Exam 2 Study Questions 1 Flashcards
What type of factors explain that a person’s behavior is due to internal factors such as personality and self-esteem?
Dispositional factors
The second perspective instead focuses on things around an employee, such as his coworkers, boss, or environment.
Situational Factors
What is the study of individual and group behavior in organizational settings?
Organizational behavior
the set of stable characteristics that influence a person’s behavior
According to the Big 5 model of personality,___________is the dimension that assesses people’s cooperativeness and empathy.
Big 5 model
openness to experience,conscientiousness,extraversion,agreeableness, andneuroticism,
According to the Big 5 model of personality,___________is the dimension that assesses how organized and dependable an individual is.
What is a person’s belief in their ability to succeed in a specific situation or accomplish a given task?
_________is related to trying harder at difficult tasks and overcoming failure.
Higher self-esteem
What is the ability to regulate behavior to accommodate social cues and situations?
__________may seem to not care about the appropriateness of their behavior in certain circumstances.
Low self-monitors
What is a learned predisposition to respond positively or negatively toward a certain idea, object, person, or situation?
The statement, “I hate Nickelback” is reflective of which emotional component of attitude?
The statement, “I believe Nickelback is awful because all of their songs sound alike” is reflective of which knowledge-based component of attitude?
According to the cognitive dissonance video above, which of the potential ways to reduce dissonance is being utilized by the decision to stop eating Hot Cheetos because they are bad for you?
Change the behavior
Hearing an intelligent person make a statement about the world being flat may cause you to have what attitude-based reaction?
Cognitive dissonance
A general sense of contentment or liking of a job, is referred to as _____________.
Job satisfaction
What is the degree to which an employee identifies with their organization?
Organizational commitment
What is the ability to carry out accurate reasoning about emotions and the ability to use emotions and emotional knowledge to enhance thought?
Emotional intelligence
Emotional intelligence is comprised of what four characteristics
self-awareness, empathy, adaptability, and self-confidence
According to the Sentis emotions video, our_________can influence our emotions and either be helpful or unhelpful in different situations.
You see someone wearing a t-shirt from your favorite band, and you instantly think that they must be a “cool” person. This is an example of which perception barrier?
Halo effect
The statement, “I failed the exam because the professor is a sneaky, no good, &%#@! Not because I am incapable, or didn’t adequately prepare” is an example of which perception barrier?
Self-serving bias
Those with a(n)_________of learning will focus on achievement and learning because their supervisor expects a certain level of performance.
Performance orientation
Motivation is the process that directs our behavior towards certain ______.
Which of the following would be considered an intrinsic motivator?
Feeling of accomplishment
What is the tangible award given to you for accomplishing something?
Extrinsic reward
According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, which of the following is considered a lower order need?
Confidence, achievement and respect are examples of needs in which category of Maslow’s hierarchy?
What does ERG stand for in Alderfer’s ERG Theory of motivation?
Existence, Relatedness, Growth
According to McClelland’s Acquired Needs Theory, the need for __________is a recognition of the need for fulfilling social relationships.
Self-Determination Theory is based on the assumption that employees are essentially driven to “behave in __________ and _________ ways.”
effective, healthy
According to Daniel Pink in the video above, which of the following isnota factor we should focus on to get away from incentives?
According to Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory, which of the following would be seen as a “motivational” factor?
According to Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory, what type of factors are the aspects of the job that increase employee’s job satisfaction?
Equity theory would fit into which group of motivation theories?
Process theories
If a manager is perceived to treat one employee more favorably than others, which element of organizational justice would this relate to?
Interactional justice
If one employee is paid more than others for completing the same tasks, which element of organizational justice could the organization be violating?
Distributive justice
In Expectancy Theory, what is the thought that if an individual performs well, then they will receive the desired outcome or reward?
Those with a(n)_________of learning will focus on achievement and learning because their supervisor expects a certain level of performance.
Performance orientation
Using SMART goals, which aspect states that our goals should align with other goals, such as vision statements or organizational strategies?
If a manager increases the importance and responsibility of a job, which approach to motivation are they using?
Job enrichment
Which characteristic of the job characteristics model looks at whether employees feel that their efforts matter to the organization and its customers?
Task significance
If I ignore one of my co-workers in an attempt to stop her from asking annoying questions, which form of reinforcement am I implementing?
Which component of reinforcement theory involves providing a desirable reward after we observe a behavior that we would like to see continue?
Positive reinforcement
The ability of a person on a diet to avoid eating chocolate, potato chips, and soda is an example of___________.
Manufacturing or service companies that have a quantitative measure of output may use which type of incentive-based motivation?
Piecework plans
According to the communication process, the______________is the individual(s) to whom a message is directed.
According to the communication process,______________is the process of assembling the message into an understandable language for the receiver.
What is the level of detail contained in a piece of information?
Information richness
Which of the following is the richest medium of communication listed?
Which of the following is the least rich medium of communication listed?
Two-way radio
______________communication is the information that comes from the subordinate level and is communicated up to the managerial level.
______________communication is the formal requests and discussions that need to be had between different departments or functions that are at the same level.
What is the informal transmission of information, rumors, and gossip from person to person?
Informal communication is typically based on___________within the workplace.
Personal relationships
The example of Amazon purchasing Whole Foods was given to emphasize which element of effective communication?
First, and foremost, any communication you are a part of needs to be________.
The types of sources you use for information and data in your communication has the greatest effect on which aspect of effective communication?
What are the different things that get in the way of complete understanding of a message?
What is the individual barrier that comes into play most often when a message is not understood?
Poor listening skills
What is terminology that is specific to a particular profession or group?
Which organizational barrier includes both actual and perceived differences?
Status differences
Open-door policies and round tables can help an office get past some of the_________that hinder an organization’s communication.
Physical barriers
One of the most important things managers can do to improve communication is___________.
Communicate more
What is being receptive to new or different ideas called?
According to the above video, withholding blame and criticism is a part of which key skill for improving effective listening?
Avoid seeming judgmental
What is is the ability to identify and manage your own emotions and the emotions of others?
Emotional intelligence
According to the elevator pitch video, what is the purpose of the pitch?
To get someone interested enough to ask the next question
According to the office politics video, observing office relationships is a large part of which key step to understanding office politics?
Spotting the influencers
Leadership activities typically include all of the following, except:
Activities such as budgeting, organizing, and controlling are typically associated with__________.
Celebrities are often used in advertisements and movies because people identify and admire them. What type of power do these celebrities have?
Referent power
The ability to be a starting quarterback in the NFL is extremely rare. What type of power are these players able to utilize?
Expert power
What is the ability to have an effect on the development or behavior of someone or something?
According to the video above, Minda Zetlin says the ability of a manager to get over mistakes and leave them in the past without feeling guilty involves a healthy amount of____________.
Which behavioral theory included the concepts of job-centered leader behavior and employee-centered leader behavior?
University of Michigan study
A supervisor concerned with being liked by employees as the primary objective would likely have which behavioral orientation?
Relationship orientation
What is the amount of control and influence a leader has in a given environment?
Situational control
Which variable is the ever-important “lynchpin” in making Contingency Theory work?
Leader-member relations
If the leader is caring and nurturing toward the employees’ needs and well-being, what style of leadership are they demonstrating according to Path-Goal theory?
The point of Path-Goal theory is that leaders are expected to individualize their leadership based on the _____ and the ______.
employee, context
Based on the_________of the follower, different leadership styles are going to be more effective.
Readiness level
What employee-based variable in the Situation Leadership model looks at the desire a follower has to complete the tasks?
Which of the contemporary theories of leadership has ties to social categorization in how managers and employees interact?
Leader-member exchange
Being concerned for the well-being of followers and committing personal attention to each follower is associated with which of the Four I’s of Transformational Leadership?
Individualized consideration
According to the Capture Your Flag video, Simon Sinek says that at the top of the organization, the people have all the ________; at the bottom they have all of the _________.
authority, context
According to a diversity study, what percentage of ethnically diverse companies are more likely to outperform their industry median?
The development of future leaders is associated with which leadership trend?
Forward-thinking leaders
According to the LA Times video on the Wells Fargo scandal, why did employees create accounts customers didn’t ask for?
To meet sales goals
Sarbanes-Oxley and other acts like it have begun to require what from organizations and their leaders?