exam 2 topic 7 Flashcards
what is Motivation?
has causal power; force acting on or within a person that causes the person to behave in a specific, goal-directed manner
Intrinsic Motivation
an individual is inspired by positive internal feelings (positive emotions, satisfaction, enjoyment)
Extrinsic Motivation
results from the potential or actual receipt of external rewards (money, recognition, promotions)
Content Theories
idea that an employee’s needs influence their motivation
Process theories
process in which internal factors and environmental characteristics influence motivation
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
(high to low)
- self fulfillment
- esteem
- affiliation
- security
- physiological
- Must satisfy lower levels before higher levels become important
McClelland’s Learned needs theory
three learned needs drive most behavior: Achievement(desire to excel), Affiliation(social relations), Power(influence)
prefers working challenges
- situations in performance is due to effort
- high achievers
- work in teams
- avoid conflict
- like to be praised in private
- like to be in charge
- in control of people
- appreciates being recognized
Self Determination Theory
Competence(knowledge), Autonomy(freedom), Relatedness(feel connected)
Herzberg’s 2 factor theory
Motivator(intrinsic)-Hygiene(extrinsic) theory: job satisfaction and dissatisfaction
Equity Theory
model of motivation that explains how people seek fairness and justice
Distributive justice (outcomes)
Reflects the perceived fairness of the way resources and rewards are distributed and allocated
Procedural justice (process)
Reflects the perceived fairness of the process and procedures used to make allocation decisions
Interactional justice (communication)
Reflects the quality of the interpersonal treatment people receive when procedures are implemented
expectancy theory
people are motivated when the think they get something valuable: expectancy, instrumentality, valence
Goal-Setting Theory
Process of developing, negotiating, and establishing targets that challenge the individual
Job Design
(can impact motivation)
Focuses on critical dimensions of the job and outcomes for individuals
§ Focuses on fit between individuals and jobs
§ Presents a more complete picture of the relationship between jobs and employee and work outcome
Skill Variety
requires a variety of different activities
Task Identity
requires completion of a “whole”and identifiable piece of work(projects)
Task Significance
job has a substantial impact on the lives of other people
job provides substantial freedom, independence, and discretion in scheduling the work
Job Feedback
carrying out the work activities required by the job provides individual with direct and clear information on performance
JCM used to motivate?
Job design more effective when individuals have required knowledge and skills, are motivated to grow and develop, and when they are satisfied