Exam 3 Flashcards
average CoM vertical displacement during gait
5 cm
average CoM side to side displacement during gait
4 cm
what contributes most to conserving energy during gait:
- ankle rotation
- pelvic obliquity
- knee flexion
- frontal plane pelvic rotation
plantar flexion
normal dorsiflexion ROM
15-25 degrees
normal plantarflexion ROM
40-55 degrees
normal subtalar inversion ROM
23 degrees
normal subtalar eversion ROM
13 degrees
normal transverse tarsal inversion ROM
20-25 degrees
normal transverse tarsal eversion ROM
10-15 degrees
normal MTP extension ROM
65-85 degrees
normal MTP flexion ROM
30-40 degrees
arthrokinematics of subtalar joint
- posterior facet
- concave talar facet on convex calcaneus
purpose of the subtalar joint
to adapt to terrain
usual bone movement of subtalar joint
stable calcaneus and a moving talus
spring ligament
supports transverse tarsal stability
-supports talar head during weight bearing
keystone of medial longitudinal arch
talonavicular joint
keystone of the transverse arch
middle cuneiform
purposes of arces of the foot
- stability and resiliency
- shock absorption
- load bearing
passive support of medial longitudinal arch
plantar fascia
windlass effect
: plantar fascia is stretched by hyperextension of MTP’s, raising the arch
purpose of distal intertarsal joints
- assist transverse tarsal joint in pronation and supination-transver to forefoot
- transverse arch support
arthrokinematics of distal intertarsal joints
convex navicular facets, concave cuneiform facets
-mostly gliding
normal amount of TMJ depression
35-55 mm
normal amount of TMJ protrusion
6-8 mm
normal TMJ lateral deviation
10 mm to each side
translation of TMJ occurs in:
superior portion of joint
roll of TMJ occurs in:
inferior portion of joint
motions of protrusion:
anterior and inferior slide
TMJ closed pack postion
teeth tightly clenched
TMJ open pack position
mouth slightly open, lips together, teeth not in contact
TMJ occlusal position
gentle contact of teeth
time in swing phase during gait
time in stance phase during gait
time of double limb support during gait
10% double
40% single
10% double
40% single
differences between stride cycle and gait cycle
- no toe off in running
- no single leg support in running
- reversed % spent in phases
- toe out increases
- center of mass height is lower at midstance with running
subtalar movement in the frontal plane during gait:
- inversion at heel strike
- eversion through stance
- inversion with toe off
masseter actions
- elevations
- ipsilateral lateral deviation
- protrusion
medial pterygoid actions
- elevations
- contralateral lateral deviation
- protrusion
lateral pterygoid actions
superior head: -contralateral lateral deviation -protrusion inferior head: -depression -contralateral lateral deviation
- elevation
- ipsilateral lateral deviation
- retrusion
where do you have pain with TMD?
- headaches
- cervical
- jaw pain
where is most stability in the ankle?
what ligament becomes taut when talus is moving anterior on the tibia?
anterior talofibular ligament
arthrokinematics of the TMJ:
convex moving on a concave surface