Exam 3 Flashcards
Policy of extending a country’s power and influence through military force.
Gavrillo Princip
Killed Franz Ferdinand and accidentally killed Franz wife too.
Franz Ferdinand
Archduke of Austria.
Assassinated June 28, 1914.
Triple Alliance
Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy.
Triple Entente
Russia, France, and Britain.
Central Powers
Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottomans, and Bulgaria.
George Plekhanov
Leader of Emancipation of Labor.
Vladimir Lenin
Set up group called “Union of Struggle”
Made for emancipation of the working class.
(1895 St. Petersburg).
The Bolsheviks
Political party lead by Lenin.
Was during the October Revolution in 1917.
The Comintern
March 2-6 1919.
Also know as communist international.
Benito Mussolini
Italian dictator who followed fascism .
Main Kampf
Book wrote by Adolf Hitler.
Was during his 9 months in prison.
Also known as (My Struggle).
Nationalsozialistshe Deutsche Arbeiter Partei.
Also know as national socialist German workers’ party.
August 25, 1942- February 2, 1943.
Turning point in ww2.
Iron Curtain
Name of a boundary that divided Europe into two separate areas.
From the end of ww2 (1945) to the end of the Cold War. (1991).
Truman Doctrine
Created by president Truman in 1947.
Purpose was to aid countries against soviet power with political, military, and economic assistance.
Korean War (dates)
June 25, 1950 to July 27, 1953
The Warsaw Pact
Was a counter alliance formed by Russia against the NATO.
Made May 14, 1955.
Alexander Solzhenitsyn
Expelled from USSR in 1974.
Great writer.
Arrested and sent to Serbia camps for 8 years.
Andrei Sakharov
Awarded Nobel peace prize.
Father of Russian H bomb.
Alexander Dubćek
Graduated from Moscow State Law School.
Leader of Prague spring. (March 28- August 21, 1968).
Mikhail Gorbachev
Last General Secretary of the Soviet Union.
Was part of the downfall of communism in Russia.
Signed treaty with Ronald Reagan for human rights to stop arm race.
Program made during Soviet Union by Mikhail Gorbachev to restructure Soviet economic and political policy.
Voicing or freedom of speech.
Boris Yeltsin
Russian president in 1991.
Demise of the USSR.
Creation of the Commonwealth of Independent States. (December 21, 1991) (CIS)
Dates of WW1.
November 7, 1917
Russian revolution against Bolshevik led by Vladimir Lenin.
September 1, 1939
Nazi Germany invaded Poland.
This was known as the act that started WW2.
March 5, 1953
Death of Joseph Stalin.
Ho Chi Minh
President of north Vietnam.
Joined the communist party and created indochinese communist party.
Mao Zedong
Leader of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
Led his country through its revolution.
Nikita Khrushchev
Led Soviet Union during height of Cold War.
Tried to make peace with the west but instigated by putting missiles in Cuba. (Cuban Missile Crisis).
Also was apart of de-stalinization.
December 8, 1991
Declared end of Soviet government.
Made new alliance called common wealth of independent states.
League of Combat
Created by Benito Mussolini.
Was an early exponent of Fascism.