exam 3 Flashcards
developmental stages
YA development
- formal operations (think rationally, predit outcomes)
- postformal operations (2+ PoV valid)
- self evaluate at age 30
- Erikson’s intimacy vs Isolation to establish lasting friendships and relationships
- Freud Genital stage - form intimage sexual relationships
problems in YA
- STI’s
- traumatic injuries is leading cause of death
- Domestic violence
- Obesity, diabetes, HTN
- substance abuse
- suicide
assessment YA
- assess for all problems
- diabetes and HTN for overweight or fmy his
- testicle exam in routine cancer screenings
- breast exam by clinician every 3 yrs
- pap 21+ every 3 years
- mammo if risk factors like early periods before age 12, late childbirth and obvious ones like fmy his or personal his. NOT ABORTION.
Middle adult 40 to 64 development
- thin hair, grey hair, loss of MT
- reduced muscle tone
- decreased bone mass
- reduced elasticity of blood vessels
- menopause age 51 and perimenopause 5-7 years before it
- andropause
- formal operations and concrete operations
- peak of creativity
- reaction time slows but memory intact
- Generativity vs Stagnation (guide next generation)
- caring for aging parents vs peak career vs raising children
define andropause vs menopause
what does HRT cause
- andropause is less testosterone, less sperm count, longer time before getting an erection, but still fertile
- menopause is cessation of periods for at least 12 months
- menopause has symptoms like hot flashes, decreased breasts, vaginal dry, awake at night, mood swings
HRT causes hypertension and terrible ass symptoms like blood clots, cancer
problems in MA
- chronic illness becomes a major concern like cancer, obesity, diabetes, HTN, CVD. many YA interventions focused on preventing these from occuring
- joint pain and mobility problems from obesity
- CVD is leading cause of death
MC cancer WW
lung cancer
when does prostate cancer occur
after age 65 typically
assessments for MA men
- digital recetal exams are not routine
- AA men or w fam his is highest risk for prostate cancer
assessments unique to MA
- annual eye exam to test for farsightedness presbyopia
- colon cancer screening for stool occult, sidmoid, colonosc
- osteoporosis screening - DEXA - rec. for menopause women
- DEXA scan also rec. for smoking or low body weight
What should menopausal women be recommended
- Calcium and vitamen D
- alternatives to HRT like estrogen only, natural remedies
600 IU D
1200 mg calcium
How much exercise to reccommend
- minimum 30 minutes daily but 60 minutes daily is ideal
- gradual increase in activity for sedentary or obese
population shapes rectangle vs pyramid
- modern resembles a rectangle bc of fewer births and longer life expectancy
- traditional is a pyramid shape with old people at the tip and babies at the base
Do most older adults live independantly
What does aging in place mean
Staying in your own home while getting services there
Age friendly community
- a place where you can get affordable housing for older adults
- benefit is just living in a community, socializing, affordable, and some transportation help
- its like living in a nice neighborhood or apartment but not like a nursing home
Naturally occuring retirement communities
a random apartment complex that just so happens to have a lot of adults stay there for a while long enough to age together
* neighbors help neighbors
retirement community
- PLANNED housing one level homes
- annual fees for amenities, social activity
- limit because it wont accept grandparents raising grandchildren and you must be either 55, 60 or 62+ ish
Continuing care retirement communities
- full range of options for living depending on needs.
- amenities and activities but also option of healthcare providers like nurses, physical therapists, doctors, dentists
- can choose options like independant living, assisted living, skilled nursing care, rehabilitation and dementia care
- requires physical health, mental health exam, and financial review
- contract based
- high costs
- sometimes university affiliated to allow older adults to participate in academic life
Assisted living facilities
- provide housing and assistance with daily living activities for seniors who need help with tasks like bathing, dressing, and medication management, while promoting independence and maintaining a home-like environment
- can be separate apartments, rooms w common area, or residents may share rooms
- nurses or medication aids to manage help but not the level of medical care at nursing homes
Aging theories
- wear and tear from damage, stress, and metabolic waste
- death is pre programmed and cells have finite number of divisions
- errors in cells from free radicals, cross links, toxins
- autoimmune progressively
Three stages of older adulthood
- young old: 65
- middle old: 75
- oldest old: 85
Young old summary
and barriers
- retirement and leisure, extra time for health promotion
- chronic illness
- barriers - lack of supplemental insurance besides medicare, getting old mindset, reduced physical activity levels, deconditioning
Middle old 75
- lack of physical activity increases which can exacerbate disability
- sedentary but more lesiure time than young old