Exam #2 Flashcards
Forensic nursing?
Associated with violent crime; something that is going to trial
Certified registered nursing anesthetist: put people to sleep and manage pain protocol
- School: masters in nursing
Advanced nursing degree and what titles require this?
*Anything higher than a bachelors degree
- nurse practitioner (need masters)
- certified nurse midwife
- nurse educator
What is the role of a quality manager?
- looking at rates
- quality of patient care
*ex. Rate of infections, the number of times a patient acquires an infections in the hospital
Does not require advance education
- Quality manager
- Flight nurse
Any nurse that works on improving standard of care?
Quality manager
Case manager?
Nurses who find resources that are most affordable for a patient
What do occupational health nurses do?
Function in a role with industry; industrial type nurses on site to help people who have been injured at work
What are ted hoes used for?
- Prevention of DVTs
(deep vein thromboses; if dislodged can go to heart of lungs)
What is on an APA title page?
- Title
- Your name
- School (affiliation)
- Course
- Professors name
- Date (day month spelled out and year)
- Page numbers
*NEVER a running head with APA
When and how to use sentence casing?
- Articles
- books
- reports
- webpages
- other works in a reference list
Lowercase most words in the title or heading only capitalize the first word or a word that comes after and ending punctuation
When and how to use title casing
- titles
- articles
- books
- reports
- works appearing in text
Capitalize the first word and words that aren’t minor (regular capitalization)
When to use Italics
- use for titles of webpages or the source of your article
When a journal article…
The volume number is also italicized
When doing in text citation…
Page number goes in parenthesis; punctuation goes after the parenthesis
What are the driving influences that force change?
- Explosion of scientific knowledge
- Integration of technology in health care
- Emphasis on health promotion
- Shortages of healthcare professionals
- Aging of population
- Increased cultural diversity and globalization
What are we concerned about when we have more sick people than healthy people?
Debt spiral: too many sick people vs. healthy people
- Health Maintenance Organizations; has a fixed copayment but must select a primary care physician approved by HMO
- member must be referred for treatments, specialists, and services by the primary care physician
- Preferred Provider Organizations; member pays premium for a fixed percentage of expense covered
- member may select physician but will pay less for physicians and facilities on the plans preferred list
What can be included in a quality improvement process
- Assesses opportunities for process improvement
- Implement changes
- Measure outcomes
- Start the process all over again
What do home health nurses do on a daily basis?
Provide care and education
Healthcare Models
- Medicare: is federal NOT state; largest health insurance program in the United States
- Medicaid: federal program that is ran by each individual state; provides health insurance coverage for impoverished families; benefits vary state by state
What healthcare model uses DRGs?
What healthcare insurance is designed for low income families?
Federal program that is ran by individual state?
Medicare is?
Federal ran
Old people (65 or older) or disabilities receive?
What type of insurer wants members to use specific providers in return for reduced rates?
Preferred Provider Organizations (PPO)
What are DRGs?
*diagnostic related group
-Patient assigned to a diagnostic grouping based on primary diagnosis at hospital admission; payment to the hospital is set of the DRG.
- If the hospital exceeds the set DRG payment the hospital will incur a loss of money; if costs are less than DRG hospital makes profit
Billing those who have insurance in order to cover expenses of those who are uninsured and cannot pay?
Cost shifting
When does discharge planning start?
As soon as patient is admitted
Extensive wound care after discharge; what facility?
Continuing care
What is Hospice care?
Care of the dying
What is assisted living?
Care for individuals who can do most stuff on their own but need assistance for certain activities
What is skilled nursing?
Cannot provide the care that they need at home
Ex. Nursing home; extended care facility
In the ER and patient comes in with chest pain, what level of care is needed?
- Tertiary
What is restorative care?
Restoring patient back to previous health
What should you avoid sharing with your patient?
- your own experiences
- never give advice
Before clipping a patients finger nails what should you do?
Look at the facilities policies and procedures
Telling older adults in a community why it is important to get a flu shot?
community health nursing
Intrapersonal communication?
Self communication
Interpersonal communication
Between two individuals
What are the elements of communication exchange?
- Referent: motivates one to communicate with another
- Sender and receiver: one who encodes and one who decodes the message
- Message: content of the message
- Channels: means of conveying and receiving messages
- Feedback: message the receiver returns
- Interpersonal variables: factors that influence communication
- Environment: the setting for sender - receiver interactions
Communication techniques?
- restating: use the patients exact words in the same order
- reflection of feelings: reflect back to patient a feeling
- empathetic response: saying something with emotion when you say it back
- clarification: used to clarify global pronouns, slang, time, place or events
What does the mnemonic AIDET stand for?
- Acknowledge: acknowledge the person standing in front of you with a positive attitude and make the person feel comfortable
- Introduce: introduce yourself and let the person know what your role is in the department
- Duration: give the patient or family an idea of how long a procedure may take
- Explain: describe what the patient will experience with the treatment
- Thank you: thank patients for coming to your organization for care
What is the mnemonic for good communication techniques?
S: sit at an angle facing the patient
U: uncross legs and arms
R: relaxed and comfortable with patient
E: eye contact
T: touch; gentle touch
Y: your intuition as you grow in confidence to individualize communication skills
What to do if you have a patient who has issues with vision and hearing?
- Reduce environmental noise
- do not chew gum
- speak at a normal volume
- face patient with mouth visible
- identify yourself when you enter and notify when leaving
- use indirect lighting
How do you respond assertively?
Using “I” language
Ex. I feel uncomfortable hearing that
What are things you do and don’t want to use with a prosthetic for wound care?
- do not want padding
- need good skin protection
- use water based products
- patients can impact how a prosthetic fits based on weight
Maslow hierarchy of needs
Bottom to top:
- Physiological: shelter, nutrition, oxygen
- Safety and security: physical safety and physiological safety
- Love and belonging needs
- Self-esteem
- Self- actualization
What is passive health promotion?
- patient doesn’t have to take an active role in it it just happens
ex. Fluoride in drinking water
What is active health promotion?
- patients have to take action in it themself
Ex. Making sure you have enough vitamin c in your diet
5 stages of healthy behavior change
- Precontemplation: not intending to make changes within the next 6 months
- Contemplation: considering a change within the next 6 months
- Preparation: making small changes in preparation for a change in the next month
- Action: actively engaged in strategies to change behavior; last up to 6 months
- Maintenance: sustained change over time; begins 6 months after action has started and continues indefinitely
Levels of care?
- Primary care: going to family doctor for something
- Secondary care: primary doctor cant take care of it so they send you to a specialist ex. Cardiologist
- Tertiary care: specialized care like the ER or ICU
Levels of preventions?
- Primary prevention: lowers the chances of a disease developing
- Secondary prevention: prevents the spread of disease when it occurs
- Tertiary prevention: minimizes the effects of disease or disability
Penders health determination model
Determines factors that influence the persons health promotion behaviors
Healthy life
Applies not only to longevity, but also to functional independence and the perception of healthy days
Number of people in a population who have a condition within a given time
* any given time frame
Vulnerable population and what impacts them
- low income
- immigrants
- members who are high risk for vulnerable population
- mental health issues
- trauma
What do you clean prosthetics with?
Warm soap and water
Characteristics of secondary traumatic stress in nurses
- decline in health
- changes in sleep and eating patterns
- emotional exhaustion
- irritability
- restlessness
- impaired ability to focus and engage with patients
- feelings of hopelessness
- inability to take pleasure from activities
- anxiety
What is the order of APA source
-Regular source
Author. (Date). Title. Source. DOI or URL
-Journal article
Author. (Date). Title. Source, volume(issue), page numbers. DOI or URL
- The title is sentence cased
- the source is italicized
- the volume number is italicized for journal