Exam 3 Flashcards
Major etiologies of closed head injuries (4)
- falls
- motor vehicle accidents
- sports-related
- struck by/against injuries
Primary effects-diffuse
closed head injury (2)
- edema
- diffuse axonal injury (DAI)
- complete absence of observable change in behavior when presented visual, auditory, tactile, proprioceptive, vestibular, or painful stimuli
Rancho Los Amigos
Level I
No response: Total assistance
- intervention must be individualized
- intervention will vary depending on deficits and participation/ activity restrictions that result
- goals should reflect strengths and weaknesses
- individual and significant others should actively participate in goal selection and evaluation of progress
Client-Centered Treatment
closed head injury
secondary effects (7)
- ischemia
- hypoperfusion
- hyperperfusion
- necrosis
- increased intracranial pressure
- excitotoxicity
- oxidative stress
a lack of blood
Blast Induced brain injury treatment (3)
- removal of foreign bodies
- control of bleeding
- craniectomy
mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI)
- demonstrates generalized reflex response to painful stimuli
- responds to repeated auditory stimuli with increased or decreased activity
- responds to external stimuli with physiologic changes generalized, gross body movement and/or not purposeful vocalization
- responses noted above may be same regardless of type and location of stimulation
- responses may be significantly delayed
Rancho Los Amigos
Level II
Generalized Resonse: Total Assistance
Risk factors for CTE (3)
- age at which mTBIs begin
- number of years playing for athletes
- genetics (APOE e4)
ask client to remember for increasingly longer periods
spaced retrieval
monitoring of memory and learning while it is taking place
- can the individual predict what will be difficult?
- can the individual learn when, how, what, and how long to use a strategy?
Categories of TBI (3)
- penetrating injury
- closed head injury
- blast induced injury
Which is more common, penetrating or closed head injuries?
closed head injuries
Closed head injury
Primary effects- focal due to: (3)
- impact of the brain on the inner skull
- acceleration, deceleration, rotation of the brain within the skull
- coup, counter- coup effects (acceleration-deceleration injuries)
reduced blood flow
excess release of glutamate, excites cells to death
capacity to attend to, recognize and interperet interpersonal cues taht enable us to:
- understand the behavior of others
- predict the behavior of others
- share experiences and communicate effectively
- also called theory of mind
Social cognition
Cognitive communication treatment principles (5)
- promote restoration of function when possible
- maximize residual functions
- provide compensatory strategies for long term/permanent deficits
- modify the environment in ways that help compensate for deficits
- readjust expectations for the individual’s performance
- reduce memory demands and foster successful completion of real world tasks
- may include data storage devices, cuing devices, and environmental manipulations
- may require intensive training
- may be low or high tech
external appraoches
object enters brain (e.g., knife, shrapnel, bullet)
penetrating injury
Deficits that may accompany blast injury (2)
- chronic pain
- post-traumatic stress disorder
True or false
many tests for cognitive dysfunction have poor validity
- assist with development of coping strategies, confidence, self-esteem
- assist with behavioral and emotional control
- assist with defining and adapting to new lifestyle post-injury
- maximize ability to return to independent activity and participation in work, school, and social interactions
Treatment principles Psychosocial adjustment/adaptation
True or false
If metamemory is impaired, will need to use implicit training