Exam 3 Flashcards
Health Psychology
integrates psychology with medicine
tension, discomfort and physical symptoms when a situation strains
Stress Response
fight or flight (physical and psychological) mobilizes to fight or leave
Holmes and Rahe Social Readjustment Rating Scale
score for each life event added together to equal a stress score of life
minor annoyance/nuisance that strains our ability to cope
General Adaptation Syndrome
Hans Selye
stress response system
Alarm, Resistance and Exhaustion
Alarm Phase
excites the autonomic nervous system and releases adrenaline and produces physical symptoms of anxiety
Resistance Phase
adapt to stressor and find ways to cope
Exhaustion Phase
damage to organs, depression and anxiety, immune system breakdown
7-10 hours for an adult, 60% get less
REM Sleep
brain most active, vivid dreaming
Interpreting Dreams (Sigmund Freud)
1900 book, manifest and latent content
Manifest Content
details of the dream
Latent Content
the true meaning of the dream
Activation-Synthesis Hypothesis
Hobson, McCarley. dreams reflect brain activation in the pons during sleep while the cortex weaves it into a story
Sleep Disorders
30-50% of people have one
rapid and unexpected onset of sleep
difficulty falling or staying asleep
Sleep Apnea
blockage of the airways during sleep
Need-To-Belong Theory
biological need for interpersonal interactions
process of assigning causes to behavior
Internal Attributions (Dispositional)
enduring characteristics, personality, attitude, intelligence, ext.
Fundamental Attribution Error
tendency to over estimate the impact of internal forces on other’s behavior
tendency to alter beliefs as a result of group pressure
Asch’s Studies
wrong sized line in a group setting, everyone said the wrong line, and tested to see it the “subject” would conform to the groups view
following the instruction of someone with more authority
Milgram’s Studies
fake shock to a person delivered by a subject under pressure
tendency to engage in uncharacteristic behavior when stripped of their usual identities
Stanford Prison Experiment (Zimbardo)
2 weeks of guards and prisoners, ended 8 days early
Prosocial Behavior
behavior intended to help others
helping others for unselfish reasons
Bystander Effect
less likely to offer aide when others are around
Diffusion of Responsibility
not responsible if other people are around
Why we help or not…?
do you know they bystander effect? people who are extraverted or a medical worker are more likely to help
behavior plus an emotional component
Cognitive Dissonance Theory
unpleasant mental tension resulting from 2 conflicting beliefs
emphasis on group unanimity at the expense of critical thinking and good decision making
drawing conclusions prior to evaluating any evidence
Ingroup Prejudice
favor those in our group over those out of it
Outgroup Prejudice
all those in the outgroup are similar
negative behavior towards those in the outgroup
belief that a characteristic is present in all members of a group
stable tendency’s that influence how we respond to our environment
Twin Studies
identical twins are much closer to each other than fraternal twins, same if they were raised together or apart
Personality Traits
relatively enduring predisposition that influences our behavior
The Big Five
5 most common traits of personality
openness to experiences conscientiousness extraversion agreeableness neuroticism
Psychic Determinism
the assumption that all psychological events have cause
most primitive impulses, sex/aggression
executive/principal decision maker
sense of morality
contact with the outside world
difficult to retrieve, below the surface of consciousness
Defense Mechanism
unconscious maneuver intended to minimize anxiety
motivated forgetting of emotionally threatening memories and impulses
motivated forgetting of experiences
unconscious attribution of our negative qualities to others
reasonably sounding explanation for unreasonable behavior
Social Learning View of Personality
thinking is the cause of our personality
Locus of Control
reinforcers and punishers that lay inside and outside our control
Internal Locus of Control
life events happen due to our action
External Locus of Control
life events happen due to chance or fate
Humanistic Psychology
believes in free will
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
bottom needs need to be fulfilled before any higher needs can be
Self Actualization
drive to achieve ones fullest potential
Carl Rogers
humanistic theorist 1902-1987
Conditions of Worth
expectations of ourselves for appropriate and inappropriate behavior
Statistical Rarity of Mental Illness
schizophrenia is uncommon while things like depression are common, so it is hard to tell
Subjective Distress
some but not all mental illnesses show distress
most interfere with some day to day activities to some degree
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
continual worry, anxiety, physical tension and irritability
Panic Disorder
repeated and unexpected attacks marked by constant concerns about the future
fear of a situation where escape would be difficult or embarrassing
intense fear that’s greatly out of proportion to the actual threat
Social Phobia
fear of public appearances where embarrassment is possible
fear of no escape or small spaces
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
at least one hour per day repeated and lengthy obsessions of compulsions
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
emotional disturbances after severely stressful event
Major Depressive Disorder
weight loss, sleep loss, depressed mood and diminished interest in pleasurable activities
Bipolar Disorder
at least one manic episode and 90% have another
disorder of thoughts and emotions because of loss of reality
strong fixed beliefs with no basis in reality
sensory perception with no external stimuli
Disorganized Speech
skips topics disjointly, word salad