Exam 2 Vulvar Dz Flashcards
Lichen Sclerosus is?
Vulvar disorder:
Benign, chronic inflamm
Autoimm attacks all levels of skin
Lichen Sclerosus risk factors? (6)
FHx Incontinence Infection Contact derm Trauma Hormones
Lichen Sclerosus presentation? (4)
U postmeno
Lichen Sclerosus exam findings? (4)
Sharp/well demarcated white plaques w/
cigarette paper, waxy or hyperkeratotic appearance
Hallmark: Fragility (purpura, erosion, fissure)
U starts periclitorally -> perineal skin
U NOT in keratinized/hairy labia majora or muc mem (vag, vestibule, rectal muc)
Lichen Sclerosus studies?
Vulvar punch bx
Topical steroid OINTMENT (Clobetasol)
Long term f/u (chronic dz)
Lichen Sclerosus (P) risks?
SCC if tx neglected
Pigment ∆s take seriously
Bartholin Cyst is?
Vulvar disorder:
Bartholin mucus gland obstruction from trauma/inflamm
Bartholin Cyst presentation? (3)
Acute, painful, unilateral labial swelling
Pain w/ sit/walk
Bartholin Cyst exam findings? (5)
Tender, fluctuant mass Erythema/Edema Cellulitis Abscess Fever
Bartholin Cyst tx? (4)
I&D w/ Word catheter
ABx if cellulitis: Bactrim or Clinda if allergic
Sitz bath
No sex till catheter out
Vulvar Intraepithelial Neoplasm (VIN) is?
Neoplastic cells w/i squamous epith
VINu (usual) a/w?
Risk factors?
HPV 16/18
U younger
VINu presentations?
C asympt
Vulvar burn/itch
VINu studies? (2)
C a/w Cervical IN -> colposcopy MANDATORY
Bx all pigmented lesions
Colposcopy is?
Acetic acid on vulva ->
Accentuates white and vascular lesions ->
Bx multiple sites (raise or flat, any color)