exam 3 Flashcards
Camp David Accords
Carter invited the leaders of Egypt and Israel to U.S. and lead them to signing a peace treaty. This is significance because Egypt became the first middle eastern country to recognize Israel as a state.
Andrew Young
He was a former lieutenant of MLK. Carter appointed his as ambassador of the United Nations. That was significant because it showed carter embracing the
aspirations of black americans
Pentagon Papers
Informal name for the Defense Department’s secret history of the Vietnam conflict, leaked to the press and published in the New York Times. This is significant because it lead to even more criticism of the Vietnam War and the role the government played in building up the conflict and because it was the
first time a news paper article was not allowed to be published
A term meaning the release of tension in response to conflict between the U.S. and the Soviets. This is significant because it improved relations between U.S. and the Soviets, gained trade increase and nuclear warfare decreased
They were intellectuals that believed that Government social programs did more harm than good, for example, welfare. They argued against Carter’s focus on human rights, and blindness to the Soviet threat
Great Society
President LBJ’s proposal for social policies similar to the New Deal. The Great Society was significant because it provided Medicaid and Medicare programs, and funded education. Differing from the New Deal, it was a reaction to prosperity, rather than Poverty.
Dictatorship and double standards
Jeane Kirkpatrick, a neoconservative publisher, had his ideas embraced by Reagan. The idea that the US should oppose “totalitarian” communists but assist “authoritarian” non-communist regimes. After being appointed to American ambassador to United Nations, the US stepped up its alliances with Third World anticommunist dictatorships like Chile and South Africa
Bay of Pigs
The invasion of Cuba ordered by JFK to try and dislodge the Castro regime. This was significant because it lead to Castro requesting additional Soviet military aid, eventually including missiles which sparked the Cuban Missile Crisis
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
Congress granted LBJ the ability to engage “all necessary measures to repel armed attack” in Vietnam. This is significant because it accelerated American involvement in the Vietnam War
Mikhail Gorbachev
Soviet premier with policies of political openness and economic reform. He is significant because a series of talks with Reagan lead to an agreement to eliminate intermediate and short-range missiles in Europe, and hostilities diminished
Betty Friedan
Wrote The Feminist Mystique and was a founding figure of the modern American feminist. She is significant because she is the leader/founder of the National Organization for Women
Saturday night massacre
Nixon was asking many people to cover up the tapes of him talking in the White House. They wouldn’t, he fired them and this process repeated multiple times. This is significant because many people lost their job by refusing to cover up the presidents wrong doings in the Water Gate Scandal
Daughters of Bilitis
An organization of lesbians as a social alternative to bars, which were subject to police harassment. This is significant because it is the first political and civil rights organization for lesbians
Henry Kissinger
Secretary of State for Nixon. He was significant because he was a proponent of a more pragmatic international relations approach of Realpolitik and detente
Tet Offensive
A massive defeat for the NVA and Viet Cong - a political/public relations victory. This is significant because it caused the public opinion to turn against Vietnam War