Exam 2 - The Urinary System Flashcards
What gives rise to parts of the urinary and genital systems?
- Intermediate mesoderm that becomes the urogenital ridge.
What does the urogenital ridge develop into?
It develops into:
1) Nephrogenic cord (early urinary system)
2) Gonadal Ridge (early genital system)
What stage of kidney development is between early week 4 and late week 4 (basically week 4)?
- Pronephroi: rudimentary and nonfunctional. Located in the cervical region.
What stage of kidney development is between mid week 4 to week 8?
- Mesonephroi: function for a short time in early fetal period; located in the lumbar region.
What stage is between week 5 and continues to adult kidney?
- Metanephroi: is the permanent adult kidney in the sacral region, an outgrowth of the mesonephritic duct.
During the mesonephroi period where does the mesonephric duct empty? What is the culmination of the mesonephroi period?
- into the cloaca
- The mesonephric vesicle grows toward the mesonephric duct and there is the formation of bowman’s capsule with the meeting up of capillaries
During the metanephroi stage what makes is the primordium of permanent kidney?
- Ureteric bud + metanephric blastema
What embryological structure do the collecting ducts arise from?
- Ureteric bud
What embryological structure does the nephrons arise from?
- metanephric blastema
Why do the kidney’s ascend?
What direction does the kidney’s rotate?
- due to growth of caudal embryo
- They rotate 90 degrees medially
What areas do the kidney recieve blood from as they ascend.
1st = common iliac arteries
2nd - distal aorta
3rd - abdominal aorta
What is the main difference between fetal kidneys and adult kidneys?
- Fetal kidneys are more lobulated and nephrons continue to grow after birth
What is a major cause of one kidney developing?
- uteric bud never meets the metanephric blastoma
What is the terminal end of hindgut in an early embryo?
- the cloaca
What does the urorectal septum do to the cloaca?
- It divides it into the anal canal and the urogenital sinus.
What pathology result if the urorectal septum doesn’t separate?
- Persistent cloaca: is a congluence of urethra, vagina, and rectum into a common channel
What are the 3 subdivisions of the urogenital sinus?
- The vesicle part, the pelvic part, and the phallic part
The pelvic part divides into what in the male and the female?
- Men: membranous and prostatic urethra
- Female: Entire urethra
The Phallic part divides into what in the male and the female parts?
- Male: primordium of penis, spongy urethra
- Female: Primordium of clitoris
What is the urachus a remnant of?
What does the urachus become?
- Allantois
- The median umbilical ligament
What is a patent urachus?
What is a urachal cyst?
WHat is a urachal sinus?
- maintaining the urachial opening resulting in a urachal fistula
- A cyst in the urachal canal that persists
- A fluid filled portion of the urachal canal that persists
What is the trigone formed from?
- results from the incorporation of distal parts of the mesonephric ducts
What is the internal bladder and the urethral space in the man made from?
- The endoderm of the UG sinus
What are the borders of the bladder and the urethra made from?
- Splanchnic mesoderm
What is the very external part of the male urethra derived from?
- Ectoderm
The vesicular part of the urinary bladder and the space of the urethra in the female is derived from?
- Endoderm
The wall of the bladder and the wall of the urethra are derived from what?
- Splanchnic mesoderm