Exam #3 Flashcards
What are the 3 phases of memory?
- Acquisition
- Consolation
- Retrieval
When does teaching and learning begin?
When a person identifies a need for knowledge or acquiring an ability to do something
What are the Domains of Learning?
- Cognitive: encompasses the intellectual skills of knowledge acquisition, comprehension, application, analysis, and evaluation
Ex. Discussion, lecture, Q&A session, role play - Affective:; a change in feelings, attitudes, or beliefs
Ex. Role play or discussion - Psychomotor: learning skills and performances of behaviors or skills
Ex. Demonstration, practice, return demonstration
What are the 6 principles of Malcom Knowles Adult Learning Theory?
- Adults are internally motivated and self-directed
- Adults bring life experience and knowledge to learning experiences
- Adults are goal oriented
- Adults are relevancy oriented
- Adults are practical
- Adult learners like to be respected
What are the evaluation methods?
- Teach back
- Return demonstration, oral quiz, written quiz
- Game activity
- What if scenarios, case studies, ask questions
What is a Private health policy?
Made by health care organizations such as hospitals and managed care organizations
What is Public health policy?
Local, state, and federal legislation; regulation and court rulings that govern the behavior of individuals and organizations
What is Local health policy?
Cities or counties offer a variety of health care services to meet the needs of their residents
Ex. Free or reduced-rate immunizations
What is State health policy?
- Medicaid
- Governs nursing through nurse practice act
- provides “invisible services” through regulatory activities
Ex. Maintaining a safe meat supply through livestock inspections
What is Federal health policy?
- Medicare
- Funds health-related research
- pays for healthcare through Medicare
What is a Political Action Committee (PAC)?
If you want to donate to a candidate then you send money to that candidates PAC
What is Critical Thinking?
The ability to think in a systematic and logical manner
What is the Nursing Process?
- Assess
- Diagnose
- Plan
- Implement
- Evaluate
What is Ethnicity?
A shared identity related to social and cultural heritage such as values, language, geographical space and racial characteristics
What is Emic vs. Etic worldview
Emic: the insider, or native, perspective
Etic: An outsiders perspective
What are Health Care Disparities
A particular type of health difference that is closely linked with social, economic, and environmental disadvantage
- unequal access to care
- unequal quality of care
- unequal engagement in the health care system
- unequal patient outcomes
Causes of death for Minority Groups
- Cancer: leading cause
- Heart disease and stroke: 2nd leading cause
- Infant mortality: affordability of prenatal care and healthcare
What is Cultural Competence?
The ability to understand and appreciate differences among people and change behavior in a way that enhances, rather than detracts from
Barriers to Cultural Competence
- Bias: strongly held opinion + or -
- Steryotyping: assuming that all members of a culture or ethnic group are alike
- Prejudice: a negative belief or preference that is generalized about a group and that leads to “prejudgement”
- Ethnocentrism: the belief that ones own culture or way of life is better than that of others
- Discrimination: the differential treatment of individuals or groups based on categories. Ex. Age, race, gender
What are the Steps to Cultural Competence
- Examine personal values, beliefs, and bias/prejudices
- Build cultural awareness
- Learn culturally specific communication strategies
- Interact with people from different cultures
- Identify and acknowledge mistakes
- Remediate cultural mistakes
What does the mnemonic REFLECT stand for?
R: recall: review the facts
E: examine your responses: think about or discuss your thoughts and actions at the time of situation
F: feelings: identify feelings you had
L: review and highlight what you learned
E: explore options: think about or discuss your options for similar situations
C: create a plan for how to act in future situations
T: set a time
What does the mnemonic LEARN stand for?
L: listen
E: explain
A: acknowledge
R: recommend
N: negotiate a treatment plan