exam 2 - schizophrenia Flashcards
___ is a state in which a person experiences hallucinations, delusions, or disorganized thoughts, speech, or behavior
schizophrenia is when the psychosis has been going on longer than ____
6 months
____ is the term when the criteria of schizophrenia is met in addition to a mood disorder with different symptoms (like depression)
____ disorders are strictly delusions. The patient does not hear voices or see things and is still taking care of themselves and eating.
what disorder has the same criteria/symptoms as schizophrenia, but less than one month of the behavior
brief psychotic disorder
what disorder has the same behavior as schizophrenia but the time frame is 1-6 months
what psychotic disorder is due to a drug that was taken (recreational or prescription)
substance-induced psychotic disorder
what is the best indicator of schizophrenia
1st degree relative with the disorder
___ period of schizophrenia in the early stages. Patient withdraws, develops strange interests, does not eat, isolates.
the prodromal period usually occurs at what age
teenage years
the ___ ___ period is when the illness sis actually being experienced. Signs are staying up all night, incoherent conversations, aggression
acute illness
the acute illness period occurs at what age
18-25 – later in women
the ___ period is when the patient is hospitalized and is recieving treatment
the ___ period focuses on how to live with schizophrenia. patient is taking medicine and in support groups
what kind of symptoms describes what is being added such as excessive thoughts, delusions, and hallucinations
positive symptoms
what type of symptoms describe emotions and behaviors that should be present but are diminished – things being taken away from normalcy
negative symptoms
3 diagnostic criteria for schizophrenia
positive symptoms
negative symptoms
neurocognitive impairments (disorganized symptoms)
examples of neurocognitve impairments used to diagnose schizophrenia
impairments with memory
impairments with verbal fluency
impairments with executive function
the disorganized thinking symptom that refers to the repetition of another’s words that is parrot-like and inappropriate
the disorganized thinking symptom that refers to extremely detailed and lengthy disclosure about a topic