Chapter 1 Study questions Flashcards
What was the underlying management theme from the Monsanto advertisement video?
We need to understand how relationships work for every unique area.
Understanding people and organizations is valuable for whom?
The core element of management is understanding what?
Human interaction
According to the Weird Al music video, “Our proven methodology, with strong commitment to quality effectively enhances corporate______________.”
Definition of management
the pursuit of organizational goals
Top Managers
Set Objectives, scan environment, plan and make decisions
Middle Managers
Allocate Resoruces, oversee first-line managers, develop and implement activities
First-Line Managers
Coordinate activities, report to middle managers, supervise employees, involved in day-to-day operations
board of directors
oversee the activities of the firm and ensure that the organization is maximizing value to its stakeholders
Which level of manager is typically in charge of allocating resources and developing activities?
Middle managers
Whose job is it to oversee the activities of the firm and ensure that the organization is maximizing value to its stakeholders?
Board of directors
Which manager’s duties include planning and making decisions and setting objectives for the organization?
Top managers
Ford’s functions of management
Planning, Organizing, Leading, Controlling
Identifying goals, establishing objectives, and implementing action plans within the constraints of the organization. As a manager, you need to be aware, not only, of what ultimate goals you are working toward, but also how you want to try to achieve them. This is the starting point of the management process.
Delegation of tasks to different individuals and work groups. Understanding which employees or groups have the skillsets to accomplish tasks in the most efficient and effective manner possible is imperative from a strategic standpoint.
Motivating and directing employees towards the achievement of organizational goals. The ability to get the most out of your employees can separate the successful managers from the failures.
Measuring the performance of employees and work groups against established standards. Are employees living up to expectations from supervisors and consumers in regards to different measurables like quality? If your organization isn’t where you expect to be, we go back through our process and tweak as needed, beginning with the planning function.
conceptual skills
Conceptual skills are often the “bird’s eye view,” where managers need to think analytically, understand the how an organization best functions and fit the overall puzzle pieces together.
Technical skills
specific knowledge needed to perform a specialized skill.
Human skills
or interpersonal skills, basically describe working with people.
soft skills
the ability to motivate, inspire trust, communicate, network and manage human interaction at all levels.
In the above video, technological skills, sector-specific training, and other skills are listed as typical______________.
hard skills
The specific knowledge needed to perform a specialized skill is known as what?
Technical skills
Which level of management most often needs to utilize conceptual skills?
Top managers
this includes being a leader, a figurehead or a link between internal and external constituents. The interpersonal category is really about channeling information and ideas throughout the organization.
managers monitor teams and people, communicate information and acting as a spokesperson. The informational category is mostly concerned with information processing.
which involves the use of provided information. Here, managers might be change makers, problem fixers, negotiators and resource allocators.
3 categories of management roles
interpersonal, informational, decisional
Which of Mintzberg’s managerial roles includes monitoring teams and people, communicating information and acting as a spokesperson?
Henry Mintzberg’s study of managers at several organizations found all of the following EXCEPT that______________.
managers are often unfulfilled by their jobs
Which of the following is NOT true of early American industry?
Efficiency was a primary concern for administrators
What are the four major functions of management?
Planning, organizing, leading, controlling
Despite the negative connotation associated with bureaucracies, Weber’s main point of associating them with organizations was that they require structure, order and process to be.
What is it called when workers are perceived to be purposefully working below their capacity?
How did the Gilbreths go about testing their theories on movement and motion studies?
They used their children
Which management theory was based on understanding each part of a task, selecting the right workers, providing adequate training, and scientifically planning the work to maximize output?
Scientific management
Theory X manager
mostly pessimistic and believes workers are unmotivated and resistant to change. To get workers to be more productive, a Theory X manager would tend to monitor workers, micromanage and create production cycles.
Theory Y manager
suggests that managers are more optimistic about their workers. The Theory Y manager believes workers are creative and can manage their work without someone watching them.
In Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, which of the following is the lowest level?
Physiological needs
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is
Self actualization, Esteem, Love/Belonging, Safety, Physiological
Named after a failed study led by Elton Mayo, what theory has helped researchers to understand that employees are social beings who seek attention from their superiors?
Hawthorne Effect
According to the above video, in McGregor’s theory, which type of people need close supervision, strict controls and incentives to perform?
Theory X
Four steps in a systems loop
Input, Processing, Output, Feedback
What is the correct order for the four steps in a systems loop?
Inputs, processing, outputs, feedback
In the case of a restaurant, the raw meat used for making hamburgers would be a(n)______________in a system?
evidence-based management
seeks to find ‘best practices’ with data-driven evidence to support solutions.
quality control
minimizing errors in production
quality assurance
managing worker performance
Which of these is NOT one of the positive features of bureaucracy as advocated by Max Weber?
A laissez-faire (hands-off) management style
Michael Myers is a manager at Hack & Slash, Inc. He views his employees as both lazy and incompetent, and therefore has a tendency to micromanage. Using McGregor, would we classify Michael as Theory X or Theory Y?
Theory X
Which of the management theories we have discussed, essentially says that there is NO one best way to manage employees?
Contingency Theory
In your opinion, can you (or should you) distinguish between personal ethics and business ethics?
What is the study of proper business policies and practices regarding potentially controversial issues?
Business Ethics
What are our predispositions to respond positively or negatively toward something?
What is a situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two courses of action, either of which entails violating a moral principle?
Ethical Dilemma
Who are individuals or groups outside of the organization that are indirectly affected by the actions and decisions an organization and its employees make?
External Stakeholders
Healthier food options being made available at fast-food restaurants after Morgan Spurlock’s documentary “Supersize Me” came out are an example of which General Factor affecting stakeholders?
Socio-Cultural Factors
What stage of Kohlberg’s model of Moral Development are you reasoning at if you move beyond self-interest in justifying your actions?
Stage 3 - Mutual Expectations and Relationships
Which level of Kohlberg’s model of moral development are you reasoning at if you are aware of others’ value systems and are accepting of those differences?
According to Social Intuition Theory, what is the main factor in determining how a person reacts to an ethical dilemma?
Immediate gut feelings
What is the correct order of events for working through an ethical dilemma according to Haidt’s Social Intuition Model?
Triggering event, intuition, judgement, reasoning
Who is Henry Mintzberg?
Came up with roles…
Who wrote Scientific Management
Frederick Taylor
What is soldiering?
People who aren’t working
I/O Psychology
business psychology
Hugo Munsterburg sp?
psychology at work
Psychology, sociaology, economics
When you think of diversity, what immediately comes to mind?
Diversity in the workplace
all of the similarities and differences among employees in terms of age, cultural background, physical abilities and disabilities, race, religion, sex, and sexual orientation
What are similarities and differences among employees in terms of age, cultural background, physical abilities and disabilities, race, religion, sex, and sexual orientation called?
Of the companies in the graphic, which one states that there is no “they” as the focus of their diversity statement, instead being focused on “one team”?
Quicken Loans
What is the adoption of the identity of the group to which we have categorized ourselves as belonging?
Social identification
What is the comparison of the group you identify yourself as belonging to and other groups?
Social Comparison
According to Social Identity Theory, the different mental processes we use to form impressions of other people is known as what?
Person Perception
Gardenswartz and Rowe’s diversity wheel
Orginizational, External and Internal dimensions, personality in the center
Which of the following is an example of an organizational dimension on Gardenswartz and Rowe’s diversity wheel?
Work location
Factors such as income, marital status, appearance and religion are all_______in Gardenswartz and Rowe’s diversity wheel.
External dimensions
Which of the following categories of Gardenswartz & Rowe’s diversity wheel do you have theleastamount of control over?
Internal dimensions
According to the video about Google, our______________define the boundaries you are unwilling to expand.
Unconscious biases
Which barrier to diversity can be intensified if there is thought that a minority received a position due to a diversity program?
Fear of discrimination
organizational culture
the shared assumptions, values, and beliefs that make up the unique social and psychological environment of an organization. In other words, it is the personality of the organization
According to the Inc. video, “Cultures tend to develop very________as a result of the behaviors of the founders.”
What is the values, beliefs, and systems of shared assumptions that influence people and behaviors within an organization?
Organizational Culture
Clan culture
What company is given as an example of an adhocracy culture in the competing values framework slideshare?
According to the competing values framework, which type of culture is focused around competition and tend to value profitability and goal achievement?
According to the competing values framework, which type of culture is focused around control?
______________are the explicitly stated values advocated by a company’s leadership.
Espoused values
Events such as “casual Fridays” or how an office is set up would fall under which level of culture?
Observable Artifacts
Which of these isnotone of the formal aspects of culture?
Formal Aspects of culture
Hiring and selection, policies, orientation and training, performance management, authority structure
Informal aspects of culture
Norms, rituals, myths and stories, symbols, language and communication
What are informal guidelines about what is considered normal social behavior in a particular group or social unit?
Which of the following isnotan individual strategy for managing diversity?
Training programs
Which individual strategy for managing diversity needs to be seen as a priority for any manager?
Equal employment and affirmative action fall under which of the current organizational strategies for managing diversity?
Diversity Programs
______________is advocacy through the use of influence or authority to help others advance.
What is it called when an organization grants access to information, which may reduce corruption and other organizational issues?
What is the main difference between mentorship and sponsorship?
The person who is driving the relationship
What is the movement toward co-existing and collaborating worlds?
What percent of U.S. companies were planning an increase in international business activity in 2017?
The ability to negotiate better deals for supplies is associated with which positive aspect of globalization?
Better access to goods and services
Insights into types of people and their respective cultures are associated with which positive aspect of globalization?
Cultural integration
Which of the following companies was used as an example in this video?
Large corporations using their power in political systems to gain favorable tax breaks is an example of which negative aspect of globalization?
Unethical issues arising
Which of the following is not a potential negative aspect associated with globalization?
Cultural integration
Which of these is the lowest-risk option for an organization to expand internationally?
Global sourcing
Which of these is the highest-risk option for an organization to expand internationally?
Foreign subsidiary
In the Renault-Nissan video, what did CEO Carlos Ghosn say was the common interest that was important for maintaining a sustainable effort from both parties?
What is an agreement between states, regions, or countries, to reduce barriers to trade between the participating regions?
Trade bloc
Which major trade bloc includes the countries of South America?
Which international agency’s purpose is to ensure the stability of the international monetary system?
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Which international agency’s purpose is to settle trade disputes between its members and support the needs of developing countries?
World Trade Organization (WTO)
Which international agency’s purpose is to provide low-interest loans and grants to developing countries to support infrastructure, public administration, and several other areas?
World Bank
According to the video above, a General Motors plant was seized by which South American government due to the country’s domestic political and economic issues?
What import was the subject for the U.S. attempting to levy an anti-dumping duty on China?
What is the economic policy of restraining trade between nations through a variety of methods and government regulations?
Trade protectionism
What style of management involves the belief that the expatriate manager’s native country’s methods are the best, ignoring local culture and methods?
What style of management involves the belief that the expatriate manager should integrate both local and native styles of management to be successful?
What is a person living outside their native country called?
According to Hofstede’s research, what measure looks at how comfortable a culture is with risk and ambiguity?
Uncertainty Avoidance
Geert Hofstede Dimensions
Power distance, individualism v collectivism, masculinity vs femininity, uncertainty avoidance, Longterm v short term orientation, indulgence v restraint
To answer this question, please compare Bangladesh and Egypt on Hofstede’s website. Which of the following statements is true?
Egypt is higher in relative uncertainty avoidance than Bangladesh.
Globe project dimensions
performance orientation, assertiveness, future orientation, humane orientation, institutional collectivism, in-group collectivism, gender egalitarianism, power distatnce, uncertainty avoidance
Which dimension of the GLOBE Project is concerned with how caring and kind-hearted a society is?
Humane orientation
Which of the following isnota part of GLOBE Project’s nine dimensions of culture?
What do the examples of the Mesopotamian plow, the McCormick reaper, and the gas-powered tractor help to explain?
Advancement is important for getting the most production from our efforts.