Exam 1 Flashcards
an economic and political system in which a country’s trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state
4 markets of capitalism
Raw materials
Labor force
Jean Calvin (John Calvin)
From Geneva.
Wrote the institutes of the Christian religion.
Believed land belong to everyone.
“Faith and God works”
Thomas Müntzer
Followed Martin Luther’s ideas.
Was in the peasants revolt.
Wrote 12 articles.
Henry VIII
Believed land belonged to the king.
Had 6 marriages because he wanted a baby boy.
Declared himself head of the church.
Charles V
Spoke French.
Became emperor of the HRE.
Ulrich Zwingli
The most important reformer in the Swiss reformation.
The Huguenots
French Calvinist.
The council of Trent
Catholic counter reformation.
The Jesuits
Helped convert Muslims.
30 years War
Peace of West Phalia
Marked end of HRE.
Wanted to remove catholic practices from the Church of England.
Oliver Cromwell
“Hero of Revolution”
Stated “king is not England and England is not king”.
Leader of the iron sights.
Became dictator.
Louis XIV
Revolted against Nantes.
Jean-Baptiste Colbert
Came up with the idea mercantilism.
Exports more than imports.
Profitable trades.
Village without private land.
Always shared everything.
Never left to die.
Was the core of Russian civilization.
Peter the Great
Was known for modernizing the civilization of Russia.
Got ideas from Europe.
Was the czar of Russia (ruled everything).
Suleiman the Magnificent
Created Turkish absolutism.
The Ming dynasty
Ruled for almost 300 years.
Took down mongals.
Zhu Yuanzhang was leader of the rebels who took down mongals.
The Qing dynasty
Manchu came in to stop peasants in China and took over China.
Collapsed in 1911.
Emperor of China.
Made China prosper.
Fought with 2 swords.
Started gangs in woods called the Ronin.
We’re the first capitalist.
Stole money from people and invested it.
Tokugawa Leyasu
Built the capital of Tokyo.
Created the system of Bakuhan.
August 24th 1572 (France)
St. Bartholomew’s Day massacre against the Huguenots.
1642-1689 (England)
British Revolution.
Massacre of 30,000 Protestants.