Exam 3 Flashcards
mary wollstonecraft wrote…
Vindincation of the Rights of Woman
what’s the point of wollstonecraft’s works?
1) reason must rule supreme
2) the point of education is self-mastery
3) children ought to be educated to have balanced minds and strong, healthy bodies
how did Wollstonecraft view the nature of society/politics?
gov’t and human law can be simplified and made transparent. if you want liberty, you have to make things simple and transparent
vindication of the rights of man attacks who? why?
edmund burke, he was blind to man-made poverty and injustice
wollstone believed that God made all things _______ and that man was the source of _____
right, evil
wollstonecraft insists that no one can be expected to perform duties if their __________ ________ are not respected.
natural rights
wollstone craft wants women to:
1) be granted civil and political rights
2) have elective representatives of their own
3) be taught skills to sustain themselves
4) reclaim midwifery for women, women can be doctors and nurses
5) extend their interests to politics and all of humanity
wollstonecraft believes that men and women are ________ in the eyes of God
why does wollstonecraft say that the education of woman is necessary?
without it, society can’t reach its full potential. women are the child’s first teacher and with education, they can better educate their kids and also be a better partner in relationships with men
marx says that capitalism is:
morally intolerable evil
Capitalism makes socialist and communism possible, but…
not inevitable.
that kind of society can only be made if its predecessor is fully destroyed
in order for capitalism to happen, the working class must…
realize that their class interests are diametrically opposed to those of the dominant, capitalist bourgeoisie
according to marx, history is a two-fold struggle:
1) struggle to master nature for human ends
2) struggle between different social classes
according to marx, religion is:
the opiate of the people. it dulls their minds to the possibility that systems are made and changed by human beings
what is marx’s false consciousness?
it’s what the working class suffers from. the working class is unable to form a true picture of their situation/the system that exploits them and believe that they live in a system that cannot be changed