Exam 2 Flashcards
deriving from the Greek term homoousios, meaning “of the same substance”. Affirms the full divinity of Christ
refers to the theory of the real presence, especially associated with Martin Luther. Holds that the eucharistic bread and wine are given together with the substance of the body and blood of Christ
a formal definition or summary of the Christian faith, held in common by all Christians
refers to a view of God which recognizes the divine creatorship, yet which rejects the notion of a continuing divine involvement with the world
treated Jesus as a purely divine being who only had the “appearance” of being human
treated Christ as a purely human figure, although recognizing that he was endowed with particular charismatic gifts which distinguished him from other humans
refers to the sacrament variously known as the “Mass”, the “Lord’s supper”, and “holy communion”
places especial emphasis upon the supreme authority of scripture and the atoning death of Christ
five ways
standard term for the five “arguments for the existence of God” associated with Thomas Aquinas
a form of American Protestant Christianity, which lays special emphasis on the authority of an inerrant Bible
Moltmann challenged the idea that God is incapable of suffering in THIS book
The Crucified God
Moltmann says one who is incapable of suffering is incapable of THIS
According to Moltmann, God suffers in the same way that creatures suffer
for Moltmann, what did the Father suffer when Christ was on the cross?
the loss of the Son
with whom does Moltmann identify the “giving up” that unites the Father and the Son
the Father
Paley was influenced by THIS person’s discoveries about the regularity of the universe
Isaac Newton
Paley wrote during THIS period of England’s history
industrial revolution
what two objects does Paley compare and contrast at the beginning of the reading
a stone and a watch
uncovering of something unknown; refers to God’s self-disclosure to humans
author of revelation
author of theology
the objective aspect of revelation
content of revelation
subjective aspect of revelation
one’s interpretation of revelation’s content
calls for human response, can be a shocking event
characteristics of revelation
general revelation
available to humans at all times
sources of general revelation
creation, history, humanity
natural theology
theology based on general revelation; it is possible to have genuine knowledge fo God apart from Christian faith
can general revelation save? does God being revealed as creator equal God’s being revealed as savior and redeemer?
questions for general revelation
martin luther on revelation in nature
heidelburg disputation, should not seek for the invisible things of God in creation, should seek the visible things of God in Christ’s suffering on the cross
special revelation
supports Christianity’s claims, not available to humans at all times
characteristics of special revelation
progressive (occurs over time), saving
models of special revelation
revelation as propositions, person, and promise