Exam 3 Flashcards
Cecrops and Erichthonius
Cecrops: was a half-snake (below waist) half-human (above) and he was the first king of Athens. He is credited with marriage, the patriarchy of man and woman, and stopped human sacrifice. He established Athens and the monarchy. It was said that he was autochthony (“sprung from earth”)
Erichthonius: was the child of Athena (Hephaestus came on her). He had snake legs for some reason and Athena placed him into a box for Cecrop’s daughters (Aglaurus, Herse, and Pandrosus). Alaurus and Herse looked in the box even though they were told not to, got scared, and jumped off a tower to kill herself. He grew up and became another king of Athens. This shows that the early royal family was snake-like and rash.
Cephalus and Procris
Cephalus and Procris were married but didn’t trust one another Cephalus went hunting with a spear, dogs, and said “oh Breeze.” Procris was hiding in the bush and overheard him saying this and she thought he was talking about a girl named Breeze. Cephalus speared the bush thinking it was game, which killed Procris.
Procne and Tereus
Procne married Tereus. Philomela was Procne’s sister and Procne wanted to see her. While Philomela was heading there, Tereus rapes her. He cuts off her tongue so she can’t tell, but Philomela makes a tapestry of it. Procne sees the tapestry, kills her sons, and feed them to Tereus in revenge.
Theseus Birth
Theseus’s dad was an Athenian king named Aegeus. He had fertility issues, but he went to the oracle and she tells him something. He goes to the king of Troezen Pittheus and he deciphers it as the next time he has sex he’ll have a boy. Pitthius gets his daughter Aethra to have sex with Aegeus. After intercourse, Aethra gets possessed by Poseidon, so Theseus is part Aegeus and part Poseidon. Aegeus wanted Aethra to raise the child in secret, so he leaves her to raise it on her own. He leaves a sword and sandals underneath a large rock, and when Theseus gets strong enough to lift it, he can go back to Athens.
Theseus Labors
- Periphetes (“clubber”) son of Hephaestus would bash passerby with his club. Theseus killed Periphetes with it. Theseus is sometimes pictured with the club.
- Isthmus (“pinebender”) is a giant, son of Poseidon, and from Corinth. He would bend a pine tree to the ground and kill people with it. Theseus killed him by doing the same.
- The Crommyonian sow was killed north of Isthmus. It was bred by Phaea.
- Sciron near Megara would make people wash his feet then kick them off a mountain into a giant turtle. Theseus gave him the treatment.
- Theseus killed Cercyon a powerful wrestler on the way to Eleusis.
- Procrustes would make people the same size as his bed because he liked symmetry. Theseus did the same to him.
Theseus took the Amazon Queen Hippolyta, which started the Amazonomachy. The Amazons took camp on a hill in Attica now called the Areopagus. Theseus eventually beat the Amazons.
A centaur abducted Hippodamia who was Pirithous’s wife. Theseus joined the fight to rescue her from the centaurs, and the battle is called Centauromachy.
Phaedra is Theseus’s wife after he has sex with Hippolyta. She is the stepmom of Hippolytus, but she falls in love with him. When she gets rejected she kills herself and in her note she says that Hippolytus raped her.
Hippolytus is the son of Hippolyta and Theseus. He was against sex and worshipped Artemis. His stepmom said he raped her but he didn’t, so he gets kicked out of Athens. This eventually leads to his death.
Agenor and Telephassa had Europa along with three sons in Phoenicia. Zeus is attracted to Europa, and he comes to her in the form of a bull. She has sex with the bull (might’ve been raped or seduced). When he rapes her, he sends her to Crete. Her brothers search for her, but never find her.
Pasiphae was the daughter of Helios, and she married Minos. A bull rose from the sea, and Minos wouldn’t sacrifice it to Poseidon because it was so good. This angers Poseidon, so he makes Pasiphae fall in love with and have sex with the bull. She gives birth to the minotaur. For some reason, the minotaur liked human blood and flesh. She did this by getting into a wooden cow that Daedalus made for her.
Minotaur and Theseus
Theseus arrived on Crete to kill the Minotaur and Ariadne, the Cretan princess and half brother of the minotaur, fell in love with him. She promised to help him if he would marry her. In the labyrinth, Theseus unraveled a ball of thread and killed the minotaur with his sword. He used the thread to find his way back out.
Daedalus and Icarus
Daedalus was from Athens, but he is in a lot of Cretan myth. He built the labyrinth and helped Pasiphae get penetrated by the bull. After Theseus escapes Crete, Minos imprisons Daedalus in the labyrinth along with his son Icarus (born from a Cretan slave). To escape the labyrinth Daedalus makes him and Icarus wings. They get out of the labyrinth, and Daedalus told Icarus to not fly close to the sun. He ends flying to close to the sun, the wax melts, and he dies. Daedalus is upset by this.
Cadmus was Europa’s sister. He gets sent to find her after she gets taken by the bull. His search brought him to the Pythia where she told him to give up. She told him to follow a cow instead, and where it gets exhausted, he will create a great city. When the cow stops, Cadmus starts building the city of Thebes. Cadmus goes on to fight a sacred dragon of Ares that was guarding a spring. He plants the teeth into the ground, and the Sparti (“sown men”) become the first aristocratic families of Thebes. After serving Ares for 8 years, he gets married to Harmonia the daughter of Aphrodite and Ares.
Amphion and Zethus
Amphion and Zethus were twins from Zeus and Antiope. They were born in a bush when Antiope was getting taken back to Thebes. Antiope goes to Thebes and gets tortured by Dirce, but Amphion and Zethus get raised by a shepherd. Antiope escapes her tormenter and happens to go into Amphion and Zethus’s hut where they decide they’ll take revenge on Dirce. The tied her to a bull, and she got dragged to death. They also killed their great uncle Lycus. They were polar opposites, but the end up ruling Thebes together.
He was a citizen of Thebes, and it was prophesized that if he never saw himself, he would live a long life. He eventually sees his reflection and becomes infatuated by it. He stayed there forever and became the narcissus flower.
Oedipus and Jocasta
Oedipus was born from Jocasta (descendant of Sparti) and Laius. It was prophesized that he would kill his father and have sex with his mother. They gave the boy to a shepherd, but the shepherd couldn’t get himself to kill him. The shepherd brought him to Corinth where he was raised by the king and queen. He hears about the prophecy, so he leaves his city. He kills his real father in a wagon and becomes king of Thebes by answering a riddle from the sphinx correctly. He ends up having kids with Jocasta. Jocasta kills herself when she finds out that Oedipus is her son, and he blinds himself.
Laius is the king of Thebes and the father of Oedipus. He took the throne after Amphion and Zethus.
Creon is the brother of Jocasta. He is an advisor to Oedipus in a sense, and he takes the throne after Laius dies. He decrees that the person who solves the riddle will become the king of Thebes. He also rules when Eteocles and Polynices dies.
The son of Oedipus. He takes the throne after Oedipus blinds himself. It is decreed that him and Polynices will rule alternating years. After ruling for a year, Eteocles decides he does not want to give up the title. He has to fight against Polynices and the 7 against Thebes, but he dies to his brother.
The other son of Oedipus. He doesn’t get the throne, and he forms the 7 against Thebes to take his rightful spot. He dies in the fight against Eteocles.
7 Against Thebes
- Adrastus, king of Argos
- Amphiaraus, Adrastus’s chief
- Capaneus, from Argos
- Hippomedon, from Argos
- Polynices, Thebes
- Tydeus, from Calydon
- Parthenopeus, from Arcadia
Anitgone was one of two daughters from Oedipus (the other was Ismene). She helps Oedipus when he blinds himself. After Eteocles and Polynices die, Creon decrees that no one should give Polynices a proper burial even though Eteocles. She tries to bury him anyway. She spites the law knowing she will die. She was also engaged to Creon’s son Haemon. Antigone kills herself (hung) and then Haemon kills himself (sword).
Apollonius of Rhodes
He wrote the Argonautica. He lived during the third century BC (Hellenistic age).
Golden Fleece
The golden fleece was an item that was in Colchis. Phrixus and Helle are descended from Aeolus (Jason was also descended from Aeolus). Phrixus was about to get sacrificed to stop a famine, but a golden sheep saved him and his sister Helle. The golden sheep took them across the sea, but Helle fell off and died at what is now called the Hellespont. The sheep went until he got to Colchis. Aeetes ruled the land, and Phrixus sacrificed the sheep to Zeus and gave Aeetes the golden fleece.
Written by Appolonius in the third century. Jason summoned Argus and he built a ship that could hold fifty men, and Athena put a magic, speaking beam. Jason and multiple other heroes (Heracles, Orpheus, Castor, Polyeuces, Zetes, and Calais). They went from Iolcus to Colchis to get the Golden Fleece. Along the journey they face many trials and challenges, but they eventually get the fleece.
Pelias is Jason’s uncle and the king of Iolcus. It was rumored that he would die to a man with one shoe, and he finds out that it is Jason. He sends Jason to Colchis to get the golden fleece, and he gets it. Pelias eventually dies because Medea convinces his daughters to chop him up into pieces.
Medea (play)
Intro: Medea is Jason’s lover and baby momma, along with a witch and princess of Colchis. She helped him retrieve the golden fleece and killed her brother Apsyrtus. She gets her and Jason exiled from Iolcus, so they go to Corinth, which is where this myth takes place.
Summary: Jason is in love with Glauce, a princess of Corinth and daughter of Creon, and he leaves Medea. Medea extracts a revenge plan. She kills Glauce by gifting her a poisoned dress. This kills her, and Creon sees and he kills himself as well. She also kills her own kids because she knows it will hurt Jason. At the end of the play, she goes to Athens under the protection of Aegeus, Theseus’s dad.
He was the son of the king of Calydon, Oeneus and Althaea. It was prophesized that he would be handsome and brave, but also that he would die when a specific log is consumed by fire. He joined the Argonauts. Oeneus made Artemis mad, so she sent an enormous boar. He made a team of heroes, and they went to hunt for the boar. Meleager is the one who makes the killing blow on the boar. He kills his uncle, and this make his mother, Althaea, mad, so she throws the log into the fire which kills him.
She is a woman that helps with the Calydonian boar hunt. Some people didn’t go because of her, but Meleager insisted because he liked her. She made the first blow on the boar; an arrow in the pig’s ugly red eye. She even got to keep the pelt. Meleager’s uncle argued over it, but he killed them and gave the pelt to Atalanta.
House of Atreus
The house that fought against Troy. Tantalus is one of the first from this house. He is the one that tried to feed his son Pelops to the gods. Pelops had two boys named Atreus and Thyestes. Thyestes slept with Atreus’s wife, so Atreus killed his son and fed it to him. This is called the banquet of Thyestes. Thyestes also raped his daughter Pelopia because he didn’t know it was her. She had Aegisthos, and he finds the sword of the rapist, which is how Thyestes finds out what happened. Thyestes and Atreus kill themselves. Atreus’s son Agamemnon becomes king and his other son Menelaos gets married to Helen.
House of Tyndareus
Leda and Tyndareus were the parents of the house and they had Castor and Cytemnestra. Zeus and Leda had kids as well, Polydeuces and Helen. Castor and Polydeuces are considered twins because they were born at the same time. Zeus seduced Leda as a swan. Helen hatched from an egg and was born sexually mature. To keep her safe Tyndareus made a competition and the winner would get Helen as their husband, but they had to make an oath to swear to protect her if she ever got stolen even if they didn’t win. Menelaos wins the competition.
Peleus and Thetis
Peleus and Thetis were married and the parents of Achilles. Thetis was a minor god and she was upset that Achilles was mortal. Peleus wrestled Thetis for her hand in marriage. Zeus lusted after Thetis, but Prometheus told him that her child would be greater than their father so he stopped.
Judgement of Paris
Peleus and Thetis had a huge wedding that Hera orchestrated. Eris the goddess of vengeance wasn’t invited, but she showed up anyway and threw an apple (Golden Apple of Discord) and said it was for the fairest goddess of them all. Aphrodite, Athena, and Hera fight for it, but Hermes decides that they should go to Paris of Troy to decide. They all try to bribe him, but Aphrodite wins because she offers the prettiest woman in the world.
Journey to Troy
After everyone gathered, they sailed for Troy, but no one knew where it was. THey made it to Troad, an area around Troy, and they fought the King named Telephus. Achilles wounded him, and the wound refused to heal. The Greeks left, but Telephus wound wouldn’t heal so he went to Achilles because Achilles could heal it. He found the Greeks in Aulis. In return for healing him, Telephus leads the expedition to Troy.
Agamemnon angered Artemis by saying he was better than her. She then caused winds that wouldn’t allow them to get to Troy, and she caused a great disease. To stop the disease, Agamemnon tries to sacrifice his daughter Iphigenia. He tells her she is going to marry Achilles, and we she gets ready he brings her to the altar. In some stories he kills her, but in other stories she saved by Artemis.
Iliad and the Trojan War
I don’t know about the Iliad other than it covers the last year of the Trojan War, but here is some general facts. Priam and Hecuba are the king and queen of Troy. Their son Hector is the golden child. Achilles kills him after Hector killed his best friend Patroclus. He mutilates Patroclus’s body, but he is convinced by Priam to give him a proper burial. Paris is the one that kills Achilles. Ajax is the one that brings Achilles and his armor back, but Odysseus ends up getting the armor. Ajax kills himself from humility. Odysseus makes the Trojan Horse. Pyrrhus is Achilles’s son and he kills Priam.