Exam 3 Flashcards
Sensory neurons versus motor neurons?
Sensory= info to spinal cord
Motor= info away from spinal chord
How many cranial nerves are there and where do they come from?
12, from the brain
How many spinal nerves are there and where do they come from?
31, from the spinal chord
Neurons versus neuroglia?
Neurons= sends impulses/APs
Neuroglia= supportive cells, don’t send impulses
Somatic versus autonomic nervous system?
Somatic= voluntary control
Autonomic = involuntary (contains sympathetic and parasympathetic)
Afferent versus efferent neurons?
Afferent= receptors to CNS
Efferent= CNS to effectors
What are the three neuron types?
1: sensory (Afferent neurons conduct APs towards CNS)
2: motor (efferent neurons conduct APs away from CNS)
3: interneuron (conduct APs within CNS from 1 neuron to the next)
What are the four possible number of dendrites found on a neuron?
1: Anaxonic neuron= no axon, just dendrites (no true AP, brain, and retina)-BRAIN-
2: Pseudo-unipolar= one process splits into two branches (peripheral dendrites and central)- SENSORY-
3: bipolar = two processes, dendrite and axon. (Retina, nasal, ear.)- SENSORY-
4: multipolar= many dendrites and axon (motor neurons of PNS) -MOTOR-
What are the four types of neuroglia found in the CNS?
1: astrocytes (blood brain barrier guard)
2: ependymal cells (line ventricles, choroid plexus-make CSF)
3: microglial cells (immune cells, phagocytic)
4: oligodendrocytes (form myelin sheath in CNS)
What are the two types of Neuroglia found in the PNS?
1: Schwan cells (form Myelin sheath in PNS)
2: satellite cell (support/nutrition. Protect from heavy metals, lead and mercury. “ armor for neuron”