Exam 3 Flashcards
Occipitofrontalis m. (frontal belly)
Elevates eyebrows and wrinkles skin of forehead
Occipitofrontalis m (occipital belly)
Retracts scalp
Orbicularis oculi m.
Closes eye, produces winking, blinking, squinting
Nasalis m.
Compresses bridge and depresses tip of nose
Procerus m.
Moves and wrinkles nose
Depressor anguli oris m.
Moves corners of mouth inferiorly and laterally (frowning muscles)
Depressor labii inferios m.
Moves lower lip inferiorly
Levator anguli oris m.
Moves corner of mouth superiorly and laterally
Levator labii superioris
“Opens lips
Raises and furrows the upper lip (‘Elvis lip snarl’) “
Mentalis m.
Protrudes lower lip (‘pouting’ muscle)
Orbicularis oris
Compresses and purses lips (‘kissing’ muscle)
Platysma m.
Pulls lower lip inferiorly, tenses skin of neck
Moves corners of lips laterally
Zygomaticus major m.
Elevates corners of mouth (‘smile’)
Origin: Zygomatic bone
Insertion: Edge of mouth
Zygomaticus minor m.
Elevates corners of mouth (‘smile’)
Origin: Zygomatic bone
Insertion: Superior lip
Buccinator m.
Compress check
Origin: mandible and maxillae
Insertion: Orbicularis oris m.
Masseter m
Elevates and protracts mandible
Origin: Zygomatic arch
Insertion: Ramus and angle of mandible
Temporalis m.
Elevates and retracts mandible
Origin: Parietal bone
Insertion: Coronoid process of mandible
bending movement that decreases angle between 2 parts
bending movement that increases angle between two parts
motion that pulls structure or part toward midline of body or towards midline of limb
motion that pulls structure or part away from midline of body or away from midline of limb
movement in superior direction
movement in inferior direction
moving or turning of body around its axis
rotates forearm inward
rotates forearm outward
lifts foot upward
pushes foot into ground
posterior movement of body part from anatomical position
Elevates hyoid bone and elevates floor of mouth
Origin: mandible
Insertion: Hyoid bone
Depresses mandible and elevates hyoid bone
Depresses hyoid
Origin: scapula
Insertion: hyoid
Depresses hyoid bone
Origin: manubrium of sternum and clavicle
Insertion: Hyoid