Exam 3 Flashcards
medical tourism
going to different countries for certain medical care
malnutrition (3 types)
undernutrition, micronutrient-related malnutrition, overweight
wasting (low weight for height), stunting (low height for age), underweight (low weight for age)
micronutrient-related malnutrition
micronutrient deficiencies or excess
obesity + diet related noncommunicable diseases- heart disease, stroke, DM, cancers
malnutrition factors
economic, education, social, personal
deficient in niacin (B3)
deficient in vit C
deficient in vit D
- protein deficient, may be getting enough cal.
- edema, enlarged liver, fluid shift
- protein and cal. malnutrition
- shrunken body, no muscle mass, no SQ tissue
vitamin A def can lead to what deficits
primary determinant of health is
environmental media
air, water, soil, food
studying negative health effects of chemical exposure
dose effect/reponse
amount of exposure directly related to the impact
types of exposure
lead (houses pre 1978), asbestos, radon, pesticides
environment protection prevention
- education, waste minimization, proper land use
- controls + standards for gov. structures
solution to pollution is
dilution (ex: air diffuses pollution)
environmental role for nurses
mitigation, response, advocate for public policy
vulnerable pops
peds, pregnant/postpartum/lactating women (esp. teens), disabilities, geri, c medical disorders, mental illness, prisons, detention centers, limited English, American Indian + Alaska Native, racial, low income, single parent, public housing, homeless, LGBTQIA+, veterans
social determinants of health
economic, education, physical environment, social support, access to healthcare
vulnerable pops risk factors
- underdeveloped/deteriorating infrastructure
- lack of employment opportunities
- inadequate medical/social/educational services
- lack transportation/communication services
- high crime + victimization
- environmental conditions
- outmigration of young + better educated
- ability to bounce back to normal functioning post adversity
- vp may lack due to inadequate resources/coping skills