Exam 2 Questions Flashcards
the presence of monosodium urate (MSU) crystals in the synovial fluid is characteristic of:
the parts of a routine urinalysis are (is):
all of the above
serous fluids are:
normal fluids contained within the closed cavities of the body
the physical examination of body fluids may include all except:
fluid-to-serum ratio
anatomically where is the visceral pleura located
outermost portion of the lung
a lower than normal CSF glucose level in relation to blood glucose is most commonly associated with which condition:
bacteria meningitis
dipstick tests for nitrate tend to be:
positive when large numbers of gram-negative bacteria are present
exudate is:
an effusion usually the result of inflammatory process
reagent trip test for urinary leukocyte esterase are most useful in the detection of:
urinary tract infection
which of the following is produced by the choroid plexus
detection of which of the following urine constituents is most help in the detection and diagnosis of renal disease
compatibility testing can help to:
all of the above
all of the following are benefits and reasons for blood transfusions except
replace antibiotics in treatment of granulocytic patients with infections
in certain disease states, what is the process in which antibodies are made to “self” antigens
autoimmune disease
If a person is group A, what is the preferred blood group for transfusion