Exam 2 Flashcards
Land tax on common people
1st reason for war
Third estate
Common people The French bourgeois and working class before the revolution
Ruled as co-regent and later became the regent of China after the widow passed.
Ruled the country with her boyfriend Prince Gong.
Boxer rebelion
Known as “The Fists of Righteous and Harmony”.
Didn’t fight with weapons but fought with mix martial arts.
Eventually crushed by the 8 powers.
Matthew C. Perry
U. S. Commodore.
Demanded trades with japan.
Set up unequal trade for japan.
Gave them one year to respond to the treaty.
New empire that over threw the shogunates.
Means enlightened rule.
Helped set up better economy for japan.
Created the middle class.
Opium wars
First was 1839-1842. Fought between British and Chinese. Caused by burning of opium at Humen. Second was 1856-1860. Fought between British and French vs. Chinese. Ended with unequal treaty.
They were farmers.
Started war with the British because they were trying to scavenge their land of goods.
July 14 ,1789 (France)
The storming of Bastilles.
1812 (Russia)
Napoleon’s attack on Russia.
Started with 600,000 and ended with around 93,000.
March 3, 1861 (Russia)
Emancipation Manifesto.
Issued by Alexander ll.
1868 (Japan)
Meiji rule came to be.
The Bastille
Prison in the 17th and 18th century for important persons charged with various offenses.
The National Convention
Abolished monarchy September 21, 1792
Became republic September 22, 1792
Maximilien Robespierre
Leader of the Jacobins.
Dominated the committee of public safety.
Georges Danton
First president of committee of public safety.
Leader of French Revolution.
Helped with the overthrow of monarchy.
The committee of public safety
Political body of the French Revolution that gained dictatorial control over France during the reign of terror.
Born in Corsica.
Was an Italian man but went to military school in France.
Fell in love with a woman by the name of Josephine.
Emperor of the French “not France”.
Battle between France and Russia during napoleons reign.
Kutuzov was leader of Russia and tried to hold French out of Moscow but didn’t succeed.
Industrial revolution (consequences)
Was a good thing but urbanization caused more people to commit crimes and then poverty and unemployment became a huge factor.
The Congress of Vienna
Made by the four powers that defeated napoleon.
Goal was to balance the power in Europe to prevent imperialism.
The Holy Alliance
Helped promote Christianity in Europe.
Signed by Russia, Austria, and Prussia.
Also helped keep existing European order.
The Decemberists
Members of the upper class who had some sort of military background that was in on the rebellion of Nicholas l.
Louis Phillipe
French king.
Also known as the citizen king.
Took power after Charles X and the revolution.
Louis Blanc
Published “Organization of Labor”.
Created cooperatives which gave employment to the poor.
Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte
“Napoleon lll”
2nd empire.
Napoleons nephew.
Became emperor of French “not France”.
Voted in by his name.
The Second Republic of France (dates)
Karl Marx
German man.
Helped publish the communist manifesto.
Friedrich Engels
German man.
Helped publish communist manifesto after the death of Karl Marx.
The communist manifesto
Published in 1848 by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.
Served as the platform of the Communist League.
The International Workingmen’s Association
Action involving a nations power to be expanded.
Countries would invest money in other countries overseas.
Export of capital.
The estates-general
Composed of delegates from 3 social orders:
Clergy, nobility, and commoners.
The Jacobins
Radical revolutionaries in French Revolution.
Met in club headquarters in Paris.
Followers of Jacques Herbert.