Exam 3 Flashcards
Mycorrhizal Fungi and its significance
Relationships with other organisms help a plant to obtain essential nutrients
So plants form mycorrhizae
In exchange the fungus receives some nutrients from the plant
What is mycorrhizal fungi
A network of fungal threads that act to increase the plants absorptive capacity
What are the two types of mycorrhizal fungi
1) endomycorrhizae - found inside of the root (most common)
2) ectomycorrhizae - Fungus is located on the root surface (associated with woody plants)
Explain nitrogen dependency
Plants depend on bacteria to supply nitrogen
Atmospheric nitrogen is in the form N2 which plants cannot use
Because of the nitrogen in the air cannot be used how do plants get nitrogen
Supplies are in the soil
Soil bacteria convert N2 from the air into forms utilizable by the plant
Ie) nitrate ions and ammonium ions
Define nitrogen fixation
The process of converting nitrogen from the atmosphere into alternate forms
Explain plant parasites
A plant that is not capable of photosynthesis may tap into another plants vascular system and absorb organic molecules from the plant
Carnivorous plants obtain some nutrients from …
Animal tissues
Ie) use insects as a source of nitrogen
Are Epiphytes parasitic plants? What do they do
Not parasitic
Use other plants to anchor themselves for support
Ie) orchids
what is an animal
multi-cellular heterotrophic eukaryotes most are diploid and reproduce sexually lack cell walls
how do animals obtain nutrients
obtained by ingestion
eats food not like absorption digestion occurs within the body
how do animals move
muscle cells for movement and nerve cells for conducting impulses
animal reproductive cycle
1) male and female haploid gametes are produced by meiosis
2) egg and sperm fuse producing a zygote
3) the zygote divides by mitosis
4) enters early embryonic stage called blastula and it folds inward forming a gastrula
5) internal sac formed during gastrulation becomes the digestive tract lined by the endoderm
what is the blastula
a hollow ball of cells that is an early embryonic stage
what is the ectoderm
outer cell layer that gives rise to the outer covering of the animal and if present also the central nervous system
what is the mesoderm
the third embryonic layer that forms the muscles and most internal organs
after the gastrula most animals will develop into what
what do others develop into
others develop into one or more larval stages
what is larva
an immature individual that looks different then the mature adult body form
in order for the larva to become an adult that reproduces sexually it undergoes a major change in body form called
this is controlled by special gene sets
explain the animal ancestor
1) an aggregate of identical cells formed few cells
2) larger colonies likely formed hollow spheres
3) eventually cells in the colony became specialized for certain functions such as reproduction and locomotion
4) a simple multicellular organism likely formed from infolding of one side of the colony
5) a gastrula like proto animal eventually would have formed
when is the common animal ancestor thought to have lived
1 billion years ago
are there any fossils to document the evolutionary process of the animal ancestor
NO Fossils to document
the oldest fossil is 575 million years old
define invertebrates
refer to animals lacking a vertebral column
define vertebrates
animals that have a vertebral column
how many phylums of animals are there how many of them are invertebrates
approx. 35 phylums
34 of the phylums are invertebrates
1 of the phylums are vertebrates
how are animals categorized
by their body plans
what are the two types of body plan symmetry
radical symmetry
- body parts radiate from the center the animal has a top and a bottom but not right and left sides
bilateral symmetry
- mirror image right and left sides
a distinct head, tail, a back and a bottom
animals body structure correlates with lifestyle how?
radial animals are usually sedentary meeting their environment equally on all sides
bilaterally structured animals have all of their sense organs located within the head region (eyes brain mouth) this arrangement facilitates mobility
what are the three types of body cavities
true coelom
what is a true coelom
animals that have a body cavity lined entirely by tissue from the mesoderm
ie) segmented worm
what is a psuedocoelom
a body cavity lined with tissues that were not completely derived from mesoderm tissue
these function just like true coeloms
ie) roundworms
what is a acoelomates
no body cavity
animals that have three tissue layers can be characterized by what
the presence or absence of a body cavity
what is a body cavity
a fluid filed space between the digestive tract and the outer body wall
cushions the internal organs and enables them to grow and move independently of the body wall
what do soft bodied animals have
a hydrostatic skeleton
what is a hydrostatic skeleton
a non compressible fluid in the body cavity of soft bodied animals
provides a rigid structure that muscles contract against
what is protostomes
the opening formed during gastrulation becomes the mouth
what are deuterostomes
the opening formed during gastrulation becomes the anus and the mouth develops from the second opening
what are eumetazoans
animals with true tissues
what are sponges
have no tissues
sedentary animals
most are marine some are freshwater
some are radial but most are asymmetrical
ore complex sponges have branching water canals
do most animals have radial or bilateral symmetry
bilateral symmetry
what are the holes used for in sponges
water is drawn through pores into a central cavity which then flows out through a larger opening
what are the two cell layers of a sponge separated by
a gelatinous region
what are the choanocytes and where are they located
inner layer of the flagellated cells of sponges
the choanocytes help to sweep water through the sponges body
what are amoebocytes in sponges
wander through the middle body region
produce supportive skeletal fibers composed of flexible protein called spongin and mineralized particles called spicules
what can sharp spicules do
may protect the large opening
sponges are __ feeders
what does it mean to be suspension feeders
animals that collect food particles from the water
the food is passed through some sort of food trapping equipment
what do the choanocytes and amoebocytes do for the sponges food
the choanocytes trap food particles in mucus on membranes that surround the base of their flagella and then engulf the food by phagocytosis
the amoebocytes pick up food packaged in food vacuoles from choanocytes and digest it carrying the nutrients to the other cells
adult sponges are ___ what does this mean
anchored in place
they are unable to esc ape from predators
consequently sponges produce defensive compounds such as antibiotics and toxins to deter pathogens parasites and predators
what is the simplest animal what characteristics make it the simplest
no nerves or muscles
individual cells can sense and react to environmental changes
no true tissues
thought to have evolved from a flagellated protest ancestor
what are cnidarians
eumatozoan (one of the oldest types)
radial symmetry
only has two tissue layers
have contractile tissues and nerves in their simplest forms
what are some examples of cnidarians
hydras jellyfish and corals
what are the two tissues of cnidarians
outer epidermis and inner cell layer that lines the digestive cavity
jelly filled middle region which may contain scattered amoebid cells
explain cnidarians incomplete gut
mouth and no anus single opening
how do cnidarians feed
tentacles surround the mouth opening to assist the trapping and intake of food
there are two main body forms of cnidarians what are the two forms can a cnidarian ever be in both forms in their life
yes they are exist in both forms during their life cycle
explain the medusa body form
motile by swimming
the mouth faces downward
organism is umbrella shaped with a thick middle layer composed of viscous jelly like material (ie jellyfish)
explain the polyp body form
stationary tubular tentacles face up colonial aggregations are the most common (ie sea anemone)
what do cnidarians have to function in defense and capture prey
unique stinging cells called cnidocytes
where are cnidocytes found
throughout the epidermis and tentacles
what and how do cnidarians eat
nearly all are carnivorous
feeds predominantly on small crustaceans and other plankton that is captured by the tentacles
prey enters the gastrointestinal cavity via the mouth where digestion takes place using extracellular enzymes
what are Platyhelminthes
what are the characteristics of Platyhelminthes
bilateral symmetry and three embryonic tissue layers
thin and ribbon like
simplest bilatarians
marine freshwater or damp habitats
one opening to the gastrointestinal cavity
what are the three major groups of Platyhelminthes
planarians - free living flatworms
flukes - parasitic
tapeworms - parasitic
describe planarians
free living flatworms
head with a pair of light sensitive eyespots
flap at each side of the head to detect chemicals
dense packs of nerve cells function as the brain
where do planarians live
undersurfaces of rocks in streams and freshwater ponds
how do planarians move
use cilia on their ventral surface to crawl also have muscles that enable them to twist and turn
how do planarians get food
sucks food in from the mouth at the tip of a muscular tube and has a highly branched GI tract
how do planarians have nerves that act as a brain
a pair of nerve cords connect with small nerves that branch throughout the body
describe flukes
have a tough protective covering
suckers that attach to their host
reproductive organs occupy almost the entire interior of these worms
complex life cycles
intermediate hosts in which larva develop
larva infect final host where they will lived as adults
what is an example of flukes
blood flukes that cause schistosomiasis in humans spend a part of their life cycle in snails
describe tapeworms
inhibit the digestive tract of vertebrates as adults
ribbon like body
this is the most evolutionarily advanced of all the flatworms
lacks a gut
nervous system is reduced
how do tapeworms derive nutrients
nutrients are taken up form the host across the wall of the worm body
what are nematodes
describe nematodes
cylindrical worms with a blunt head and a tapered tail pseudocoelomates free living soil dwelling body is composed of a fixed cell number some are parasitic
what are nematodes covered by
a tough non living cuticle
periodically shed
used as protection and to resist dehydration
how are some nematodes parasitic
big agricultural pests
attack animal and plant roots
some cause animal diseases such as heartworm
describe molluscs
most diverse group of invertebrates terrestrial marine and fresh water organisms have separate sexes bilateral symmetry 3 tissue layers have a true coelom
what is a molluscs body composed of
a small but well defined head large dorsal visceral mass and a broad flat ventral foot
visceral mass covered by the mantle which secretes the shell
the shell is the unique characteristic
what is the molluscs shell composed of
calcium carbonate
what do molluscs use for respiration
do molluscs have a circulatory system
how do molluscs feed
with a structure called a radula
what do a molluscs life cycle include
a ciliated larval stage called a trochophore
what are the three major classes of molluscs
describe gastropods
largest most diverse class marine fresh water and terrestrial only molluscs that live on land the terrestrial molluscs lack gills distinct head with eyes at tentacle tips
what are some examples of gastropods
snails and slugs
explain a gastropods shell what is it used for
has a single spiralled shell used for the animal to be able to retreat when threatened
in gastropods the lining of the mantle cavity functions as
a lung performing gas exchange with the air
describe bivalves
the shells are divided into two halves and hinged together
most are suspension feeders
sedentary living in sand or mud
muscular foot is used for digging and anchoring
what are some examples of bivalves
clams oysters and muscles
how do bivalves feed
gills in the mantle cavity used for feeding and gas exchange
mucus coated gills trap small food particles from the water
cilia sweeps particles to the mouth
describe cephalopods
adapted to lifestyle of fast agile predators
marine and most free swimming
highly developed nervous and locomotion systems
change color in response to threat
who is considered the most agile invertebrate
the octopus
give some examples of cephalopods
squids and octopus
how do cephalopods eat
use beak like jaws to radula to crush/rip prey apart
mouth is the base of the foot
drawn into several long tentacles to catch and hold prey
how do cephalopods swim
via a water jet propulsion from the mantle cavity
describe annelids
segmented body composed of a number of sections
marine freshwater and terrestrial
how do annelids move
their segmentation allows added mobility for swimming and burrowing
how do annelids eat and what
suspension feeders scavenging
herbivores and carnivores
what can medicinal leeches do
promote healing of tissue grafts and reattached appendages
what are the three major groups of annelids
describe plychaeta
largest group
very diverse lifestyle function and form
secrete and occupy tubes
marine, burrow, bottom dwellers, live in rocks and shells and can swim when necessary
how do polychaeta move
paddle like parapodia function as gills and assist in locomotion
one appendage on each
how do polychaeta feed
search for prey on the seafloor or live within tubes and filter food particles
extend appendages coated in mucus to trap suspended food particles
describe earthworms
many body structures are repeated in each segment
the digestive tract is continuous but the nervous system has nerve clusters in each segment
each segment has bristles that offer traction
closed circulatory system
what muscles do the earthworms have
the segments have longitudinal and circular muscles
describe leeches
dorso-ventrally flattened ventral and posterior suckers parasitic that thrives off of host blood free living carnivorous species fresh water marine and terrestrial
what do leeches eat and how do they act as parasites
eat small invertebrates such as snails
have razor like jaws that split the animals skin and they secrete anticoagulant and anesthetic into the wound to prevent pain and blood clotting