exam 2 science Flashcards
central nervous system
the central nervous system is made up of the brain and the spinal cord. it controls the activities of the body
peripheral nervous system
the nerves that connect the rest of the body to the central nervous system
structure and function of parts of a neuron
cell body - contains all major organelles, dendrites extend from the cell body. dendrites - contains receptors which enable it to receive messages from other cells. axon - eletrical impulse moves through axons before reaching axon terminals.
sensory neurons
carry impulse generated by stimulus to central nervous system
carries the impulse through central nervous system and between sensory and motor neurons
motor neurons
take the impulses to ‘effector’ (eg, muscles, glands)
transmission of a nerve impulse
at the end of each axon are axon terminals. when the pulse reaches here, chemicals called neurotransmitters are released in vesicles. the neurotransmitters bind to the end of the next dendrite. this continues until the message reaches an effector
neural pathways
connection formed by axons that project from neurons to make synapses into neurons in another location, to enable a signal to be sent from one region of the nervous system to another
they are chemicals that are stored in sacs in the axon terminals. a neuron fires/sends a message by releasing neurotransmitters.
forebrain structure and functions
thalamus: relays sensory information from body to the cerebral cortex.
cerebrum: controls volentary movement, speech, intelligence, emotion, memory, sensory information
midbrain structure and functions
serves important functions for muscle movements, particuarlly movementsn of the eye, auditory and visual processing
reticular activation system: attention, sleep, arousal
hindbrain structure and functions
controls functions essential to survival eg, respiritory, sleep, wakefulness.
cerebellum controls voluntary movements eg, posture, balance, speech, coordination
left hemisphere
control right side of body. speech, language, comprehension, analysis and calculations, time and sequencing. recognition of words, letters and numbers
right hemisphere
control left side of body. creativity, spacial ability, context/perception, recognition of faces/ places/ objects.
cerebral cortex
responsible for thinking, perceiving, producing and understanding language. its highly folded to increase surface area.
occipital lobe
- visual cortex
- allows one to see/process visual stimuli
- allows one to assign meaning and remember visual perceptions
- smallest lobe
temporal lobe
- receives auditory information from both ears and registers it.
- wenickes area left temporal lobe. responsible for accessing words in stored memory, comprehension of speech and forming meaningful sentenses
- wernickes aphasia: difficulty understanding speech, unintelligable speech, aware of their disability
pareital lobe
- mostly associated with processing bodily sensations-
- somatosensory cortex locqated at front of pareital lobe. processes sensations or external stimuli.
frontal lobe
- controls important cognitive functions
- primary motor functions
- contains brocas area which produces language.
- brocas aphasia: understands language, hard to find words, aware of their problems.
- basically movement and thinking
- has primary motor cortex
corpus collosum
thick band of nerve fibres that connects the left and right hemisphere. transfers information registered in one to another to be processed
the study of the human mind and its functions, especially of those affecting behaviour in a specific cortex.
overt behaviour
any bodily behaviours that can be directly observed
covert behaviour
behaviours that cannot be directly expressed
the mentral action or process of aquiring knowledge or understanding through thought, experiences or senses