Exam 1 Flashcards
chapters 1-5 and 7-9
What is a microbe?
Who developed the earliest immunizations and what diseases were they for?
What historical person and intervention contributed most famously to modern day understanding of sanitation to reduce pathogenic bacterial transmission in clinical settings?
What do Koch’s Postulates state, and why is each postulate important?
What key principles make light microscopy effective and which methods in microscopy use interference?
Problem-solve a microscopy experiment: given cells with features you hypothesize to be present, but cannot see, choose an alternate microscopy approach.
What are the size ranges of major groups of microbes and how does the wavelength of visible light limit our ability to see some of them?
What are the terms for organismal classification based on biomass and carbon acquisition?
What is the formula for log growth and how is it used to calculate the starting and final numbers of cells, relative to the number of generations under log growth?
What are the terms for all the different kinds of extremophiles and what features of prokaryote membranes have to be different for survival in some extreme habitats?
Which widespread structures and processes contribute to energy storage in bacteria?
How are Gram-negative and Gram-positive cells different?
Given images of peptidoglycan, name the key components.
What is LPS and what is it made of?
How do topoisomerases work and under what conditions, and how are the classes of topoisomerases distinguished mechanistically?
What are the common types of mutations, their major causes, and what types of repair do cells use to correct them?