Exam 2: Wildlife Flashcards
any alteration in normal condition of organism
autopsy on animals
clinical signs
objective evidence of disease
invertebrates that transfer pathogens from one host to another
store pathogens in population
disease occurs at regular rate in area
disease occurs at unexpected time and place or at higher rate
disease between humans and other animals
infectious diseases
viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, prions
noninfectious diseases
malnutrition, physical injuries
sublethal effects
behavioral changes, reproductive failure, indirect mortality
management actions for disease
Administer vaccines
Interrupt life cycles of pathogens and vectors
Prevention of stress and injury
early succession
Abundant ground cover
Open spaces and bare ground
Abundant seeds and insects
brush stage
Young trees and shrubs - nesting, roosting, loafing cover
Seeds, fruit, insects, browse
mature forest
Canopy may be closed
Mast, foliage, browse, insect, food
Trees with cavities
Provide seasonal cover and year round cover