Exam 2 Flashcards
Hymn to Demeter
Demeter’s daughter Persephone gets kidnapped by Hades while she was picking flowers. Demeter mourns her daughter’s kidnap (she didn’t eat for nine days). Helius tells her what happened and she goes to Eleusis and lives among the mortals. There the king Celeus takes her in as the mortal Doso. She doesn’t accept their food but does drink the kykeon (a communion drink). Demeter nursed their son Demophon. The king’s wife Metaneira spied on Demeter nursing Demophon in a fire, and Demeter becomes enraged. Demeter turns into her pure form and tells them to build a temple for her and she teaches them the rites. Demeter leaves the king, and she leaves the world in a drought for a year. This is a problem so Zeus orders Hades to send Persephone to the overworld. Persephone ate a pomegranate which forces her to come down to the underworld for part of the year to rule. When Persephone arrives, Demeter restores fertility and establishes the Eleusinian Mysteries. The person she tells how to farm is Triptolemus.
Eleusinian Mysteries
Demeter’s cult; they were in Eleusis. There were lesser mysteries (focused on initial purification) and greater mysteries (sacrifice, prayer, fasting, drinking kykeon, and singing). There are a lot of secrets, but we can assume that it was a performance of some sort. Anyone including slaves and women could join as long as you could speak Greece and hadn’t killed anyone. There would be a procession from Athens to Eleusis and the priests would carry holy objects (hieros) . People would get initiated in a square room called the telesterion.
Cybele and Attis
Cybele came from Phrygia or modern day Turkey. Called Magna Mater. Attis was her lover and he died because he cut off his penis. Zeus turned Attis into violets for Cybele, but his hair and nails still grew and his pinky still wiggled. Cybele is depicted with a crown and animals pulling her chariot. In her mystery religion, priests were required to self-castrate. Music and drinking were involved in her mystery religion. They also did a taurobolium (bull sacrifice).
Fertility god in Egypt. Married to Osiris. Her husband died so she had to put him back together. Like a combination of Demeter, Aphrodite, and Artemis. She told Lucius about the secrets of the underworld, which stemmed into the mystery religion. Lucius was turned into a donkey, but Isis turned him back. He worshipped her for 10 days, and he tells what he experienced in the mystery religion. She is depicted with a sistrum (a musical instrument that looks a loop with rods of metal through it).
Roman Name: Liber but often called Bacchus in both Greek and Roman. His mom was Simele and she died when Zeus showed his true form. Zeus sowed the womb into his leg, which is why Dionysus was born. He was raised by nymphs. He is pictured with an ivy crown, animal skins, and a thyrsus. He was the god of grapes and wine.
Dionysus Adventures (Midas, Lycurgus, Ariadne, Minyad Princesses, Pirates)
Midas: Midas was nice to Dionysus, so Dionysus made everything he touch turn to gold. To get rid of the gold touch he had to wash stuff in a river.
Ariadne: She was a princess of Crete. She was left on an island by Theseus and Dionysus saved her. They end up getting married.
Lycurgus: He was a king, and he banned Dionysus from his city. Dionysus makes him go mad, and Lycurgus kills his family.
Minyads: They were all princesses weaving during a Dionysus festival, so Dionysus made them go mad. They killed their kid and turned them into bats.
Pirates: He was kidnapped by Pirates, and they didn’t believe he was a god. He turned into a lion and turned them into dolphins.
Dionysus Cults (Bacchae, Bacchants, Maenads)
They all pretty much worshipped him the same way, but the Maenads and the Bacchae could only be women. Drinking and singing were a large part of worshipped. They also did sparagmos (mutilating animals) and omophagia (eating of raw flesh. Worshippers hoped to experience ecstasis (out-of-body experience )and enthuosiasmos (possessed by god).
Bacchae Play (characters and plot)
Cadmus’s grandson Pentheus becomes ruler of Thebes. Dionysus arrives back in Thebes for the first time since Semele died. He drives all the women mad. This makes Pentheus look bad so he tries to stop it. Pentheus’s harmartia (tragic flaw) is stubbornness. Dionysus tricks Pentheus into going to the woods to spy on the Maenads, and his mom, possessed by Dionysus, and the rest of the Maenads/Bacchae kill him. He goes through an anagnorisis (a recognition); Dionysus is a god.
Written by Homer. Odysseus and his men went to the edge of the world, dug a hole, and sacrificed animals. This made ghosts start talking to them. 1st soul was Elpenor, a fallen comrade, and he tells Odysseus to give him a proper burial. The next was Tiresias; tells him that souls have to drink the blood. He then meets with his mom, Anticleia, who tells him the secrets of existence. He tries to touch her, but he cannot. He also sees Achilles. Homer’s view of the underworld. There were few people being punished; the underworld was not great but it wasn’t hell. Elysium did exist but it was for a select few people; people who descended from the gods and were great heroes.
Vergil 19 BCE. Aeneas talks to the Sibyl of Cumae to see how to get to the underworld. She tells him he needs a golden branch in Naples. They go together into the cave and cross river Acheron. In the underworld, he sees Palinurus who also didn’t receive a proper burial. Aeneas and the Sibyl have to get past Cerberus so they drug him. In the Fields of Mourning, they see Dido, the princess of Carthage, who killed herself because of Aeneas. He also sees his Dad Anchises in Elysium, but cannot touch him. They also see Elysium and Tartarus. Vergil sees the underworld as torturous and more hell-like. People get punished, purified, drink from the river Lethe, then get reborn. Average people could go to Elysium.
Attempted to rape Leto (Apollo’s and Artemis’s mom). His punishment in the underworld was getting his liver ate by vultures everyday. The liver grows back every night.
He was an amoral king in Sipylus, and he stole nectar and ambrosia from the gods. He went to the underworld, and his punishment was he was stuck in a pool of water underneath an apple tree, but could never eat or drink.
He was a king and cheated death twice. This made Hades mad, so his punishment was trying to roll a boulder up a hill, but it permanently rolls back down.
Myth of Er
Created by Plato. There was a man named Er, he died but came back ten days later. He said people were judged either good or bad, and they then lived 1000 years in torment or bliss. After that time, they got to choose what new body they wanted. It shows how philosophy and mythology interact.
Orpheus and Eurydice (Orphism)
Orpheus was cracked with a lyre. He made a katabasis. On his wedding day, his wife, Eurydice, dies to a snake bite while walking through the forest. He goes to the underworld, and Persephone promises to bring Eurydice back to Earth, but he cannot look back. He ends up looking back, so he loses Eurydice forever. He ends up rejecting women and dies to the Maenads. His mystery religion was called Orphism. His followers were ascetic (abstained from luxuries). They didn’t eat meat, beans, use wool, or have sex. They believed that they learned the secrets to not be reincarnated.
The person who crosses the river Acheron with Aeneas.
Nymph in Argos that Zeus lusted after. He covered her in a cloud on a clear day, which made Hera suspicious, and he turned her into a cow. Hera takes Io and protects her with the Argus (monster w/ 100 eyes). Hermes plays the lyre until Argus falls asleep then kills it. Now that Io is free she wanders around as a cow until she makes it to Egypt and turns back into a human. She ends up becoming the ancestor of the royal house in Thebes, Crete, and Argos.
They were the 50 daughter of Danaus. They marry the 50 sons of his brother Aegyptus. One their wedding night Danaus tells his daughters to kill their husband and all of them do except for one. The one man that stayed alive was Lynceus.
Perseus (Birth, Medusa, Andromeda)
Birth: Lived in Argos, his mother Danae was a princess of Argos. It was prophesized that the king Acrisius would die to Danae’s child so he locked her up in the dungeon. Zeus gets into the dungeon and impregnates her. Perseus gets born, so Acrisius puts the two into a box and put throws it into the ocean.
Medusa: The box arrives on an island ruled by Polydectes. The person who saved them was named Dictys, Polydectes’s brother. He fell in love with Danae, but she refused him so he married someone else and required that every man give him a horse. He instead told Perseus that Medusa’s head would suffice. Athena told Perseus everything he needed to kill Medusa; he went to the Graeae, then the nymphs, who gave him the cap of Hades, winged sandals, and a leather pouch to conceal the head. Hermes also gave him a sword and a shield. He quickly cuts off Medusa’s head.
Andromeda: On his way back, he sees Andromeda in Ethiopia chained to a roc about to die to a monster, Ceto. This happened because Andromeda’s mother said she was more beautiful than the Nereids, which made Poseidon mad. He offered to save her if he could marry her, and the parents agreed. He saved her, but she was already engaged to Phineas. He killed Phineas to marry her.
Heracles(Birth and Madness)
Birth: His parents were Alcmena and Zeus. She was married to Amphitryon, and he killed her father Electryon (the king of Mycenae). He becomes a better man and honors Alcmena’s dead brothers. After he does this, Zeus appears as Amphitryon and impregnates Alcmena. The real Alcmena comes the next day and has sex with her. She gives birth to twins Heracles and Iphicles. Once he was born, Hera puts a snake in his crib, but Heracles kills it.
Madness: Heracles gets married to the princess of Creon named Megara. They have three sons. Hera makes him go mad, and he kills all of them. He kills the first son by stabbing him, the second one by a club, and the third child and Meg with the shot of an arrow.
Labors of Heracles
All of these deeds were for his cousin Eurystheus the king of Mycenae.
1. Nemean Lion - impenetrable hide, had to wrestle it to death. His hide becomes Heracles’s armor.
2. Lernaean Hydra - Iolaus (Heracles’s nephew) helped him. The hydra’s head would grow back but Iolaus put fire on it. He dips his arrows in its blood and they become poisonous.
3. Ceryneian Deer - Had golden antlers and Heracles tracked it down for a year. He wounds it, but lets it go after showing Eurystheus because it was Artemis’s sacred animal.
4. Erymanthian Boar - scary animal, Heracles captures it and brings it to Eurystheus.
5. Augean Stables - He had to clean filthy horse stables, so he diverts a river and cleans it entirely. Augeas didn’t follow up on his word so he kills him later.
6. Stymphalian Birds - arrow-firing wings and armor-piercing beaks. Heracles drove them from their cover and shot all of them down.
7. Cretan Bull - Heracles seized the bulls by the horn, tossed it into the sea, and rode it back to the Peloponnesus.
8. Horses of Diomedes - Horses that eat human flesh. Heracles captures the horses and feeds Diomedes to them. They ran away to Mt. Olympus but died to wolves.
9. Girdle of Hippolyta - Queen of the Amazons. She freely offers the girdle, but Hera tricks the Amazons. Heracles has to kill her, but takes the belt with him.
10. Cattle of Geryon - Geryon was a three-bodied monster. Heracles had to cross a desert, and Helius gives him a cup. He kills Geryon and gets the cattle.
11. Apples of Hesperides - Grew on a tree with golden leaves. Heracles tells Atlas to get the apples, and he’ll hold the sky while he’s gone. Atlas agrees, and gets tricked into holding the sky again.
12. Cerberus - Heracles captures Cerberus.
Side Deeds: Pholus (was a hospitable centaur, but gets in a fight with the other centaurs, dies of stupidity), Alcestis (she was a queen that died, and Heracles fights death to get her back to earth), Cacus (monster stole cattle, Heracles kills it with a club), Busiris (in Egypt, tries to kill him, but Heracles kills him and his family), Prometheus (Heracles kills the eagle that eats Prometheus’s liver every day).
Women and Death of Heracles
Epic of Gilgamesh
Gilgamesh was a great king in Uruk (Sumerian/Mesopotamia). It was a scribal exercise, but it also has many similarities to that of Greek myth. It is documented on 12 tablets in Nineveh. Gilgamesh was 2/3 god 1/3 human. He fought Enkidu and won, but the fight was so good they become friends. The rest of the epic is about their journeys, and the journeys once Enkidu dies.
Enkidu was Gilgamesh’s sidekick and best friend that dies in the fight with the Bull of Heaven. He could have also had sexual relations w/ Gilgamesh, but that is unknown.
Humbaba is the guardian of the forest. Gilgamesh and Enkidu kill him because the sun-god Shamash told them to. They give its head to Enlil the storm god, but he rejects it because he was mad that they killed the guardian of the forest.
A Sumerian goddess. She wants to have sex with Gilgamesh, but he declines because her past lovers have met a terrible demise or fortune. She gets mad and goes to her dad Anu to ask for the Bull of Heaven.
Bull of Heaven
Terrible bull that Gilgamesh and Enkidu fight. He kills at least 300 people instantly from his snort alone. Gilgamesh cuts off the monster’s head and gives it to Shamash, and Enkidu cuts off its genitals and throws it at Ishtar. This makes the gods mad and they make Enkidu sick. He was sick for twelve days and died. The bull lead to 7 years of drought and famine.
He is who Gilgamesh searches for after Enkidu dies. He was the only person to survive the flood of the gods. He gives Gilgamesh the challenge of staying awake for seven days and six nights, but Gilgamesh fails. He then tells him about the flower that grants eternal youth.
Most known festival to Demeter; open to married woman. It was most popular in Athens.
1st Day: people would sacrifice pigs to Demeter. The pigs would be thrown into pits and women would have to go get the rotting pig remains. The remains would be mixed w/ soil, seeds, symbols of penises, and snakes. This would make mulch.
2nd Day: everyone would fast.
3rd Day: A celebration would be held and the mulch would be shared.