exam 3 Flashcards
research strategy
a general approach to reseach determined by the kind of question that the research study hopes to answer
description research strategy
description of individual variables
linear relationship
increasing straight line
positive relationship
as one varaible increases, so does the other
negative relationship
as one variable increases, the other decreases
correlational research strategy
only attempts to describe the relationship
experimental research strategy
intended to answer cause and effect questions about the relationship between two variables
quasi experimental research strategy
involves the manipulation of an independent variable without the random assignment of participants to conditions or orders of conditions.
nonexperimental research strategy
inteneded to demonstrate a relationship between variables but does not attempt to explain the relationship
purpose of descriptive research
produce a description of individual variables as they exist within a specific group
purpose of correlation research
produce a description of the relationship between two variables but does not attempt to explain the relationship
purpose of quasi-experimental
attempt to produce a cause and experiment but fall short
purpose of non experimental research
produce a description of the relationship between 2 variables but do not attempt to explain the relationship
research design
a general plan for implementing a research strategy
1. group vs individual
2. same individuals versus different individuals
3. the number of variables to be included
research procedure
is an exact, step by step description of a specific research study
external validity
the extent to which we can generalize the results of a research study to people, settings, measures, and characteristics other than those used in that study
threat to external validity
is any characteristic of a study that limits the ability to generalize the results from a research study
internal validity
it produces a single explaination for the relationship between two variables
threat to internal validity
any factor that allows for alternative explanation
the degree to which your research results generalize beyond the specific characteristics of your study refer to
external validity
selection bias
sampling procedure favors the selection of some individuals over others
volunteer bias
volunteers dont perfectlt represent the general population
participant characteristics
threat to external validity if participants chosen are similar
cross species generalizations
research conducted with nonhumans and prosumed to applicable to humans
novelty effect
participants percieve or respond differently because they are excited or anxious
raises the question of wether the results obtained in a research study using assessment are different from results in the real world
confounding variable
extranous variable the changes systemiatically along with the two variables being studied
participant variables
height, weight, gender, age
time related variable
threat for designs that compare one group over time
which of the following describes that exists but is not being directly examined
what aspect of a study is threatened if the participants are tested in one treatment condition at one time and then tested in second treatment condition at a different time
internal validty
minimizes the potential for experimentor bias
single blind and double blind
demand characterisitcs
any of the potential cues or features of a study that suggests to participants what the purpose and hypothesis is and influence the participant responds or behaves a certain way
true experiment
must demonstrate that changes in one variable are directly responsible for causing changes in the second variable
4 elements of an experiment
independent variable
variable manipulated by the researcher
dependent variable
variable observed for changes in assess to the effects of manipulating the independent variable
different values of the indenpendent variable selected to create and define the treatment conditions
consists of identifying the specific values of the independent variable to be examined and then creating a set of treatment conditions to the set of identified values
use of a random process to help avoid a systematic relationship between two variables
random assignment
use of random process to assign participants to treatment conditions
which of the following is the primary goal for randomly assigning participants to treatment conditions in an experiment
experimental condition
condition in which the treatment is administered
control conditon
the condition in which the treatment is not administered
no treatment control condition
condition in which the participants do not receive the treatment being evaluated
fake treatment
placebo effect
postivie response by a participant to an inert medication that has no real effect on the body
placebo control condition
condition in which participants recieve a placebo instead of the actual treatment
manipulation check
is an additional measure to assess how the participants perceived and interpreted the manipulation and or to asses the direct effect of the manipulation
types of manipulations
- participant manipulation
- subtle manipulation
- placebo control
- simulations
creation of conditions within an experiment that stimulate or closely duplicate the natural environment in which behaviors being examined normally occur
mundane realism
refers to supeficial characteristics of the stimulation which may effect internal validity
experimental realism
extent to which participants become immeresed in the simulation and behave normally and not know they are in an experiment
within-subjects- design
one group, tested multiple times
between subjects
2 groups tested on the same data
which statement best characteristics a between-subjects experimental design
each participant is assigned to one condition of the experiment
in a between-subjects experiment, if the participants in one group have characteristics that are different from the participants in another group, which is threatened
internal validity
involves assigning individuals to groups so that a specific participant variable is balanced, or matched, across the groups
-the intent is to create groups that are equivalent with respect to the variable matched
limitation of using matching rather than a random assignment to form groups in between subjects
matching requires another measurement procedure
how does holding a variable constant prevent the variable from becoming a confound
it eliminates the possibility that the variable will be substantially different from one group to another
statistically, value that measures the size of the differences from one score to another
differential attribution
refers to differences in attribution rates from one group to another and can threaten the internal validity of a between-subjects experiment
the spread of the treatment from the experimental group to the control group which leads to reduce the difference between 2 conditions
compensatory equalization
when both groups demand the same treatment
resentful demoralization
giving up when special treatment is found for other groups
compensatory rivalry
one group works extra hard to make up for not receiving the benefits received by another group
single factor multiple group design
testing one thing in 3 different conditions
limitation of a two-group design
may not provide a complete picture of the relationship between variables
when comparing means in a two group design, which statistical analysis is most appropriate?
independent measures t-test
when comparing means in a single-factor multiple group design which statistical analysis is most appropriate?
single factor ANOVA
correlational research study
two or more variables are measured to obtain a set of scores for each individual
correlation coefficient
measure and describe the relationship between two variables
coefficient of determination
squared value of a correlation and measures the percentage of variability in one variable that is determined by its relationship with the other variable
using one variable to predict another