Exam 2 Cervical Dz Flashcards
Cervical cells: Inside cervix?
Outside cervix?
Inside = columnar epith
Outside = squamous epith
Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia (CIN):
High-grade lesions U seen in what age group?
Invasive CA U seen in what age group?
> 40yo
CIN caused by?
16/18 = high risk
6/11 = low risk
CIN risk factors? (6)
HIV/Immunosupp Smoking Sluts Early sex Long-term oral contr STds
CIN screening initiated?
21 regardless of sex activity
EXCEPT <21 HIV+ or chronic suppressive therapy
CIN screening F/U? (4)
21-29 yo: cytology only Q 3yrs, NO HPV testing
30-65 yo: Cytology + HPV Q 5 yrs
High risk: yearly
HIV: 1st at time of dx, then Q 6 mo x 2, then annually
Diethylstilbestrol is?
Why do we care?
Med given to preggos in 70s
Causes vag/cerv CA, BCA, infert
Cervical CA screening stopped when?
65yo IF in past 10 yrs: 3 consecutive neg cytology results OR 2 consec neg co-testing WITH most recent w/i 5 yrs AND not high risk
Cervical CA screening for hysterectomy?
Stop at removal u/l _hx of CIN2/3,
then annual x 20 yrs regardless of age
Specimen for cervical cytology must include?
endocervical/transformation zone
Cervical Cytology: ASC-US is?
Next step in testing?
Atypical cells of u/k significance
Must reflex to HPV DNA:
Neg = N
+ = colposcopy if > 24yo
ASC-US w/o HPV caused by?
Vulvovaginal atrophy
ASC-US in 21-24yo?
repeat cytology at 12 mo
Cervical Cytology: Low-Grade Squamous Intraep Lesion (LSIL) next step in testing?
> 24yo?
Assume HPV DNA ∴ no HVP test until post-meno
Repeat cytology 12 mo
LSIL presentation?
U similar to CIN I
Enlarged, hyperchromatic nuclei w/ abundant cytoplasm