Exam 3 (18,23,25,27,18) Flashcards
Antibacterial antibiotics typically target which universal distinguishing features of bacteria?
RNA polymerase, ribosomal RNA and translation factors
Given an evolutionary tree of bacteria (based on an image), what are the major clades that are Gram-negative, Gram-positive, and deep-branching extremophiles?
Firmicutes, Tenericutes and Actinobacteria (Gram-positive bacteria)
Proteobacteria (Gram-negative)
Deep-branching (Gram-negatives)
Planctomycetes-Verrucomicrobia- Chlamydiae (PVC) (superphylum)
What are the intracellular features of Cyanobacteria (based on an image)?
chromosome, thylakoid, and forms endospore
Which major bacterial clades (by taxonomic name) hold crystal violet stain?
gram positive
Which genera of Gram-positive bacteria belong to the Firmicutes versus the Actinobacteria (you should know 6 to 8 well-studied examples for each, and major diseases or characteristics of each)?
bacillus, clostridium (spore forming) and lactococcus, cactobacillus, and leuconostoc (non spore forming aerotolerant)
B. anthrax
causes anthrax
B. subtilis
in the gastro intestinal tract of ruminants
B. thuringiensis
used as a pesticide
C. botulinum
produces neurotoxin botulinum
C. tetani
causes tetanus
C. difficile
causes colin inflammation
listeria monocytogenes
causes listeriosis
staphylococcus aureus
causes MRSA
Which important metabolic/ecological types are most common in the Alphaproteobacteria?
Rhizobium and Sinorhizobium are both nitrogen fixers and rod shaped
Recognize (based on an image) a proteobacterium parasitizing other Proteobacteria.
What are the common species in the phylum Gammaproteobacteria (know 8 examples described in lecture)?
What are the characteristics of the agent of Lyme disease?
multipartite genomes