Exam 3 Flashcards
“of the same substance” used to designate the belief that Jesus was “of the same substance of God”
hypostatic union
the doctrine of the union of divine and human natures in Jesus Christ, without confusion of their respective substances
refers to the assumption of the human nature of God in the person of Jesus Christ
lays emphasis upon Christ’s laying aside of certain divine attributes in the incarnation
liberation theology
movement which stressed the role of political action and orientated itself towards the goal of political liberation from poverty and oppression
the written text and set forms of public services, especially of the eucharist
Christ is remembered through the eucharist. Since He is now in heaven, he cannot also be present in the bread and wine
there is only one nature in Christ, which is divine
“coming” or “arrival” used to refer to the second coming of Christ
heresy that the Father suffered as the Son
Rufinus’s reflection are in the form of a commentary on this
the Apostle’s Creed
who does Jesus deceive with his human flesh?
what classic theory of the atonement does Rufinus develop?
the “mousetrap” or “fish-hook” theory
what does Rufinus say is described in Ephesians 3:18?
the cross
in addition to purging sins, baptism provides THIS gift
the Holy Spirit
during what period did Christians receive the theological instruction that culminated in baptism?
who do Christians renounce in baptism?
with what does 1 Peter 3:18-22 compare baptism?
the days of Noah and the ark
this term refers to something too profound to be grasped fully by the human mind
this is a term for a figure or event in the OT whose full embodiment is found in the NT
typos or antitype
describe creation as God’s intentional act
genesis 1 & 2
attribute creation to the Son
john 1:3, 10; Col 1:16; Heb 1:2
creatio ex nihilo
creation out of nothing
justin martyr
God formed the world from pre-existent matter
imago dei
the image of God
humans were created in the image of God
gen 1:26-27
views on the imago dei
substantive, functional, relational
substantive view
something humans possess or a characteristic humans have; usually a mental or spiritual dimension, like the ability to reason; reason separates humans from all other creatures and reflects most clearly what God is like; Carl Henry supports
functional view
seen in what humans exercising dominion over creation; close connection between “in our image” and “let them rule over”; Psalm 8:5-8 - humans were made a little lower than angels; more to do with human roles and functions than God’s nature
relational view
not something humans possess or do; humans display God’s image through relationships; God has an “I-Thou” relationship within himself as the trinity (Karl Barth); humans also have these relationships
questions for the relational view
allow God’s image to be universal? does someone rebelling against God bear the image of God?