
high drop-out rate and unemploy.
1/5 live on rez.
Middle Eastern Americans
disscrim. based on phys. charac.
Faber and Wealth Distribution
wealth gap btw white and minority
historically rooted
can’t overcome w/ income equal.
whites have old money
passed down, not earned
public policy doesn’t address
2/3 gap due to housing equity in avg. wealth
middle class- white= $134,000, black= $11,000
Faber and Wealth Distribution- Justification
due to level of education
not correct
Future Race
white could lose power
due to more specific defin. of “white”
in 2000 census
allowed ppl more than one race and ethnicity
2020 census
changed way question written
avoid limiting categorization
allow 1+ race + specific subsets of that race