Exam 3 Flashcards
Transduction of the pain process
Activation of pain receptors, nocieptors- peripheral nerve fibers that transmit pain
The pain experience order
1) detect sensation
2) in spinal cord sends message to brain
3) in the brain forms response
Transmission of the pain process
Pain sensations travel along pathways to the spinal cord to higher centers, a delta fibers or c delta fibers
A delta fibers
Transmit acute, well-localized pain, sharp stabbing= quick response
C delta fibers
Conduct diffuse, visceral pain, general ache
Once pain stimulus reaches the brain it interprets _____ of pain and _____ with information from past pain experiences
Quality, processes
Perception of pain process
The point of which the person is aware of the pain, starts to hurt so person can react
Modulation of the pain process
Process by which the sensation of pain is inhibited or modified, neuromodulators (release once brain perceives pain), have analgesic activity and alter perception of pain
Acute pain
Sudden onset short duration
Chronic pain
Greater than 3 months
Cutaneous superficial pain
Skin cut
Somatic pain
Muscle pain
Visceral pain
Organ pain
Referred pain
Starts in one place felt somewhere else
Neuropathic pain
Nerve pain
Intractable pain
No cure nonstop
Phantom pain
Pain in missing limb
Pain assessment
Duration location quantity/intensity quality aggravating factors alleviating factors physiological responses behavioral factors effect on lifestyle expectations for pain relief
Interventions for pain
Opioid analgesic, nonopioid analgesic, adjuvant
Opioid analgesic
Moderate to severe pain, attach to opioid receptors in the brain, side effects respiratory depression sedation nausea constipation, examples: morphine diaudid
Nonopioid analgesics
Mild to moderate pain, many OTC, NSAIDS, Tylenol, aspirin
Used for other purposes but can also enhance the effects of opioids, examples: corticosteroids antidepressants antiepileptic
Gate control theory of pain
- Actual existence and intensity of pain depends on transmission of pain
- Gate mechanisms along the nervous system control transmission of pain
- If the gate is open the pain impulses reach the conscious level
- If the gate is closed the pain impulses don’t reach the conscious level and the sensation of pain is not experienced
Pain travels along ____ nerve fibers. _____ nerve fibers close the gate.
Small, large
Cutaneous simulation
Many large fibers present, help close the gate
Interventions to close gate
TENS (low voltage electro therapy) accupressure massage hot and cold, distraction, imagery, PCA (patient controlled analgesic), epidural, Q pump (goes into site for 3-5 days to go home)
Hot intervention
Dilates vessels, decrease blood viscosity, relieves spasms, dry( pads), moist (compress, sitzbath)
Cold interventions
20 minutes on hour off, constricts blood vessels
Complementary pain relief measures
Distractions humor listen music relaxation cutaneous stimulation hypnosis biofeedback therap
Nurse practice act
Most important law affecting nurses, differ by state, protects public by defining scope of nursing practice, practice beyond scope is a violation of the nurse practice act
Educational program is evaluated and recognized as having met criteria, legally required to be state accredited KBN ( sets minimum standards), voluntary agencies accredit schools when they met criteria (NLNAC AACN)
Legal document which permits person to practice nursing (NCLEX-RN exam), determines entry level competence
Validates specialty, examples: American association of critical care nurses and certified pediatric nurse
Wrong committed by person against another person or his belongings
Intentional legal issues
Assault battery fraud false imprisonment invasion of privacy
Assault/ battery
Restraining an alert oriented client in order to administer Meds
False imprisonment
Forcing someone to stay in the hospital (if they are of sound mind) AMA(against medical advice)
Unintentional tort, preforming(or not) act that a reasonable prudent person would not(or would) have done, example: don’t give Meds or don’t report sore
Negligence by a professional
Liability (6 elements to prove malpractice or negligence)
Duty (obligation to do care), breach of duty( failure to meet standards of care), foreseeability (link between nurses act and injury), causation (failure to meet SOC caused injury), harm or injury (physical emotional financial), damages (awarded if malpractice caused injury)